Chapter 487

Finally, hearing Du Lei's approval of his proposal, PA Xia said seriously: "don't worry, just give it to me. Did you just enter a palace?"

Du Lei was surprised to hear what the bully said. How did he know that he had just entered the palace? Du Lei said curiously: "bully, how do you know that I have just entered a palace."

Getting Du Lei's affirmative answer, PA Xia nodded and said, "that's where the greedy wolf sleeps. He's been sleeping there for a long time, and it's time to wake up."

It turns out that the palace is the place where the greedy wolf sleeps. After being reminded by the overlord, Du Lei realizes that the sign of the wolf head he saw just now is the greedy wolf. He just didn't remember it.

"That's the temple of greedy wolves. What do you see?" Bully carefully asked, he must ensure that Du Lei can successfully wake up the greedy wolf, otherwise next time do not know when will have such an opportunity.

"Wolf, there are a group of talking wolves." Du Lei thought for a moment and described the giant beast to the bully, because the size of the wolf was really frightening. Standing there, he was not as tall as his legs. It was the first time he saw such a big wolf.

Hearing Du Lei's words, Baxia said: "those giant beasts are the guardians of greedy wolves. Since you can come back alive, it can be seen that they have not done any harm to you."

"Yes, I just asked why I'm here." Du Lei shrugged and said that he was really lucky that he was not killed by those monsters.

Bully at Du Lei, rolled a white eye, said: "they did not hurt you, because you have the smell of greedy wolf, they will think you have relations with other races of greedy wolf, so they will let you go."

It turned out that he was lucky to have a greedy wolf in his body. Otherwise, he had to be eaten by these beasts just now. Du Lei said bitterly: "thank you for the greedy wolf, or I will die."

"You just had a little bit of the smell of greedy wolf in your body. Now I'm going to expand it in your body so that they can feel it. Then you're talking to them." Ba Xia looked at Du Lei and said.

After a while, he will hurt Du Lei. Whether he can live or not depends on Du Lei's fate. If Du Lei's death doesn't wake up the greedy wolf, Du Lei's life will be gone.

But in this case, the bully didn't tell Du Lei. He was afraid that Du Lei would repent and didn't agree to do so. If Du Lei lost his will to survive, even if he killed Du Lei, the greedy wolf would not wake up.

"Talk? What are we talking about? " Du Lei doesn't understand and asks. Seeing such a big beast standing in front of him, that is, Du Lei, who has seen some big things in the world, would have been stunned if he had changed his mind. Where else would he want to talk with the beast.

"I've told you that those monsters are the protectors of the greedy wolves. They've protected the greedy wolves for a long time. You must see them when you go." Ba Xia says helplessly, he knows the appearance of these giant beasts, they are huge, and most people will feel weak when they see them.

Du Lei knows the meaning of bullying, but what do you want to say to them? They have been guarding the greedy Wolf for so long. Will they really let themselves meet the greedy wolf directly.

"Then how can I prove that I am the successor chosen by the greedy wolf." Those monsters are not easy to fool. Don't be killed by these monsters without seeing the wolf's face.

Baxia thinks that after Du Lei wakes up, he becomes stupid. But in order to let Du Lei wake up the greedy wolf, Baxia has to patiently explain to Du Lei.

After a while, the bully will attack Du Lei with his true Qi. After injuring Du Lei, Du Lei may stimulate the gas in his body as he did just now. At this time, the bully will use his true Qi to hit Du Lei hard.

If he falls into a coma, he may be able to enter the gate of the temple just as before, but this time, we must persuade those monsters to see the true spirit of the greedy wolf.

He is urging the Qi in his body to wake up the greedy wolf who has been sleeping for thousands of years. As soon as the greedy wolf wakes up, he will combine with Du Lei, and then Du Lei will have the power of the greedy wolf.

After hearing the explanation from the overlord, Du Lei finally got to know something. Although he knew there would be some danger, Du Lei still wanted to have a try.

If you sacrifice yourself in exchange for the safety of China, Du Lei feels that even if you die, it's worth it. He should die for his country, but he's a little sorry for his parents. He can't be filial to them.

"Ready? I'm going to start." Bully see the desire in Du Lei's eyes, he must strike while the iron is hot, if Du Lei back, then his previous efforts, in vain.

Looked at the bully, Du Lei nodded, heavy said: "come on, bully, I believe you." Then he closed his eyes and waited for the attack.

Looking at Du Lei's generous appearance, I can't bear to bully him. I didn't even tell Du Lei the truth. I just said that there was a certain danger, but Du Lei believed in himself.

Shaking his head, Bashi throws his self blame behind him and prepares to attack Du Lei wholeheartedly. Bashi's hand is full of orange gas.

This gas is darker than before when Baxia wanted to rescue Du Lei. With all his strength, Baxia hit Du Lei with the gas in his hand.

"Ah..." Du Lei, who was hit by the gas, yelled out. The whole orange gas hit Du Lei's chest, and Du Lei spat out a big mouthful of blood.

Soon Du Lei's body sent out a dazzling blue light, blue light and orange light, mutual reflection together, as if in a fight.

Du Lei is now about to lose consciousness. Du Lei only feels that his five internal organs have moved, and the pain is unbearable. Unfortunately, Du Lei has no strength to shout, and can only bear it silently.

Two streams of air chase back and forth in Du Lei's body, orange gas for attack, blue gas for defense, spinning around Du Lei.

Looking at the two streams of air chasing, Baxia raised his hand and gathered some orange gas. The orange gas became a very big ball. Baxia hit the gas in his hand towards Du Lei's direction.

"Ah..." this time, the gas is more violent than just now. Du Lei, who has been in a coma, can't help shouting. Du Lei's body can't bear it completely. If it wasn't for being surrounded by gas, it would have become a pool of soft mud, but Du Lei's body is still standing there straight, like a statue.