Chapter 652

"Please kill me and stop insulting me." Wu Na's eyes are red, and it seems that tears are surging in the corner of her eyes. Du Lei sighs and releases her partner directly.

"I really didn't want to kill you." Du Lei shook his head and said, "you go!"

"Why?" Wu Na is shocked to ask a way, in her heart already sprouted dead intention, the result the other party unexpectedly doesn't kill her? I have doubts in my heart.

Du Lei whispered with a smile: "my idea is the same as yours. You want us to join hands to fight against m country, and I also want to get some accurate information from you."

"I ordered you to do it to your men before!" Una still doesn't believe Du Lei's words.

"I also want to test them. They are all found by others. I don't believe in their strength at all. Now none of you has moved, which is enough to show that they really have some skills." Du Lei smiles.

"You Wuna was very angry. She didn't expect that the other party thought so, but she was also sad. They were sure that they had monitored the group of people, but they didn't think they could kill them. Their strength proved their weakness.

You should know that their opposition to the Vatican has existed for thousands of years since its appearance, and it has influenced the whole northern Europe and other regions. However, the more developed their opposition to the Vatican, the weaker their strength is. In the end, they even have to hide it so as not to suffer the disaster of extermination.

"How are you going to cooperate?" Since the other party also has the intention of cooperation, then she will no longer think about the past. Sometimes it is like this. Even if she is the enemy of killing her father, she can compromise in the face of absolute interests. Anyway, she has nothing to lose.

Du Lei thought about it and said directly: "you have just tested it out. Comparatively speaking, our overall strength is higher than you. We don't know much about M country, the holy see or the ruins of Atlantis. But you have been there for so long, so your intelligence means must be good?"

Wu Na heard the speech, immediately nodded, and said with some pride: "although our combat effectiveness is not as good as you, but with a few of your contacts, in terms of intelligence, it is certainly not as good as us."

Du Lei nodded, "that's enough, you provide us with enough information, we can continue to cooperate, when the time comes in the ruins of things, according to work distribution, how?"

"Three or seven points!" Wu Na didn't even think about it. She said directly, "intelligence also needs to be spent. Besides, our people will also go in. We not only provide intelligence, but also provide manpower to occupy a seven point position. Do you have any opinions?"

Du Lei hears speech, it is to laugh, Wu Na is impatient, know the other party can't promise to distribute like this at all, say directly: "that you say, how do you want to divide?"

"I'd like to score three or seven points, but let's swap!" Du Lei said slowly with a sneer on his lips.

"That's impossible!" Una refused directly, "don't you think about it, we made great efforts and only got three?"

"Don't bully me. I don't understand the rules. There is no absolute advantage here. If you really want to cooperate with us, you'd better follow my idea. Otherwise, with so many people, if I help the holy see or m country, you will soon lose in this fight."

Wuna clenched her fists, but she knew that the situation was not as good as others. Since they had dealt with that group of people, the other party would certainly investigate them. With their ability, even if they could hold on, I'm afraid they would not really be able to participate in the feast.

As Du Lei said, the Vatican and M country will never let go of themselves. Wu Na thought about it and continued: "for the time being, let's not talk about this. After we go in, we will have a good discussion. Besides, our allies this time are not only our two sides."

Finish saying, she turned to leave, don't give Du Lei time to ask, Du Lei frown, who else? Apart from the Vatican and the m-state, which forces can not cooperate at all, which one?

At this time, his mobile phone rang, Wu Liufeng called, "team leader, have you been attacked? We've been attacked by the opposite Vatican, and our brothers say they want to get this place back. "

Du Lei said indifferently: "no, I know about you. You should investigate first. Besides these forces, who else is involved?"

Wu Liufeng was stunned and immediately knew what Du Lei should know. He immediately said, "OK, let's have a look. It's just that the opposite Holy See..."

"Tell them, don't worry. If the other side does it again, I'll kill them." Du Lei said that Wu Liufeng was shocked.

But Du Lei said this also has the confidence, he secretly left a mark on the other party, no matter where the other party hides, he can quickly feel, at that time, really angered him, ran to the ends of the earth is useless.

After hanging up, Du Lei took a deep breath, "Atlantis, don't let me down!"


About 100 miles northwest of Xinji City, there is a small village, which is dilapidated. It seems that a strong wind can destroy the whole village.

But it still stands in the desert. The whole village relies on only one underground well to maintain the life of the whole village. On this day, a motorcade suddenly came here.

Every car is no less than millions of off-road vehicles, and the people in the village are also surprised, they rushed out one by one, about hundreds of people.

A man came down from the motorcade. He was wearing a religious robe, holding a crystal Scepter in his right hand and a Bible in his left.

An old man in the village was helped out. Seeing the people coming out of the motorcade, he immediately knelt down and said, "great God, you have not forgotten your devout believers."

"Florin, you are the most devout believer of the gods. You have been waiting for the holy see for decades. Today, I, sadesay, the cardinal, take this oath and decide to appoint you as the Holy See."

Florin, the old man, trembled and saluted, then sadesay touched her head.

"Florin, give me your key!" Sadesay said faintly.

Suddenly, the old man took out a bone key from his arms. There were traces on it. Sadesay stroked the key and was very excited.