Chapter 1022

"After all, I think that girl is a different person."

Fang Ling nestles up to Yun fan and thinks that she has been abused by Sakurai Suzuki, which makes her feel frustrated.

When she used to practice with Sakurai Suzuki, that little island girl was not her match at all.

"Yes, I'm also puzzled. It seems that she has had an adventure." Yun Fan said, patted Fang Ling on the shoulder, "I have to find out what's going on."

Soon, he got up and went to the bathroom to wash. After changing his clothes, he set out to enter a square of heaven and earth.

After Suzuki Sakurai found out that this is the tomb of the sword, he wanted to summon the soul of the sword in the tomb to fight with her.

As a result, she found the core position of the tomb and found that none of the Shishen, which had been handed down from generation to generation, had disappeared.

Among the tombs, there is only one remnant body with a handle on it, which is very desolate.

This makes her hate Yunfan even more. Without these gods spreading to future generations, the future of bomoliu is worrying.

Helpless, she can only start to go to the exit position, launched the magic to open the tomb.

It's just that after the spell is launched, the location of the exit doesn't appear to be a space door.

Suzuki Sakura was stunned and tried his magic again several times.

Repeatedly failed, she was depressed to admit the fact that the export disappeared, she found that she really seems to be unable to get out.

Suddenly, Yunfan's figure appeared behind her.

Suzuki Sakuragi noticed the change and turned around.

The sickle of death appeared in Yunfan's hand. He asked with a little interest, "where did you get this weapon?"

Sakurai Suzuki crossed his hands and turned his head with disdain. "Hum!"

With the shield, she didn't want to answer his question.

If it wasn't for being trapped, she would have scolded him to death!

After thinking about it, she said: "I advise you to let me go immediately. If my master knows that you have imprisoned me, the consequences will be very serious! All your relatives and friends, including your whole state of Qin, will be destroyed by him! "

Yun fan is dumb but fails to smile, naturally does not believe her nonsense.

But thinking of her transformation, he followed her and asked, "who is your master?"

Sakurai Suzuki said with a proud face: "I'm scared to death. My master is the greatest Yin Yang master in Heian era!"

Cloud fan doubts a way: "Lu Wu Road full?"

Luwu daoman is a famous Yin Yang master of bomoliu in the Heian era.

Sakurai Suzuki is the Yin Yang master of bomoliu. If she was inspired by daoman in Luwu, he would not be surprised.

This also explains the origin of the shield on her body and the death sickle in his hand.

She herself admitted that the shield was given to her by her master.

Sakurai Suzuki said angrily, "you are 500 years too early to guess my master's name! Hum! But it's OK to tell you. Listen, my master is famous Abe Qingming! "

Yun fan was a little surprised, but he was overjoyed.

He wanted to go to the island to have a meeting with Abe. He was worried that he couldn't find him. As a result, Sakurai Suzuki sent him to the door, which was a surprise to him.

Recalling her saying that Abe Qingming could destroy the whole state of Qin, Yunfan thought it funny.

The last time Abe Qingming came to the state of Qin, he was directly beaten back to his hometown by Xuanyuan Fangyu, and even the island state suffered devastating revenge.

At that time, the islanders did not have a livelihood. Abe would rather watch the islanders fall into the dark ages than come forward to rescue the people. It can be seen that he was afraid of being killed by Xuanyuan Fangyu.

If Abe could really threaten the state of Qin, the sows would fly out of the universe and lay eggs.

However, Yunfan didn't want to go deep into this problem with Sakurai Suzuki.

After all, Abe Qingming lost face in the state of Qin and hid like a bereaved dog. Naturally, it is impossible to tell her this humiliating thing everywhere, let alone tell her.

Moreover, Yunfan is really not sure whether she has anything to do with Abe.

For the sake of her confidence, he chose to believe her first.

Know yourself and your enemy, and win every battle.

Yunfan soon launched a series of inquiries about Sakurai Suzuki, mainly about Abe's situation and whereabouts.

As a result, Sakurai Suzuki didn't give him any information at all.

Yunfan suddenly has no way, the protective cover on her body is still there, she really has no fear.

If it wasn't for the lack of aura in his body, he would not be trapped by the shield.

However, he is not helpless.

Sakurai Suzuki said with a proud face: "you can't ask me about my master! I tell you, you're done! My master knows that I've come to you for revenge. If I don't go back in three days, he will come to me. You're dead! "

"There's no way." Yun fan showed his hand and said helplessly: "there is a unique skill that I seldom use, because the killing power is so great that I am afraid of using it. Since you don't know your face, no wonder I do

In other words, the ice sword appeared at Yunfan's feet.

He stepped on the ice sword and soared to the sky, overlooking Sakurai Suzuki.

I saw his hands open, the whole world shudder for it, the earth shakes.

As soon as Suzuki Sakurai's face changed, a great pressure began to attack her from all directions, which made her a little out of breath.

The ground, which began to shake wildly, also made her feel a great sense of crisis.

She looked around, looking for a place to make her feel at ease, but found that all the places she could see were shaking violently, which made her even more uneasy.

But when she thought of her shield, she kept hinting that she wanted to calm down. Anyway, it was impossible for him to break it.

All of a sudden, a faint golden light flickered from behind Yunfan. The more the golden light flickered, the brighter it became. Finally, the virtual shadow of the last woman in the golden robe appeared from his back.

The holy breath, the solemn and majestic momentum, and the supreme prestige emanated from the woman's virtual shadow.

Women's virtual shadow is growing bigger and bigger, and their prestige is also growing.

On the right side of it, there is a bright circular spot of light.

Sakurai Suzuki stared at the huge shadow and felt more intense pressure.

When she recognized that a Yao sun was floating on the right side of the woman's virtual shadow, she was even more shocked.

This is... The God of heaven?!

The great God of Tianzhao is the sun goddess in the ancient myth of the island, and is a household name in the island.

Sakurai Suzuki was completely shocked. How can yunzhantian summon gods?!

How is that possible?

Just when she was shocked, the shadow of the great God of heaven had already expanded to a level of terror that she could not measure.

High in the sky, the figure with the ice sword on his feet is not as thick as the sole of the Heavenly God.

Sakuragi Suzuki was so oppressed that he began to shudder and almost wanted to kneel down to worship.

No matter what, she couldn't figure out how the God of heavenly light could be here?

Is this God left in the tomb by grandmaster bomoliu?!

Finally, the shadow of Tianzhao stopped expanding, and the magnificence was suffocating.

In front of him, Yun fan, who stepped on the ice sword, was very small.

The scorching sun is hotter than the sun, which makes the sky and the earth bright.

The wind made Sakurai Suzuki's cheeks red and hot.

Yun fan spread out his hands and said solemnly: "my slave, follow my orders and use your sun to destroy the protective cover of mole ants in front of you."

The solemn voice was not as fierce as the roar, but it was very thick and resounded through the whole world.

Sakurai Suzuki was so shocked that he almost choked.

Is Yun zhantian crazy?

How dare he call Tianzhao a slave!!