Chapter 528

Without waiting for Du Lei to adjust his breath, the special police directly pours on Du Lei and wants to catch Du Lei when he is unprepared.

Du Lei only felt a force of gravity, which hit him. He was unprepared for a moment, and was crushed to the ground. His hand was caught in an instant, and he couldn't get away from it. Du Lei was pressed to the ground,

When you see this scene, you rush to the front and want to subdue Du Lei directly. Seeing Du Lei lying on the ground without resistance, you also relax a little.

Just now, even a small grenade, there is no way to take Du Lei. I didn't expect that it would be so easy to subdue Du Lei, which is puzzling.

"Du Lei, did you surrender voluntarily?" I don't know why Du Lei was caught so easily. The officer asked carefully just now.

Du Lei has been confused by the breath in his body, so he has no spare energy to deal with the officer. Du Lei just wants to make his breath calm down, or he will explode and die.

Looking at Du Lei closed his eyes, a look of pain, we carefully put on the handcuffs to Du Lei, pressure Du Lei people, also slowly get up, to prevent Du Lei will resist.

Everyone looked at Du Lei, who was afraid to be on the ground, and maintained the action just now, but his expression was very painful. Everyone could not help but guess what happened to Du Lei.

The bully is very worried when he sees this scene. If Du Lei is caught, it's not easy to come out. It's said that there are thousands of places for human beings to hold prisoners. It will be very difficult at that time.

"Du Lei, wake up, don't force yourself to suppress, it will have the opposite effect." Bully lying in Du Lei's ear, gently called, hope Du Lei can listen to their own opinions.

Du Lei, who has no idea, suddenly hears the voice of the bully. He doesn't know what the bully is talking about. Du Lei's mind has become a mess.

Seeing that Du Lei couldn't listen to his advice at all, Baxia quickly instilled some real Qi into Du Lei's body. He wanted to restore Du Lei's consciousness first.

The invasion of a warm current successfully prevented the air flow in his body, and Du Lei's mind slowly recovered. At this time, Du Lei felt that he was forced to pull up.

"Don't pretend to be dead for me. Since you have surrendered, please come back to the police station with me. You can't think of it in your life." A special police officer who was hurt by Du Lei just now said angrily that we should be more cruel to Du Lei.

Du Lei, who had just recovered, didn't wait for his brain to respond to such words. He first waved a fist at the special police officer who had just spoken. This fist made the special police officer several meters away.

Everyone immediately made a warning action, staring at Du Lei tightly. Just now, the officer said to Du Lei, "Du Lei, you just gave up your resistance, so don't struggle meaninglessly."

Turning his eyes at the officer, Du Lei pulled the handcuffs off his hands. Du Lei said with a sneer: "you want to show your authority in front of me."

At this time, Du Lei's heart was replaced by anger, and he forgot all the hesitation before. The words of the special police officer just now hovered in his mind. Du Lei now has only one idea, that is, he must not be captured by them.

The officer narrowed his eyes and said harshly to Du Lei, "even if you escape for a while, you can't escape for a lifetime. As long as you stay in China for a day, you will always be a fugitive."

After hearing what the officer said, Du Lei was shocked. He became a fugitive. This crime will follow him for a lifetime. Did he not implicate his family and make them unable to lift their heads in the future.

Du Lei began to hesitate. At this time, the greedy wolf said, "if you are so kind, you might as well give me your body. I promise to serve your parents well."

"Shut up, don't dream. I won't give you my body." Du Lei said loudly to the greedy wolf.

"Hum." Greedy wolf White Du Lei one eye, no longer in words.

"How are you thinking about it?" The officer asked Du Lei, not wanting to give him too much time to think.

Glancing at the officer, Du Lei said, "if I want to leave, no one can stop me. I'll give you an account of what happened today." With that, he went on.

"Stop, I said, if you want to go, you have to walk over our bodies, otherwise you can't go anywhere." The officer said with righteous words, looking at Du Lei with bright eyes and a serious expression on his face.

Du Lei's eyes immediately turned scarlet when he was aroused by the officer's words. Du Lei said coldly, "you forced me. I didn't want to kill you."

"As long as you are willing to surrender..." the rest of the words did not speak, the officer was thrown out by Du Lei, threw several meters, the officer fell on the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood, killed on the spot.

When they saw that their commander was dead, they immediately went forward to check the officer's body. They saw that there were no vital signs. Suddenly, many men burst into tears.

Everyone looked at Du Lei's eyes a little more murderous. Unexpectedly, Du Lei would lay such a heavy hand on an old officer.

"Du Lei, you are still not human. How can you do such a thing?" A special soldier said chokingly.

Now Du Lei has lost his mind, Du Lei said: "he dares to threaten me." Glancing at the corpse on the ground, Du Lei feels a burst of relief. Now Du Lei is completely like a changed person.