
Du Lei drank his beer as he ate. He knew that his body had levelled up after consuming the Agate, so he no longer needed to eat as much to replenish his energy.

However, his appetite was still so big, especially after eating with his father's cooking. It had been more than two years since he had eaten.

The couples' lung slices s and bearers, however, were still the same old smell, the same old smell of a father. The current him was no longer the same as the previous him.

He looked out the window guiltily at the gradually darkening sky. After the sun went down, Du Lei's hometown attracted a torrential downpour.

However, the restaurant was still overcrowded. Many customers drove their own cars and brought their own families or customers to eat hotpot. It was very lively.

The old saying of a hundred years, more or less, still had a certain amount of feelings.

For example, Du Lei's family's hot pot stove was passed down from his grandfather's generation. Although it was scrubbed frequently, it had never been changed.

Many customers who came to eat hotpot once said that their grandpa had eaten here decades ago. On the side of the hotpot restaurant, there were dense words written on the wall.

This wall was called the Recording Wall. It was similar to the confessional wall of the teahouse, but it had been here for more than a hundred years. The earliest records on it had long since been washed away by time and became blurry.

Around ten in the evening, the customers in the hotpot restaurant had all left. Only Du Lei still sat there and drank his wine slowly.

By now, he had drunk three dozens of bottles of wine at a casual pace, almost 40 bottles. If this were in the past, he would have already been drunk to the point of unconsciousness.

However, now that he had obtained the inheritance, both his physical quality and alcohol capacity had improved. However, his face was still red, obviously on the verge of falling drunk.

"Boss, boss, come and drink with me."

Du Lei originally wanted to find his father directly, but realizing that the shop was very busy the whole night, he did not bother him anymore.

Now that it was already closed, he shouted out without any hesitation. Although his face looked a lot more handsome, his voice and rough outline hadn't changed.

Old Du heard the familiar voice, and immediately washed his hands. He took off the apron around his waist and walked out, and when he saw Du Lei sitting down and waving at him, his eyes immediately turned red.

Du Wentao was almost fifty years old this year. Although his face looked somewhat haggard, he looked to be at most forty years old. He was very tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

It was this guy, when he saw his son calling him, "Dad, it's me."

When the time came, he could no longer hold back his tears. He was just a son.

He had only talked to his son once in the past two years. Now that he saw that his son was perfectly fine and standing in front of him with an energetic expression, the stone that had been pressing against his heart finally fell.

"Lei Zi, you've changed. We haven't seen each other for two years, and you've only lost so much weight? Do you think I'm hungry outside? Come home and help Dad take care of this hotpot restaurant. "

The father and son pair hugged passionately. Du Lei who was lying on his father's shoulders had long started to cry. For a slut who had wandered outside for two days, his father's embrace was the warmest in the world.

He hadn't seen his father in two years. His father was getting on in years, and lines of wrinkles could be seen at the corners of his eyes. There were also two streaks of white at the ends of his hair.

"Come, let us share a cup. Also, Du Wei, you come over too, let's drink."

Du Wentao said to the young man, and indicated for him to take out the rice wine that he had brewed.

With the help of the alcohol, Du Lei took out a pack of Under Heaven Show from his pocket and said: "Dad, come and smoke. Your son is rich now, you don't need to worry about him."

Then, he pointed at the flashy Bentley outside the window and said, "Look, that car was bought by me yesterday. It was worth over 6 million and your son has finally made a name for himself."

He stretched out his hand and patted Du Lei's shoulder as he said: "Back then, I allowed you to study properly, in reality, it was not to let you rise to prominence. I only wanted you to have a life that was different from mine, you can be ordinary, but not mediocre."

"You can fail, but you cannot be afraid."

Du Wentao said meaningfully.

At this time, Du Lei's cousin, Du Wei, came over with a pot of rice wine.

To be honest, if not for his uncle's reminder, he really wouldn't have recognized his cousin.

The young man whom he had just called boss was actually his big cousin?

He immediately sat beside Du Lei, and revealed an excited expression, and asked: "Cousin brother, what have you been doing outside for the past two years? Why didn't you report back to the family? Everyone was worried about you, and even had money. You should have come back earlier. You don't know that all the aunts are worried about you. "

"This time, the reason I'm back is so that my parents can take me to Rong City City. Also, I need to open a family in the near future, so if you are interested, you can follow me."

Du Lei said.

Du Lei knew that this cousin of his was not a good person either, so he frowned and asked: "Oh yes, have you not gone to school yet? "I remember how many years ago it was. You were only in your second year of high school, and you're only in your second year of high school this year at most, right?"

"He was the same as you back in the day. He didn't study well in school and went to hook up with girls, but the girl's boyfriend found out, so the two of them started a gang fight. At that time, the police both came, but fortunately, they didn't make a move, or else the consequences would have been unimaginable."

Old Du said.

Old Du took a sip of the rice wine and scolded: "That brat left school the next day, he was afraid that his father would smoke him out, so he ran over to our shop to help. Your aunt's fatty also didn't learn well, so he ran over here to help with work, your mother and I are pretty free at home, with two little fellows helping out here, it's a lot easier."

"Dad, how much is a month's salary for you? Is it enough to play games for you?"

Du Lei also poured a small cup of wine and asked jokingly.

"1,500 yuan, 500 yuan on the internet. I'll save the rest for now. As for drinking and smoking, I'll just follow Uncle, he smokes all of his cigarettes."

Du Wei said while laughing.

He grew up together with Du Lei. Even though the two weren't blood brothers, they weren't too far off, so he casually replied with a smile.