Chapter 61

"Who the hell are you!"

Xia Wanxin drank, and two male officers beside him rushed at Yang Xuan at the same time.

Yang Xuan's body swayed slightly, but he didn't see how to move. In an instant, the two male officers threw themselves into the air.

Yang Xuan's body has approached Xia Wan's heart.

All of them burst into a cold sweat, but before they reacted, Yang Xuan suddenly grabbed the battle map lightly, pointed to the sniper points marked by Xia Wanxin, and drew several slashes on it with a pen.

Then he threw the map back to the other party, "see for yourself!"

Xia Wan was stunned and subconsciously glanced at the oblique lines on the map.

When she saw the end of it, the whole body could not help shaking for a moment. She only felt that her scalp was numb. She was secretly glad that she had not had time to send several snipers.

These slashes are not strange in the eyes of laymen, but for tactical experts like Xia Wanxin, they are enough to frighten anyone.

These slashes mark the ballistic rules, the tricky angle and the accurate direction. If the criminals in the building carry out anti sniping according to these ballistic tracks, the snipers deployed at the sniper point will have no chance!

Before everyone reacted, Yang Xuan pointed to the map, "there are at least 12 criminals who have received strict special military training. Their equipment is very complete, including desert eagle, MP5, M16, and a large caliber barrem large caliber anti equipment sniper rifle."

"At the same time, they have been distributed in the best position in the building. They have both attack and defense. They have hostages in their hands. They occupy the right time and place. If they rush to attack, it is similar to adding oil tactics. For them, they are just more human targets."

Everyone was stunned.

"How do you know so much!" A male official vigilantly said.

Yang Xuan shrugged. "When he first came over, he judged it from the sound of gunfire."

Pa Pa!

At this time, there were two shots in the building again.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I missed one. There's another one around the corner of the third floor. It's M4."

Everyone was stunned.

These gangsters are ferocious, well-equipped and highly capable. They are strong enemies they have never seen before.

And they have used all the intelligence networks, but they know nothing about the origin of these gangsters inside!

However, it is incredible that this plain looking young man can judge the firepower ratio and tactical layout just from the sound of gunfire!

"What do you think we should do?"

Xia Wanxin suddenly asked, even she didn't realize that she trusted the man in front of her inexplicably.

Yang Xuan took the map, glanced at it slightly, and then gently spread one hand. A male official nearby quickly handed over the pen.

"These people have received strict special military training. Judging from their tactical style, they should have come from the hunter school in America."

"Therefore, when fighting with them, we must not use conventional tactical thinking. Now they have occupied a favorable terrain and have hostages in hand. There is no chance to attack rashly."

"The best way is here, here, and here. Pull out three fire net defense lines, and then send two teams to handle each of these two positions. The position of the sniper point should also be changed. It doesn't need so many. Three is enough. Form a triangular encirclement circle in these three directions..."

Yang Xuan said as he circled carefully on the map.

In less than two minutes, a perfect battle plan was outlined.

Xia Wanxin was completely shocked. She had never seen such a perfect operation on the map or such a logical and clear battle plan.

The thinking is rigorous and meticulous, and the thinking angle is tricky. It seems to go against common sense, but it is impeccable.

What's more incredible is that such an almost perfect battle plan was sketched out in less than two minutes!

"But in this way, defense is no problem, but what if the gangsters inside stick to it?"

Xia Wanxin was worthy of being a genius in the police field, and soon found a huge loophole.

This battle plan is really perfect. If the gangsters inside do something, they can definitely gain the upper hand at the first time.

However, this battle plan is slightly defensive. If the gangsters inside don't stand still, it still won't play any role.

"We need an elite team to go in, break each other's layout and force them to do something!"

At this time, an armed soldier commander nearby said, "I propose to immediately dispatch the elite and organize an elite team of more than 15 people to make a strong attack, force them to show their feet, and then annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

"Annihilate in one fell swoop?"

Yang Xuan smiled at the man, "if we make a strong attack, I can guarantee that people will not live for a minute. No matter how many people go, they will die in vain. If those people were so easy to deal with, they wouldn't have had so much trouble."

"Didn't you say it when you didn't say it!"

The commander of the armed soldiers was already worried. At this time, he couldn't help shouting.

"What do you think we should do?"

Xia Wan's heart seemed calm and asked Yang Xuan. She didn't know why. She always felt that the person in front of her was particularly trustworthy and thought that the other party would never aim at nothing.

Yang Xuan nodded and said, "the ones I just deployed are just to form a fire siege. The purpose is to prevent them from jumping out of the wall. Don't let them miss it. The real attack only needs one person to go in."

"Go in alone?"

Xia Wan's heart looked puzzled, "who goes in?"

Yang Xuan smiled and pointed to himself.

Everyone was stunned. After reacting, several people nearby laughed, "do you think you are Superman? Our most elite team can't go in. You said you go in alone?"

A touch of disappointment flashed in Xia Wan's heart. Although she believed in the person in front of her, this sentence was too much just now.

"Thank you for your battle plan, but this is not a game, this thing..."


Before Xia Wanxin finished speaking, he suddenly felt a slip on his waist, subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch, and suddenly burst into a cold sweat!

The pistol she pinned around her waist is missing!

"Put the gun down!"

All of them suddenly drew their guns at Yang Xuan and robbed the officer's guns. It was a big deal. The man in front of us was unknown. It was extremely dangerous for the gun to fall into his hands!

"Good, good gun. I've always liked domestic pistols. They're simple and applicable. They don't have so many fancy intestines."

Yang Xuan easily weighed the pistol in his hand. He felt very kind in his heart. When he thought about it, he hadn't touched this thing for more than three years. A long lost feeling came naturally.

"Put the gun down, or you'll shoot!"

But others were so nervous that at least 20 guns of all kinds were aimed at Yang Xuan's head.

Xia Wanxin drank with Jiao, "put it down!"

She is well aware of the seriousness of the other party's behavior. According to the law, once this happens, they have the right to shoot him immediately.

In fact, most of her soft drink was worried about the person in front of her.

However, like he didn't hear, Yang Xuan weighed the gun in his hand and then made an extremely dangerous move!