
He rested for a while longer and finally recovered some strength.

The helicopter was still hovering nearby, so he shouted towards the sky.


Instantly, a wave of Qi spread out in all directions.

The helicopter came hurtling toward him.

"You are?"

The pilot stopped his plane and walked down, then suddenly saw Du Lei's face clearly.

"Du Lei?"

"That's right!"

Du Lei nodded, then pointed to the center of the waterfall and said, "There are still more than ten victims there. Please save them."

"Really? I've been searching this area for two days already. If I still can't find you tomorrow, we'll have to leave. "

The pilot was surprised. He didn't expect to meet any more victims.

Once he saved them, it would be a great merit.

He hurried back to the helicopter and called for the rest of the rescue team.

In a few minutes, three helicopters appeared.

A total of four helicopters were searching near Zhang Wenshan.

"Are they inside the waterfall?"

the leader asked seriously.

"Yes, there is an entrance at the center of the waterfall, and there is a dark river inside. My friends are waiting at the entrance. "

"How did you get out?"

The man asked again, sizing up Du Lei.

"Captain, he is Du Lei. It was Du Lei from the popular internet a few days ago. His body's condition is not bad, so he should be forcefully jumping into the water, then releasing a cry for help. "

He was not a fan of Du Lei, but this time, Du Lei brought him an opportunity to level up.

"Did I ask you?"

The captain snorted coldly at that person, then frowned at Du Lei, "Why are you alright?"

Du Lei was unhappy, it was fine for the numb old man to jump a few dozen meters from the top, but you still wanted something to happen to me?

"Captain, shouldn't you save my friends?"

Du Lei endured the anger in his heart, and said leisurely.

The captain was stunned for a moment before letting out a cold laugh. He took out a book and leisurely asked: "Name?"


Just as Du Lei was about to get angry, he was stopped by the pilot. He whispered to the leader: "Leader, should we save them first?"

Even the other two people on the side could not stand watching this any longer.


The leader roared out, and then with a kick, he kicked the man away, causing Du Lei to stagger.

"Does laozi need you to teach me how to do things?"

"F * ck you!"

Du Lei completely erupted this time, he could not hold it in, and punched out.

The captain was obviously not aware that Du Lei actually dared to make a move, and a sarcastic smirk appeared on his face.

Raising his right hand to block, he thought to himself, how much power could Du Lei have with his small physique?

As a result, when his right hand and Du Lei's right fist collided, his expression suddenly changed.

With a scream, his face flushed red and he took a deep breath.

His chest rose and fell.

The small notebook that was recorded in the book had been thrown to the ground. His left hand held his right wrist, and in just a short while, it had already swelled up.

"You dare hit me? Don't you know I'm in the army? "

The captain said in exasperation.

His body staggered backward.

"Hmph, scum like you would be a disgrace to the army."

Du Lei snorted coldly, then rushed forward again.

The corner of the captain's mouth twitched. He had just heard those words not long ago.

Because Kun City Mayor Liu Maojin was among the missing, the higher ups had been paying attention to him for a long time.

Unfortunately, there was no result, so he was just reprimanded by his superior.

He was also ordered to retire immediately upon his return to the army because he was not fit for the job at all.

He didn't know where he got the courage from, but despite the injury on his right hand, he still charged towards Du Lei.

Seeing that, Du Lei squinted his eyes, then shouted loudly, "Scram!"


The waves of air were like a whistle, rustling all the branches in the surroundings.

Immediately, the captain was startled, and immediately stopped, looking at Du Lei with an unsettled expression.

"Save him!"

Du Lei coldly spat out two words.

The joy he had from narrowly escaping death was completely wiped away by the captain.

After pondering for a long time, the captain finally gave a cold snort and said, "We need to discuss a plan to save him!"

Then, the other three pilots finally heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Du Lei in surprise.

They had also seen the video of Du Lei beating someone up on the internet, but they felt that it was fake.

But after this incident, they believed in Du Lei's strength without a doubt.

Who could shake the branches and rustle them in one breath?

That should be the legendary inner force cultivation, right?

They imagine things.

Soon enough, they discovered that they did not have enough tools. They had to return to the city to prepare some tools so that they could safely rescue the people inside the waterfall.

"Du Lei, why don't you return with me first? When we save them, we can send them over? "

The young lad from before said to Du Lei with a smile, he was walking with a limp now.

Seeing that, the anger in Du Lei's heart calmed down.

Nodding his head, he said, "Sure, since I'm very weak now, I won't be able to help!"

When the four of them heard this, they immediately felt a wave of criticism, especially from the captain, who was cursing in his heart.

However, he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Du Lei looked around and found that the little alligator was hiding under a rock. He smiled and walked over to pick it up.

"Du Lei, you can't bring this back to the city."

When the captain saw the little crocodile, his expression changed and he immediately tried to stop it.

"It's my treasure, so if you don't want to bring it with you, then bring it with you?"

Du Lei's face turned cold, and showed signs of wanting to attack again.

The team leader swallowed his saliva. In the end, he wasn't able to stop them, so he could only let that team member send him back.

The helicopter carried Du Lei and the little crocodile to the nearest city, East Liao City.

"Du Lei, don't blame the captain. He was scolded by his superiors today, and my two colleagues said he was likely to be kicked out of the army! "

The young lad was called Fei Yuda, but he had a kind heart, and explained to Du Lei while frowning.

"I don't care if he was scolded today or if he was kicked out of the army. My friends are still trapped in the waterfall. It's a good thing he was kicked out of the army. This sort of scum would only be helping the troops in the dark. "

Du Lei waved his hand, the anger he had towards the captain had not completely dissipated yet.

When Fei Yuda saw them, he could only shake his head. The captain was usually good to them, but unfortunately, their luck was not good!

He still had to report to the city and request for reinforcements.

Thus, he could only leave first.

Du Lei walked out of the main gate of the troop and sighed in his heart.

Along the way, his clothes were in tatters, not to mention his pockets, it was even cleaner than his face.

Originally, Fei Yuda wanted to send him to the refugee settlement area, but he was too arrogant and did not want to stay there.

But now, there was no place to sleep.