Chapter 1225: Good reason

Seeing the two of them leaving in a hurry, Hua Ran and Mei Ji looked puzzled.

Why are you walking so fast?

Isn't this their place?

"What are you looking at?" Xiao Muling turned to see them standing there stupidly, folded his hands in front of him, and shook his head.

They were beaten again and again today. Aren’t they stupid by being beaten?

Mei Ji and Hua Ran immediately returned to their senses, meeting Xiao Muling's gaze, they hurriedly walked over.


"Go in." Xiao Muling shook his head and walked into the forest.

Just came to Warcraft once, did you scare the man named Wansha like this?

"Okay." The two of them nodded and hurriedly followed.

Walking into the forest, a cold wind hit, they rubbed their arms, turned their heads and looked around.

What the **** place?

Why is there such a big difference between the temperature in the forest and outside the forest?

But the light is good. Although it is in the forest, the surrounding trees have not blocked the light from the shining.

But why must it be here? Looking at the girl's appearance, it seems to have known such a place for a long time.

The two thought for a while, and instinctively wanted to ask Xiao Muling aloud, thinking that this place was not suitable, they swallowed it back.

Opening the door to the room, Xiao Muling walked in. The room was well lit and very airy.

"Not bad." Mei Ji applauded.

She thought that this room was in the woods, because of the trees, the atmosphere would be heavy, but she didn't expect that after coming in, she didn't feel depressed at all.

"have a rest."

Xiao Muling walked inside without looking back.

Mei Ji and Hua Ran looked at her back and immediately shouted, "Girl!"

Xiao Muling stopped and turned to look over.

"Something else?"

They looked around, hesitating to speak.

Xiao Muling raised her eyebrows clearly, raised her hand to open the barrier, and the barrier surrounded the three of them instead of covering the entire house.

"Let's talk about it." She stepped aside and sat down on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, with a cushion on the back of the chair, making it very comfortable to lean on.

"Girl, I'm sorry."

They apologized again, looking guilty.

Along the way, they were really... almost shocked to doubt their lives!

Obviously the journey from Xiao Xuancheng to Summoning Domain was not long, but they felt that it was very long and felt very uncomfortable.

The only thing that felt comfortable was the moment when the Mu Sangmen fell.

Then I think about it, without the Mu Sang Gate, there might be Jin Sang Gate, Tu Sang Gate tomorrow...

Generally speaking, it is the Lingyin realm that is not strong enough to be so despised by people.

"Don't apologize to me." Xiao Muling played with the jade pendant on her waist, speaking carelessly, listening to her tone, she didn't care much.


Mei Ji and Hua Ran were stunned.

No, don’t you care?

After all, the realm of Lingyin is like that in everyone's eyes, and this is because they are unfavorable in doing things.

Xiao Muling looked at them, met their gazes, and asked, "Have you not worked hard?"

"Of course not!" They denied.

They have been working hard all these years!

They never slack in the development of the spiritual yin realm, and the only thing that can, maybe, probably, is slack is their own cultivation.

But the four of them are really not that piece of material. In terms of cultivation, their talents have always been a little bit worse.

"That's why the development of Lingyin Realm is slower than other forces?" Xiao Muling asked again.

"How is that possible, we can't guarantee anything else, but in terms of the speed of rise, the only power in the Eastern Continent in recent years is our Spirit Yin Realm, which is the fastest!"

With the help of the girl, they have already occupied Dongtaki Castle. As long as they can stand firmly in Dongtaki Castle, the status of Lingyin Realm in the East Continent will definitely surpass the previous Chisho Tower.

Besides, their purpose is not just the Scarlet Saint Tower.

After following the girl, their goal has been very long-term!

"Yeah, what do you have to blame? Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years, today they dare to be like this, but who will know what happened after the event?"

After Xiao Muling finished speaking, she sneered.

Don't forget, why she came to summon the domain.

When the event is over, whether the Eastern Continent or the Summoning Continent, the Summoning Domain will no longer exist!

Mei Ji and Hua Ran froze in place, they really...were comforted.

Although for the girl, she only stated the facts, but for them, it was really a great encouragement.

To be honest, they were really shocked just now when they came along, and they wondered whether the girl would be disappointed in them because of this.

Now they heard the girl say this, they were relieved.

Not because the girl didn't blame them for their relief, but because they were afraid that the girl was disappointed in them.

If the girl is disappointed with them and doesn't want them anymore, what should they do? They are still quite afraid of this.

If it was said that they followed the girl as a stopgap measure and wanted to find someone who can deal with Lingyin's ghosts and spirits to share with them, now they really can't do without the girl.

"It's good for you to come out more and walk around. Don't stay in the realm of spiritual yin all the time, sit on the well and watch the sky, where do you know the vastness outside."

They were hit. After all, they saw too little, and if they were hit too much, they would not feel the way they are now.

Just thinking about it, the realm of Lingyin won't be like this, they will make the realm of Lingyin go farther and stand higher!

Mei Ji and Hua Ran smirked.

This is also true.

"Anything else?"

They should not feel so wronged in their hearts, not so self-blaming, right?

"Why did you choose here?" Hua Ran asked curiously, looking around.

Xiao Muling gave them an irrefutable reason, "Quiet."

Mei Ji:...

Hua Ran:...

Good reason.

Xiao Muling got up and pointed at them, "You can just stroll around if you have nothing to do. Since you are guests and said that we can go anywhere, you are welcome."

"Okay." The two nodded obediently.

They have this idea, but they are a little afraid to leave, fearing that the girl will be broken.

Now that they have what the girl said, they can go everywhere with confidence.

"If someone is bullied, come back and file a complaint, and I will help you get revenge." Xiao Muling joked.

Hua Ran and Mei Ji looked serious, "Is it really okay?"

They are worried about being bullied!

Take a look at the attitudes of the few people in the Summoning Domain just now. After entering the Summoning Domain, they are worried that they will be deliberately found fault based on their strength.

Xiao Muling looked back, "Yes, but you should be able to solve it by yourself. With so many IOUs, what are you afraid of?"

Take any one out, and they can invite a dozen or twenty bodyguards.

When the words fell, she walked into the innermost part without looking back.

Mei Ji and Hua Ran looked at each other, right!

"Girl, we can live in another place!"

Hua Ran and Mei Ji finished talking excitedly, then turned and walked outside.

What a shabby place, the girl lives in this many aggrieved girls, waiting for them to find a better place!