Chapter 5009

The king of green fire is also smart. He knows that if they want to send troops, these guys probably don't want to send troops.

But now he did not put forward his own interests, but directly brought in the interests of Danqing foreign court.

If they don't want to send troops this time, it's not their foreign dynasties that are captured, but Danqing foreign dynasties. Now, do they dare not send troops?

Sure enough, as soon as the king of Danqing heard this, he stared coldly at the king of Jiangchuan.

"Your idea is also very good. We can think while walking!" Jiangchuan Waiwang was looked at by Danqing Waiwang. He was sweating and changed his way quickly.

He didn't care about others, but he didn't dare offend the outer king of Danqing.

"Does anyone else have any objection?" Danqing Waiwang looked at the other Waiwang and said.

"No!" At this time, who dares to disagree? Isn't that death?

"Since everyone has no objection, let's prepare our troops and horses. We'll start tomorrow morning and go to the south." Danqing Waiwang clapped directly.

She naturally knows that some foreign kings are unwilling to fight, but they can't help it.

If someone really dares to pull her back at this time, she doesn't mind directly killing them and replacing them with their troops and territory.

The foreign kings nodded and left one after another, leaving only the foreign king Danqing and his five allies.

"Danqing Wai Wang, it seems that some Wai Wang are not convinced. I don't know if they will really start a war with the inner Dynasty at that time. Will these people hold us back?" Said the foreign king of Dongning.

"Yes, when these guys were asked to lead troops to meet here, they were timid. Now they know that the internal Korean army will hardly hit their territory. Of course, they are not in a hurry.

Now if we want them to go to war with the internal Korean army, they may not really help us fight the enemy. " Qianfeng Waiwang also agreed.

After all, everyone can get together because of their interests, but now to put it bluntly, although the five million troops of the inner court are a huge threat, they have not caused any substantive losses to them. Naturally, they will not worry.

Now, because the army of the inner court is going to attack the outer court of Danqing, they have to send troops to protect the outer court of Danqing. They are a little unconvinced.

After all, the loss of their troops and horses is inevitable when they go to war with inner Korea.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to play this game with us, otherwise they really don't want to live. Even if we really lose, even if we don't deal with them, the inner Korean army will deal with them." Danqing Waiwang said.

"But I was afraid that when these people saw that they were defeated, they surrendered directly to the inner court." Tianxing Waiwang said.

"They can take refuge in the inner court, but their territory is still there. Even if we lose, this life can be saved after all.

As long as we don't die, can't we clean up a few weeds? " Danqing said with disdain on his face.

Although she is a foreign king, her strength gives her enough confidence.

As long as it wasn't those powerful foreign kings, she couldn't be afraid at all. If someone dared to play such a clever game for her, she wouldn't let them go so easily.

"The outer king of Danqing, the inner court used five million troops this time. I don't know if the young master will help us this time?" The king of Linhai asked.

Without outsiders, they naturally don't have so many taboos.

"As usual, the young master only gave us 20000 people's help. So it's not very possible for them to help us go to war with inner Korea. At most, they will give us some help secretly!" Danqing Waiwang said helplessly.

"The young master is too stingy. He gives 20000 people every time. But when people send out, there are millions of troops. These 20000 people are not enough!" Linhai Waiwang complained.

"It's good to have 20000 people. At least these 20000 people are still very powerful. Haven't they secretly helped us swallow a lot of territory these years?" Danqing Waiwang said.

Although she was disappointed in this, she could not deny that the 20000 people arranged by Cheng Yu over the years had made great efforts to expand their power.

If it were not for the 20000 people who had been secretly helping them, it would be impossible for them to win a foreign court so easily.

Therefore, disappointment belongs to disappointment, but the help given by others cannot be ignored.

"Of course we understand this. I just think that if the young master can arrange more people for us, we can more quickly annex the loyal foreign envoys?

Otherwise, we don't have to worry about the millions of troops in the inner court. It may have been solved by other outer courts long ago. " Said the king of Linhai.

"Yes, these 20000 masters are really strong, but no matter how strong they are, they only have 20000 people. It's good to help us secretly at ordinary times, but now we're facing an army of five million.

The help of these 20000 people to us is very limited. Maybe in the end, we have to rely on the number of people to fight with the inner court. It's really difficult to estimate the loss! " Foreign King Hong Hua also said.

