Chapter 444 Love Me Again, Okay

On the way to the hospital, Heidy was nervous. She didn't expect that such a car accident would happen to Cathy. Although over the years, Cathy was not as simple as she used to know. But in the eyes of Heidy, she was still an innocent child. Cathy had always regarded her as her sister.

When they arrived at the hospital, Heidy held Hearst's hand tightly and asked worriedly, "Hearst, is Cathy really so badly hurt?"

Although it was a little cruel, Hearst still answered seriously, "Yes, it's very serious. Because the car had severely turned over, many of her organs, especially her heart, were damaged. The doctor said that she couldn't make it today. I'm afraid she is still trying to hold on."

With a pale face, Heidy pursed her lips and stared ahead. Without saying anything more, she just walked as fast as she could. At this moment, she suddenly hoped that she could see it, so that she could run all the way, instead of walking alone.

In the emergency room of the hospital, when she arrived, the condition of Cathy was very bad. Then she came to the emergency room, led by Hearst. "Cathy, I'm here." Said Heidy in a trembling voice.

Hearing her voice, Cathy slowly opened her eyes. Cathy looked at her with trembling eyes and said with difficulty, "Heidy, you finally... Finally, you came. I was... I'm worried that I won't be able to wait for you."

Holding her hand, Heidy said sadly, "How could this happen? Don't give up, Cathy. Maybe there is still hope..."

Cathy shook her head with difficulty, with tears in her eyes, and said melancholy, "The doctor said it was impossible in the future. In fact, it was quite good... to end my life in this way... I'm fine."

From her voice, Heidy could feel her despair. Lowering her head, she encouraged, "Cathy, you have to hold on, you still have your grandma. You must want to see her very much. I'll ask Hear

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

le in her eyes, Cathy said, "James, you are my... The first person I loved and was also... the last one. Although we are not meant to be together, I really love you."

Lowering his head with guilt, James said sadly, "I'm sorry, Cathy. It's all my fault." If Cathy hadn't come to him today, the accident wouldn't have happened.

"I don't blame you, really. James, if there is a afterlife, love me well, okay? You had said if only I could be half as good as Heidy. So I will use my eyes to see what Heidy will do. In this way, I can try my best to be your girlfriend in my next life. James, please, love me when we meet again in the nest life, okay?" Cathy pleaded with a lump in her throat.

James nodded hard and touched her head, "Okay, I promise you. I will love you with all my heart in my next life."

Hearing his answer, Cathy smiled dejectedly. She wanted to say something more, but she had no strength. Her heart seemed to be about to explode. She knew that her time had come. Looking at them, Cathy fixed her eyes on James.

Opening her mouth, she looked at him and said, "See you next life."

She closed her eyes slowly and lowered her hands held by Heidy and James. With her eyes closed, Heidy cried silently. A young woman died...