
She had a red, pointed chin, and was dressed in a narrow white flowered coat with a narrow sleeve. She was wearing an indigo gauze embroidered with silk.

Her skin was smooth and creamy, and her hands were covered with a jade calabash. Her waist was tied with silk, and she had a long ribbon in her knot, and on it hung a lotus bag with a white crane spreading its wings. On her feet was a pair of feet, which were embroidered with golden silk, and a lotus flower embroidered double colored hibiscus sleeping shoes, making her seem very lively and adorable.

"Do you find your eyes superfluous? Do you believe that I will dig out your eyes? Tearing off your skin? "

The girl looked cute, but she didn't think she would be so vicious.

"Miao Mingming, let me tell you, if it wasn't for me giving your mother face, I would definitely teach you a lesson. "She really has no respect for her elders."

Dou Desi opened his throat and threatened.

Hearing that, Du Lei's heart immediately tightened, he felt that there was something wrong with this Dou Desi.

Sure enough, a delicate voice sounded out. "Who dares to be impolite to my daughter?"

Du Lei looked over, and saw a woman in her thirties floating over.

Du Lei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. No wonder he was able to give birth to such a beautiful little girl.

Her rosy, apple-like face was dressed in a cherry red makeup with butterfly patterns. Her hair was black, and her hair was flowing in a chic bun. Her hair was tied into a bun, and her hair was slowly flowing in the wind.

Only her voice seemed a little cold.

From the way the mother and daughter were dressed, Du Lei guessed that he was probably the chief of the village.

His status was definitely not ordinary.

"Miao Manan, let me tell you, our Insect Sect is close to your Miao Sect. You don't seem to care too much, you actually didn't even shout when you saw me. You say, will that do? "

Dou Desi swallowed his saliva.

Miao Manan looked at him coldly, then suddenly stared at Du Lei. She looked for a long time, and finally let out a soft laugh, "Could this not be the third disciple you took in?"

"He … is not …"

Dou Desi hesitated, but he still did not dare take Du Lei as his disciple.

"Oh." Miao Manan then asked Du Lei, "From the looks of it, little brother's bearing is not ordinary, he must be a dragon amongst men. Why are you messing around with the three lackeys of the Worm Sect?"

"Who are you calling a scumbag?"

Dou Desi was immediately displeased, even Wang Xiuming and Guan Yuande were both glaring at him.

"Yo, yo. My mother said that you are despicable people. You are despicable people. Quickly leave our stronghold. Our Miao stronghold does not welcome you."

did not dare to be careless, he had clearly heard Dou Desi's loud voice earlier, as he had attracted Miao Manan's attention and there must be some unknown secret connection between them.

As an outsider, he shouldn't stay here for too long.

"I got lost in the mountains. These three are willing to take me away from here. "That's all."

"Boss, you're not looking down on us, are you?"

Wang Xiuming pulled on Du Lei's hand, unwilling to let go even if it were to die.

Du Lei's face changed again and again, and at the end, laughed: If you are willing to follow my Rong City, I am willing to accept you.

"Rong City?"

When the few of them heard it, they were shocked, they never thought that Du Lei was someone from the Rong City, why did he come all the way here?

Dou Desi hesitated, but then nodded.

He could tell that Du Lei was not an ordinary person. Not only was he strong, his background was also very deep.

Miao Manan suddenly looked at the little girl that was in Du Lei's embrace.

However, she felt an extraordinary aura.

She walked forward and said with a smile, "This little girl is so cute. I wonder if I can hug her?"

Du Lei hesitated, then shook his head: "Sorry!"

He didn't believe Miao Manan and the others, he just wanted to quickly leave this place.

"What is it? Can't my mother carry him? "

Miao Mingming was around fifteen to sixteen years old, her entire person was moving nimbly like a celestial fairy. With a jump of both feet, she directly jumped to Du Lei's side, intending to hug Zhao Linger tightly.

Du Lei squinted his eyes and instantly dodged. At the same time, he stretched out his leg and blocked Miao Mingming's right hand.

Miao Manan's face changed, she never thought that Du Lei was actually an expert, she had raised her own daughter who knew this.

They didn't have the slightest bit of power, and were completely unable to match up to Miao Mingming.

Du Lei was also secretly shocked, this girl's movements was fast, if not for the subarachnoid qi in his body quickly recovering, he would not have been able to dodge his.

"What do you mean?"

Du Lei asked with a cold face, and at the same time looked at Dou Desi.

Dou Desi shrunk his head, as though he was embarrassed.

Miao Mingming raised his head and said: "What do you mean? "My mother said that she wanted to hug this little girl."

"You're really overbearing. At such a young age, who did you learn this temperament from?" If it were to appear, wouldn't it make people say that they don't have a home tutor? "

Du Lei was immediately angered, he did not expect the little girl to talk so shamelessly, with her nose to the sky, looking like she was the number one girl in the world.

How could he tolerate this?

He was used to acting tough, but this brat actually bullied him.

Actually, he also had Miao Manan to say that.

He finally realized that this mother and daughter pair were both very domineering. No wonder he hadn't seen her man come out after so long.

As far as he was concerned, the reason why there weren't any men in this stronghold was probably because this group of women were extremely powerful.

"Who did you say didn't have a home tutor?"

Miao Manan was immediately angered. She raised Miao Mingming from a young age, even though she was used to it, no one would say such things about her.

His body moved like a green snake and came toward Wang Lin.

Du Lei's expression did not change, his body was brimming with Innate Qi, even if he wanted to play, he would play with them to death.

He held Zhao Linger with her left hand and punched Zhao Linger with his right hand.


The two of them clashed fists, and suddenly, Miao Manan was pushed back a few steps, but Du Lei just shook a little and did not move at all.

Miao Manan's face was filled with shock. She never thought that Du Lei's strength would actually be so high, no wonder his daughter was defeated by him.

She slapped herself in the stomach.

A small snake the size of a palm slithered out of the water.

Du Lei was shocked, he never thought that this woman would actually raise a snake in his body.

When Dou Desi saw it, he immediately cried out in alarm, "Be careful, that's Miao Gate's Gu Snake."

Du Lei's scalp went numb, could this be the legendary Gu?

I heard that this thing is very powerful and evil, but I didn't expect to run into it today.

He dodged to his left and right, the Gu Snake's body was nimble and kept on attacking. Finally, Du Lei fiercely rushed out and formed a small illusion of a tyrant, blasting outwards.

Immediately, the body of the Gu Snake trembled, and it collided with the shadow of the Tyrant Wyrm.