Chapter 375

"Father, do you think that Du Lei is really that powerful?" Green asked anxiously, for Du Lei, he didn't care at all. I didn't even know who it was.

If it wasn't for Dini who said it several times, and later learned that the child Lina was pregnant with might be Du Lei's, he may not have any intersection with Du Lei in his life.

"What's the use of being more powerful? This is Dubai, not Huaxia. No matter how powerful he is in China, can he still hop on our territory? Call the people over there and get ready. Dubai's wife is even now. There is no gunshot. I'm not used to it. " DuPont took a deep breath, then sneered.

Green trembled, and his father was a bloodthirsty man. Actually want to use those people to eradicate Du Lei, but think about it, this is also for his good, after all, if Du Lei really appeared, even took Lina. Then they'll lose all their faces in Texas.

"I know, father!" Green bows and nods. Now he has begun to master some family resources. For example, some organizations are a mad dog raised by his Texas family. When you need them, let them out and bite.

Du Lei is about to do something when he suddenly hears something outside. He opened the pupil and looked at it directly. It turned out that someone was talking in secret.

It was a burly man in a black wallet and a young waiter. Unfortunately, Du Lei didn't understand what they were saying. But it doesn't prevent him from looking at them all the time.

After a long time, the man put something directly in the meal. Earthy yellow powder. Du Lei narrowed his eyes and felt uneasy. Is it for yourself?

The waiter soon arrived with the dining car. Sure enough, he knocked on his door. Du Lei sneer, since want to play, accompany you to have fun. How dare you do it in such a place.

To Du Lei's surprise, the waiter can speak Mandarin, but it's not very standard. But the general meaning is still understood.

"Is this what your hotel prepared for me?" Du Lei took a look at the food that had been dropped. Pretending to be pleasantly surprised, he admitted that if he went to act, he would surely win an Oscar.

"Yes, Mr. Du!" The waiter didn't show any nervous mood. Du Lei thought about it in his heart. It's very likely that the emotion is just the person's pawn.

"I see. Go out!" Du Lei waved his hand and put the food on the table. Then he took out a dollar and handed it to the service eye. When the waiter saw him, he was very happy. He left happily.

Du Lei thought about it, but he didn't know if there was a monitor here. For the sake of safety, he still ate the food, but he wrapped it with Baxia Qi all the time to prevent them from being completely digested.

After a while, he pretended to fall. Before long, two people came in. The two of them said the bird language that Du Lei didn't understand. At last, Du Lei was shocked to hear that they actually took out their guns. This gun doesn't taste good.

He didn't expect that the two men were going to attack here directly. He thought he could see the people behind them, but he also knew that except for the Texas family. Nobody's going to touch him. But if they can control their family, they may know more.

He directly vomited out the food in his mouth, and then the carp turned over, as for the blow. The man with the gun didn't react, so he was blown away by Du Lei. And the other one was startled. They clearly see Du Lei eat the meal, how is it OK?

He quickly took out the pistol, but Du Lei would not give him a chance at this time. The body rushed out like a ghost and kicked out. Suddenly, the man screamed.

That foot, Du Lei seems to hear what broken sound? But he won't hesitate at this time. Another punch hit the opponent's temple. Immediately, the man passed out in a coma, while the man who had been blasted away before shot Du Lei directly.

After Du Lei flashed by, the whole person catapulted out like a shell. The man hasn't had time for a second shot. He was knocked unconscious by Du Lei.

Thanks to the silencer installed on the man's pistol, and the sound insulation of the room is also good. He paused and tied up the two men. And then directly to Gu Zhendong made a phone call, let him hurry back.

Half an hour later, Gu Zhendong looked at the two men who were tied up and was shocked. How did he not know that they were probably members of the Texas family?

"Mr. Du, who are you?" Gu Zhendong doubts to ask a way.

"Ask them what they do." Du Lei just noticed that these two people seem to have paid no attention to killing people. And there's also a bloody smell. This shows that the two people's identities are very different.

And he also needs these two people to provide him with who is behind it. After he wakes them up, the two men look at Du Lei in horror. They have just seen Du Lei's skill.

Soon, under the torment of Du Lei, the two honestly explained their background. It turns out that these two people are actually members of two terrorist organizations in Dubai. Gu Zhendong learned the news and almost wanted to call the police.

Du Lei thinks about it and knocks the two people out again, then finds a mobile phone from them. What makes Du Lei smile bitterly is that the mobile phones they used are not smart phones, but former brick machines.

Gu Zhendong explained: "in fact, there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor here. The rich are very rich. The poor can't even eat a hot meal. Not to mention the use of advanced technology products such as mobile phones. "

Du Lei secretly scolds a, this group is rich not benevolent dog thing. But he can't say much. Some things are not transferred by human willpower.

The phone call in the past, the other side is a very calm person. Ask directly if it's done. But Du Lei let Gu Zhendong answer.

"Your people are under our control. If you want them to live. You can get someone to meet us as soon as possible. Otherwise, we'll give it to the International Police Association. " Gu Zhendong bravely said such a sentence, suddenly felt a little excited. He has been in Dubai for five years.

Although there is chaos here, it also creates a lot of opportunities for him. However, he is still a little excited to speak to the leader of a terrorist organization.

There was silence for a long time, then he agreed: "don't hurt those two people, or we won't be polite. As for the meeting, I'll be here soon. "

With that, the man hung up. Thanks to Gu Zhendong's explanation, although the terrorist organizations here are aimed at the government troops and those rich people. But it's good for my brothers and friends. Generally speaking, as long as it is not betrayal, betrayal, they will not give up to save these people.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to live in this chaotic area. In this way, their leaders controlled many poor people and worked for them.