Chapter 383 Lack Of Care

In the hospital, Jessica cooperated with the doctor to receive all kinds of treatment. Her postpartum depression was gradually under control. And the cause of her postpartum depression was more worth thinking.

In the doctor's office, Noah walked in with a serious look. "Doctor, is my wife's condition not good?"

Hearing this, the doctor smiled and said, "No, Mr. Noah, don't worry. The reason why I ask you here today is that I want to have a good chat with you. Please have a seat, Mr. Noah. Let's talk about Mrs. Jessica."

Confused, Noah looked at him and asked, "What's wrong with Jessica?"

After opening the documents in his hand, the doctor continued, "Here is the thing. According to our observation, the reason why she has postpartum depression is mostly caused by the family neglect of her."

Looking at him in surprise, Noah asked, "Neglect?"

"Yes, we have arranged a professional psychologist to communicate with Mrs. Jessica, and found that she is very sensitive and fragile. Since she gave birth to the baby, Mrs. Jessica felt that all your attention was on the baby. She felt that none of you loved her. In such a mental state, it is very easy to have psychological problems." The doctor explained.

Hearing the doctor's words, Noah remembered that Jessica often said that everyone didn't love her anymore, but preferred Ben. But at that time, Noah didn't take it seriously. "Oh, I see. No wonder she hates children. Does she think children take away the attention that once belonged to her?" Noah asked.

"Yes, women's bodies will change after delivery. In addition, family members will be paid too much attention and protection to the mother before delivery. So mothers feel that the baby cause a huge difference in their life after they gave birth to the baby, since family members shift their attention on the baby and seems to neglect the mother's feelings, so they can't bear it. In addition, according to the chat, Mrs. Jessica had been looking forward to having a perfect child, but she found that her child was not perfect, which would make her feel a sense of loss. Besides, her family have history of such disease. That's why she has been depressed after giving birth."

Noah didn't say anything, but his heart fluctuated. He stood up and bowed to the doctor, then smiled and said, "Thank you, doctor. I know what to do." Turning around and leaving the office, Noah walked to the ward.

In the ward, Jessica was lying there, quietly looking at somewhere. In order to cooperate with the treatment and not to hurt Ben, Ben was taken to Noah's parents' home. Looking out of the window, Jessica was in a daze.

Noah came to the ward and looked at her with concern. Guilt was written all over his face. Standing in front of her, Noah held her hand and said with a smile, "Baby, what are you thinking about?"

Hearing what he

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

at if Heidy was really hypnotized and hurt him again? No one can guarantee that Hearst will get out of danger safely next time.' Noah kept struggling in his heart.

At this moment, the nanny came to the ward with Gavin and Elsa. Elsa came to the bedside, looked at Hearst and suddenly cried sadly. Seeing this, Hearst comforted her in a soft voice, "Elsa, why are you crying?"

Elsa sniffed and said sadly, "Dad, I don't like you to get sick. Daddy... Daddy, I don't want you to get sick..."

Looking at her sad face and seeing that Gavin tried hard to suppress his emotions, Hearst felt guilty. "I'm sorry, my kid. I have ignored your feelings these days. Don't worry. Dad will recover soon." Said Hearst softly.

"Will dad leave us like mom did?" Gavin said seriously, staring at Hearst.

Feeling a pain in his chest, Hearst touched his head and said, "No, I won't. I won't leave you alone. So did your mom. She just left because of something."

Gavin clenched her fists and said in a low voice, "I hate my mother."

It was the first time that Hearst and Noah heard the word "hate" from Gavin. They were both shocked. All of a sudden, Hearst realized that Heidy had hurt the kids a lot. "Gavin..." Hearst wanted to explain for Heidy, but was interrupted.

"So, Dad, if you leave me and my sister behind, I will hate you too." Gavin said with a smile.

Looking at his expression, Hearst held his hand tightly and said, "No, I will never leave you behind. And I believe your mother will come back sooner or later."

Standing aside and listening to the conversation of the three of them, Noah couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He wanted to tell the truth, but as a friend of Hearst, he couldn't do that. 'After Heidy solve her own problem, I believe that Gavin will understand her." Noah said.

But sometimes, once the harm was caused, it was not easy to make up. Especially for children.