
Du Lei's previous beliefs were instantly shattered. He felt as if he was wandering within a sea of corn, and he could even smell the rich fragrance of corn on the tip of his nose.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall when he was young, when he was farming with his father in his hometown. They scattered the plump corn seeds into the holes they had dug beforehand, put in some fertilizer, and covered it with soil.

Then he thought of the harvest season, when he had been in elementary school, when the corn was almost ripe, and his mother would cook one a day for him to eat on his way to school.

Too many memories... Du Lei actually had the urge to cry. This bun was really too awesome.

"Delicious, delicious. It's really too delicious."

Du Lei was simply choosing the words to describe the taste of this bun. He had truly eaten so many delicacies at the 5-star hotel, there was no one who could compare to this bun.

To be honest, Du Lei's description did not have even the slightest bit of moisture in it. This steamed bun was indeed so delicious, one had to know that his taste was not ordinary.

"Hee hee."

Li Mengxin was secretly amused, and then she said with a little pride: "I made this steamed bun."


"This steamed bun is actually made."

Du Lei was also shocked. He never thought that such a delicious steamed bun would actually be made by this little girl in front of him.

According to the internet, the more beautiful a girl was, the worse the food should be made. Not everyone was like him, born in a family with a hot pot, making a good hot pot.

"Did you not think of it? I have loved to cook since I was young, but of course, I am also a little glutton myself! "

Li Mengxin made a cute expression.

He did not manage to make Du Lei, who had been hiding his skills for a long time, look like a cub, he was too f * cking cute.

He couldn't help but gulp and ask, "Are there any other flavors?"

"Yes, I made durian flavors, pineapple flavors, and banana flavors. Actually, our kind of steamed buns are the same as their foreign sandwiches and cheese. It's just that their selection and production methods are different! "

Li Mengxin pushed all the buns on the plate in front of Du Lei and explained to him: "However, buns are our traditional delicacies."

"Do you know who invented Steamed Bun?"

Li Mengxin asked after buying some suspense.

Du Lei thought that he was knowledgeable about the field, but he really didn't know anything about it. Although he ate buns often, but he had never gone online before either, so he shook his head as he found out more about the buns.

"As for Steamed Bun, it originated from the three kingdoms. Its creator is Zhuge Liang!"

Li Mengxin laughed and said: "Actually, there are times when I admire people from the ancient times, and they are truly resourceful."

"It's Zhuge Liang. I admire him the most. Have you learned a lesson called 'Zhuge Liang'?" "I remember thinking that he learned it in junior high school. At that time, I really admired this guy."

To be honest, Du Lei's act of posturing was extremely awkward, it was completely humiliating, but he did not realize it himself.

Ever since he was young, he had never liked reading books. Even though he had excellent grades in primary and middle school, it had nothing to do with reading books.

As for the four great books, Du Lei remembered that it was a TV series in Journey to the West. He had watched it many times, but he couldn't even remember the names of the other three books.

Li Mengxin immediately felt extremely awkward, but she did not directly expose Du Lei's act, but carefully reminded him: "I remember that the one who pulled the willow upside down seemed to be Lu Zhizhan."

"Lu Zhizhen? I've never heard of him. "

Du Lei ate a mouthful of the steamed bun and said with a bit of doubt.

Fortunately, Li Mengxin's laughing point was extremely high, so she did not mock him. She changed the topic and said: "Who do you think will be stronger than this bun and KFC?"

"In terms of my personal eating habits, it's naturally this steamed bun. As for the taste, it directly crushed the fried chicken. To be honest, KFC did not say that it was delicious. It just seemed like in recent years, they had a lot of expansion and advertising, as well as marketing models that were very popular, and nothing else. "

Du Lei slowly analyzed the situation: "Fried chicken is a type of food from abroad. When we Chinese don't have KFC, how can we eat hamburgers or fried chicken? But in the last few years, they've turned it into a way of eating for us. "

Everyone likes to go to the KFC for food, and family reunions are also the same. Especially the kids, they love to eat this kind of greasy food the most. I'll eat it even if I have nothing to do.


Li Mengxin suddenly slapped the table excitedly: "You're right, how can KFC sell the fried chicken at such a high price?"

"Brands, they have world-famous brands! "And they have one behind them, one that is extremely powerful in the entire world, Hundred Lives Corporation."

Li Mengxin could not help but pat Du Lei's shoulder. Her beautiful eyes revealed a fanatical look, "Because they have brands, they have become a trend. They dare to raise the price to such a high level without worrying that customers might not buy it."

"Actually, I've always thought that making our own food brands is like kungfu. They make fast food, but I feel that their marketing methods aren't mature enough, so it can't be considered as a success."

Li Mengxin clenched her teeth and said: "I'm the one who owns this place."

"From the end of July last year to now, it has only been a year. We have expanded from the first five stores to over a hundred stores now, and now our working capital is a little out of circulation, because I have invested all the money I earned this year into advertising and expansion. So I wanted to ask you, can you invest in me a little bit? And you helped me endorse it. "

She grabbed Du Lei's hand and said with a spoiled tone of voice: "Big Brother Du, just help me out on Ruyue's account. And as long as you give me enough funds, I'm even willing to give you fifty percent of the shares."

"Hur hur."

Du Lei laughed embarrassedly, he knew that since this little girl had nothing to offer, she must have something that she needed him for.

He then said seriously, "Okay, I'll invest 50 million in you for now. How about it?" This is all the money I can spare. "


Of course, it was not that Li Mengxin could not find a partner, but she felt that those people were unreliable and they looked at her lecherously. Most importantly, everyone felt that her plan was a dream.

Only the man in front of her had the same thoughts as her and thought he could make her into a "bun".

Make the world's super food brands.