
Du Lei was really gluttonous. After finishing one rib, he had to lick the juice off the ribs and suck out the bone marrow.

Zhao Xue who was wearing sunglasses at the side, felt her entire body tremble in shock when she saw this; it was simply too "cruel".

Too terrifying.

In her mind, she couldn't help but recall the lake surface where her dog was eaten by Du Lei, and then, she fiercely stepped on Du Lei's feet.

Du Lei, who was in the middle of eating the dog meat soup, instantly screamed out in pain. A mouthful of soup almost sprayed onto Zhao Xue's face.

He was very clear that if he sprayed the dog meat soup on the girl's face, he would definitely be beaten into a dog and perhaps even a pot of soup.

Just thinking about it made him terrified. The most terrifying thing in the world was nothing more than this. He reached out and pinched Zhao Xue's thighs fiercely.

"Du Lei, are you tired of living?"

Zhao Xue took off her mask, ignoring everything else, she stared at Du Lei and said.

Du Lei innocently curled his lips: "This is called retaliating with retribution. If you step on me, I'll pinch you; isn't this a very reasonable trade?"

"Reasonable your ass! I'm a girl, you clearly want to take advantage of me. "

With that, she moved her hand and struck towards Du Lei's head.

"Take advantage of you? Do I dare? Besides, I'm already a married man, how could I want to touch your dog-leg-like legs? "

Of course, Du Lei could not admit that he was "taking advantage".

With that, he had slandered Zhao Xue to his heart's content. This made her so angry that her face had turned green.

From her expression, it could be seen that Zhao Xue even had the mood to eat Du Lei right now.

"If you have the guts, say it again."

Zhao Xue stood up and pointed at Du Lei's nose.

"Hmph, good men don't fight women."

Du Lei snorted, he did not waste any more words, and focused on eating his hotpot, revealing an intoxicated expression, causing Zhao Xue's entire body to feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Du Lei, you better hurry up and eat them. We still need to prepare a strategy and battle plans later. We need to finish these by 8 PM."

Zhao Xue covered her eyes and urged.

"There's still so much left, enough for me to eat for an entire afternoon."

Du Lei ate slowly, not caring about anything else.

If it was really as Zhao Xue had described, if the two of them were to charge in, then they would definitely die.

This was clearly a trap set up by the enemy. If one were as cautious as Long, would they reveal this secret?

"I say, if the two of us were to go in, would we still be able to come out alive? Let me tell you, I'm just a kid. I haven't even fired a gun. "

Du Lei curled his lips and analyzed: "You said that your police informant sent you the news, then, what role does your informant play in that group? Is it a lackey, or is it the boss? Did that Long fellow really believe him? Or has it bent him? "

"That's right, your strength is indeed enough to fight one against ten. An ancient martial arts master, but his firepower is very high, and he also has a large machine gun. Judging from Boss Long's background, he should be able to hire ten ancient martial arts masters, right?"

The last time I subdued that old man, it was purely because of his overwhelming strength, and also because he was careless and underestimated his opponent. Otherwise, I wouldn't be his match at all, and as long as he didn't underestimate me, that old man would be able to take me down in two or three steps.

Du Lei held a toothpick in his mouth, and in front of him was a pile of bones. Ten jin of dog meat had already been easily taken care of by him, but of course, he had not eaten his fill.

He revealed an unsatisfied expression, wanting to wave to the fat fellow to get another serving, but was stopped by Zhao Xue.

"If you still dare to eat anymore, I'll chain you up right now."

Zhao Xue glared at him, called the fat guy over, and bought the order.

's girlfriend was really pretty, but she had a good figure and she didn't want to do anything to him.

The most important thing was that, Du Lei, this person who only knew how to use force, actually wanted a sister to pay. This was too excessive, the fatty was so envious that he couldn't help but feel jealous.

In the car.

Zhao Xue remained silent for a long time before saying: "You guessed right, this is indeed a trap, but his criminal record is in the safe in his office, there is no doubt about it."

"Our police informant was indeed bribed and even murdered. Brother Long's hands have already been stained with the blood of countless innocent people. Right now, we, the police, must punish him, but we cannot just watch as more people die, watch as Rong City is covered in smoke and miasma, she can even cover the sky with one hand. "

She looked at Du Lei seriously and said slowly: "You are not a police officer, you have no obligation to participate in this mission. Now, you can choose to give up, no one will call you a coward, and no one will stand up and take responsibility for you."

"Do you know? "Our director has been completely reduced to a puppet with the surname of Long. Once he gets on that ship, there's no way for him to get off, but I've already reported him and have the evidence. He's finished.

"No one will help us. If we die, no one will know."

Zhao Xue said very calmly, as if she had already looked down upon life and death.

"Do you really need to go that far?"

Du Lei raised his eyebrows, thinking that this police flower was really big with no brains.

"As for that, I feel that there are some things that someone needs to do. If no one does that, then we will never be able to catch any evidence with the surname 'Long' and bring him to justice."

Zhao Xue was still very serious.

"Fine, I'll take it as you. Actually, the person with the surname 'Long' is just a paper tiger. I have a way to deal with him and disrupt his entire plan. In the end, I can steal the evidence."

Immediately after, he let Zhao Xue see the carriage enter his villa, then brought Zhao Xue into his room.

He took out a box from under the bed and opened it. Inside were neatly arranged dollar bills, roughly tens of millions of yuan. No one could have imagined that someone would leave such a large amount of cash at home.