Chapter 481 Don't Make Trouble

Since she divorced Hearst, Heidy had a hard time every day. Sometimes she wondered if their relationship was wrong from the beginning. And sometimes, Heidy would also think about whether Hearst had encountered some difficulties in his life. However, after experiencing one thing, Heidy was completely desperate.

Today, Heidy attended a banquet. Previously, the partner company had hoped that Heidy and Hearst could attend the banquet together as a couple. Unfortunately, the divorce happened all of a sudden, so Heidy had to come alone. And according to Hearst's character, he shouldn't have taken part in such a dinner party. It was not until Heidy arrived at the banquet that she realized that she really didn't know much about Hearst.

Taking the champagne from the waiter, she calmly looked at the man in front of her. Tonight, Hearst was with another girl, who was more sexy than the new star she met in the mall last time. And there was also a touch of pride and confidence in that girl's eyes. Heidy indifferently shifted her eyes from that girl to Hearst, "What a coincidence! I didn't expect you to come."

With a glass of champagne in his hand, Hearst said calmly, "Well, I didn't expect you to come either."

The two of them greeted each other simply, as if they were even more alienated than ordinary friends. The host of the banquet came over and said with a smile, "Mr. Hearst, Miss Heidy, although your marriage has ended in discord, we are still friends in business. Let's toast together."

With a polite smile, Heidy said, "Yes, we are friends. To you, Mr. Hearst."

While they were talking, the girl standing next to Hearst said with a sweet smile, "Mr. Hearst can't drink much because of his stomachache recently."

Looking at her, Heidy looked calm, but her grip on the glass tightened. Hearst indeed had a stomachache and needed to drink less. But only those who were close to Hearst knew about it. Looking at the proud girl, Heidy's heart tightened. Had they already had sex? Thinking of this possibility, she pursed her lips.

"I'll drink it." Hearst said calmly and drank up the champagne in his hand. Looking at him, Heidy smiled and walked past him without saying anything. When passing by them, Heidy took a look at the girl.

When Hearst came here with his new girlfriend, Heidy felt that the way people looked at her had changed. Their eyes were full of sympathy. Seeing this, Heidy felt bad. She turned around and continued to drink.

Kevin came to her and took the glass from her hand. At the sight of him, Heidy asked in surprise, "Kevin, why are you here?"

"Well, I'm also invited." "Don't drink too much. Alcohol is bad for your health," said Kevin lightly.

With a bitter smile, Heidy said calmly, "Although it hurts, it's a good thing. Sometimes, it could help people temporarily forget something they wanted to escape from, just like now. Kevin, I need to go t

arst is not that heartless to Heidy as the rumors describe." The girl murmured.

Afraid of meeting them again, Heidy didn't want to stay at the party. She then left the banquet together with Kevin. Walking out of the hall, Heidy breathed a sigh of relief and said sadly, "I didn't expect him to be so cruel. I thought even if he didn't love me anymore, at least I was the mother of his child. But I didn't expect him to change so fast."

Standing beside her, Kevin felt her sadness and comforted her, "Don't think too much."

"Kevin, you know what? I was really disappointed and desperate just now. I didn't expect my beloved man to fall in love with another woman so soon. Once we get divorced, he moved on soon. It's really uncomfortable." Said Heidy sadly.

Heidy was not a person who could let go of her feelings so soon, especially when it came to Hearst. But she didn't expect that he would blame her for another woman. Thinking of this, she felt sad.

With his hand on her head, Kevin said in a low voice, "Heidy, you deserve a better man. I also believe that you can find a man who loves you wholeheartedly in the future."

With a bitter smile, Heidy shook her head, "I once believed that Hearst was the right person for me. But after what happened this time, I'm not so sure about it anymore. I'm desperate about love and marriage."

Looking at her, Kevin didn't know what to say. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't. "Don't think too much. Let nature take its course. I believe that you will find someone who loves you." Kevin said affirmatively.

Heidy raised her head and looked at him gratefully. She was glad to meet such a good friend. "Thank you, Kevin." Said Heidy sincerely.

"We are friends. Don't be so formal with me." In a calm voice, Kevin said, "Let's go. I'll drive you home."

"Okay," said Heidy softly, walking behind him. Soon, Heidy realized that Kevin didn't just treat her as a friend.