Chapter 469 He Won't Feel Sorry For Her Anymore

Life was like a cup of coffee, bitter first and then sweet. However, Heidy didn't understand why life gave her such a heavy blow since she had experienced bitterness and sweetness.

In the evening, she stood quietly on the balcony, staring at the dark world outside the window. This morning, Hearst had officially moved out to live outside. But till now, she still hoped that it was just a dream. As long as she woke up from her dream, Hearst would come back home.

Therefore, she stood here and waited. She believed that Hearst would come back. As time went by, the downstairs was still quiet. Heidy's hope slowly turned into despair. She lowered her eyes and felt the coldness from her body. The cold wind in winter had made her stiff.

With tears in her eyes, she kept murmuring, "Hearst won't do this to me. I'm going to find him. Yes, I'm going to find him." Before she finished speaking, she turned around and walked out quickly.

She then drove to another villa. Since the two of them got married, Hearst had bought a few villas in A city. Although this house was not as big as the one they lived now, it was quiet. Therefore, they would come here occasionally for a few days.

Getting off the car, Heidy pressed the sensor on the doorknob. But to her surprise, her fingerprint failed to open the door. After trying several times, she smiled bitterly, "Have you deleted my fingerprints? Hearst, do you really want to make a break with me?"

Feeling sad, she rang the doorbell. The doorbell rang for a long time, but Hearst didn't open the door. She knew that there were no servants here, and only hourly workers came to clean it regularly every day. Hearst preferred to be quiet and didn't need to have too many servants at home.

Seeing no response, Heidy raised her head and shouted, "Hearst, Hearst! Come out. I want to see you."

Heidy shouted hard, but there was no response. Tired of shouting, she turned around and dialed Hearst's number. But no matter how many times she called, the phone couldn't be connected.

Sitting on the steps dejectedly, Heidy lowered her head and said firmly, "No matter what, I will wait for you." Then, she continued to wait in the dark night.

The night deepened. With the temperature getting lower and lower, Heidy felt a chill all over her body. The piercing feeling made her heart fall into an ice cellar. With red eyes, she wanted to cry, but she didn't allow herself to do so.

With her hands on her knees, Heidy asked softly, "Hearst, don't you really want to see me?"

Unconsciously, it was three o'clock in the morning. Her lips kept trembling because of the cold, and she felt her face painful. She hugged herself tightly, trying to warm herself up in this way. A voice in her heart told her to go home, but she didn't wa

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

s right, but it's hard to say when it come to love, isn't it? Perhaps it was because there were too many temptations outside that Hearst's mind changed a little. We are all friends. You go to comfort Heidy, and I'll go first. If Heidy tells Jessica by accident that I'm here, she will really make trouble." After saying that, Noah immediately ran away.

Standing still, Kevin stared at the direction of Heidy. After a long silence, he walked up to her. "Heidy." Said Kevin in a low voice.

Heidy raised her head and saw him. With a faint smile on her lips, she asked, "Kevin, why are you here?"

"I didn't expect to meet you here. You seem to have drunk a lot." Kevin said calmly and sat down beside her.

Resting her head on one hand, Heidy smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, I've drunk a lot. But now I don't know what else I can do except drinking. I'm such a loser now."

Frowning slightly, Kevin took the glass from her hand and said, "Don't drink anymore."

Taking the glass back from his hand, Heidy smiled and said, "Give it to me. I just want to drink now. If I get drunk, I won't think about those sad things."

Looking at her drunk face, Kevin didn't say anything. He didn't want to see her like this. In his eyes, Heidy had always been a strong woman. Picking up the phone, Kevin said indifferently, "I'll call Hearst."

Before he finished speaking, Heidy stopped him immediately, "No, don't let him come. Kevin, please don't let him come over, okay?"

"But what you need most now is him." Kevin said seriously, "He is your husband."

Hearing his words, Heidy smiled bitterly and said, "Husband? I'm not sure when he will not be my husband anymore. Kevin, I don't want to see him now. I don't want him to see my sad face, because I know that even if he sees it, he won't feel sorry for me. Now, he won't feel sorry for you anymore."