Chapter 311 Then You Should Go To Hell

In the ward, Heidy sat there with difficulty, and the servant was serving her with porridge. In the following period, she had to eat light food in case of any stomach discomfort.

Looking around, Heidy asked curiously, "hasn't Hearst come back yet?"

"Yes, Mr. Hearst said that he had to leave to deal with something." The servant said with a smile.

Heidy nodded. She knew that Hearst must have been investigating that thing. The sound of footsteps came. Heidy looked up and smiled, "You're back."

Hearst came over to her, took the bowl from the servant, sat on the bedside, fed her some porridge and said, "Yes. Everything is done."

She looked at him in surprise and asked in confusion, "Problem solved? What happened?"

Then, he lifted a spoon of porridge to her mouth, and said, "In fact, all of these things are designed by Ada and Nick."

"Including miscarriage?" Heidy looked at him in shock.

"They put medicine in the bag, which could cause people to have negative emotions. For example, you would become more excited when you smelled it. If you angry, you would be in rage after take a sniff of the bag. That day, they deliberately designed a scheme to make you have a conflict with Ada, so that your emotions would get out of your control. But they didn't expect that she really had a miscarriage." Explained Hearst.

Hearing that, Heidy opened her eyes and after a while, she understood, "So they were just trying to cause a fight between me and Ada, but they didn't expect that Ada just fell down from the stairs and really had an abortion?"

After he nodded, he said in a low voice, "Yes. They made use of the opportunity and asked Ada to pretend that she was mentally ill. Then, you will feel guilty and she can kill us in the name of madness. Then they'll tell others that she wants to avenge the child and she can get away with it."

Shocked, she covered her mouth with her hands. At the same time, her brain was buzzing. After a long while, she came to her sense and said, "She was trying to kill me on purpose. She didn't hurt me unconsciously. I didn't expect that we were all fooled by Ada. She is such a good actress."

"They would do anything to get my father's property. I'm afraid that they might begin to target at us when they know that dad is going to hand the company over to me. They are so greedy. If they only satisfy the company I gave them, they won't end up like that. They want me to die, thus they can get the whole J.Y group." Said Hearst lightly.

Heidy blinked her eyes and said slowly, "I see... It's so horrible! They just want us to die. Finally, I understood why you were deliberately sent away by them when Ada tried to hurt me. If Gavin hadn't told us about the bag, we would have been kept in the dark."

Holding her hand, he said in a calm voice, "I've alwa

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

n up to Hearst and begged, "I'm sorry, Hearst. Please give me one more chance. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just don't want to lose what I have now. I didn't mean to do that."

With an indifferent look on his face, Hearst replied calmly, "I've told you before. I'm not interested in managing the company, nor fighting against you. You lost your mind because you were obsessed with money. Whether you can take over the GR Group or not, it is up to dad. It has nothing to do with me."

Nick sat on the ground and looked at them in despair. Heidy didn't say anything. After all, it was Hearst's family affairs. "Why are you still standing there? Send Ada to the asylum. He told the director that he wouldn't let Ada leave there for the rest of her life. Otherwise, I will be able to turn him into a lunatic and let him replace Ada in the asylum." Said Hearst coldly.

The bodyguard standing behind him nodded respectfully and said in unison, "Yes, boss." Then, they came to Ada's back and caught her.

Ada kept struggling and yelled excitedly, "Let me go! I won't go to the asylum! Back off! Hearst, Heidy, I will take revenge on you. I will haunt you even if I became a ghost.

"Then be a ghost in the hell!" Said Hearst coldly.

Ada struggled, but she could do nothing but watch herself being dragged away. Her eyes were full of despair. She knew that her life was really ruined.

After Ada was taken away, Hearst looked at Nick emotionlessly, "Dad will handle you."

With tears glistening in Wilson's eyes, he closed his eyes in pain. He slowly opened his eyes and said, "Nick, I will make a will. If I die, you won't be able to get a bit of my property."

Nick sat on the ground dejectedly, as if he had lost all his strength. Suddenly, blood spurted out of Wilson's mouth. "My Lord! " The Butler shouted excitedly.

Suddenly, Wilson felt dizzy and fell backward...