"I understand what you mean, but the young master only gave us so many people. What can I do?" Danqing Waiwang said helplessly.

"Danqing Waiwang, do you have a feeling that there doesn't seem to be anyone under the young master's hands? You say there won't be so 20000 people in this holy pilgrimage?" Said the king of Linhai.

"How can this be possible? How can there be 20000 people in such a big holy pilgrimage? Besides, there should be several people at the same level as the young master in the holy pilgrimage, and behind them are the masters of the holy pilgrimage.

It's obviously impossible to say that there are only 20000 people in the whole holy pilgrimage.

If the master of the holy Dynasty gave all the 20000 masters to the young master, wouldn't those other people who are equivalent to the young master have none? " Although the outer king of Danqing once doubted the strength of the young master and the holy pilgrimage, she thought about it and still thought that there could be no such people in the holy pilgrimage.

"But the young master told us all these words. In addition to meeting the young master, we haven't seen anyone with the same status as the young master in the whole holy Dynasty, let alone the master of the holy Dynasty." Linhai Wang retorted.

"Do you think the young master is the Lord of the pilgrimage?"

"I haven't had this idea, at least now the feeling of the holy pilgrimage is like this. It seems that there is no one else except the young master and these 20000 masters!" Said the king of Linhai.

"We feel the same way!" Several other foreign kings also said one after another.

Now the Danqing Waiwang didn't speak, but frowned and thought.

In fact, she once had this idea, but she thought it was because the protection of the holy pilgrimage was too strict and gave people a feeling of mystery.

And the young master was the only one in the pilgrimage she came into contact with, so she felt this way.

Now these people began to doubt, and her idea rushed to her heart again.

"I can't say this clearly now, let alone determine it. The goal of the holy Dynasty has always been the dynasty, but the strength of the dynasty is strong, so the holy Dynasty has always been so mysterious in order to ensure its safety.

The young master is our only contact. Perhaps this is also to protect us, so as to ensure the safety of the holy pilgrimage.

After all, we only took refuge in the young master after betraying the inner court. The young master will not fully believe what we are reasonable to do.

If one day we betray him again, at least we know nothing about the rest of the pilgrimage.

Even if we return to the Dynasty again, it is impossible to expose more information about the holy pilgrimage.

Because of this, the inner Dynasty has always asked us to find the nest of the holy Dynasty, and at the same time, it has sent a large number of people from the inner Dynasty to find the nest of the holy Dynasty.

But over the years, there has been no harvest, which is enough to see how hidden and cautious the holy pilgrimage is. " Danqing Waiwang thought and said.

"There is some truth to this, but these are your conjectures, and it is not certain that this is really the case." Linhai Waiwang nodded. Danqing Waiwang's explanation is not unreasonable, but the truth is still a mystery.

"Although this is not necessarily the truth, what if you know the truth? You have seen how terrible the young master's strength is, and you have made a bloody oath of heaven.

If you have other ideas, be careful.

When we fight with the inner court, we lose our territory at most. As long as we are alive and have the young master's help in secret, it is not difficult to make a comeback.

But if you make a mistake, you may not need the young master's action. Only heaven's punishment may have solved you.

Therefore, I advise you to stop thinking about some things and work hard for the young master. We will never get less than we do now. " Danqing Waiwang reminds these Waiwang ways.

Although she did doubt the pilgrimage, she was more aware of her current situation.

It's easy to betray the inner Dynasty, but it's not so easy to betray the holy Dynasty.

Only the blood oath of heaven makes them absolutely dare not take this step easily. Unless they have a way to dissolve the blood oath of heaven, even so, they have to consider whether betraying the young master can give them a better future.

"Don't worry, outer King Danqing. We just have some doubts in our hearts. We haven't thought of betraying the young master." Linhai Waiwang quickly explained.

The reason why they joined the holy pilgrimage at the beginning was that they were cheated by the king of Danqing to join the holy pilgrimage on the grounds of cooperation. As a result, they were forced by the young master to join the holy pilgrimage.

They know that compared with them, the relationship between Danqing Waiwang and the young master is closer.

Today, they just talk about their doubts and don't really intend to betray.

If the outer king of Danqing tells the young master what happened to them today, it will be over.