Chapter 110

Zhou a Bao has been waiting for this sentence for a long time. His fist is clacking and he walks forward slowly with a ferocious smile.

"What do you want? Do you still want to do it? Don't move me?"

Scar's face was not afraid at all. He also took the initiative to extend his face and provocatively said, "come on, fight here, brothers, shoot it on your mobile phone. Someone bullied migrant workers."

There used to be a word called relying on the old to sell the old, but now there is a saying that I am weak and I am reasonable. Too many people regard others' kindness to them as a chip.

The company has sent people to the company several times before, and each time they have been pushed back by the way of scar face. Now, no matter right or wrong, as long as there is a conflict between the weak and the strong, the strong will be criticized in words and in writing on the Internet.

No one wants to touch this mildew. Scar face is right about this mentality. He doesn't take the slowly approaching Zhou Bao seriously and thinks it's just a bluff.

But he made a wrong judgment this time. What he is facing now is not ordinary people, but hooligans, and he is still a super hooligan.


Before scar's face finished speaking, he was hit on his nose by Zhou a Bao, and even the bridge of his nose collapsed. The whole man flew backwards for several meters and fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

Ah, ah——

Scar's face covered his nose and screamed on the ground. He didn't forget to shout, "hit someone, someone bullied migrant workers!"

Where can a group of people in the shed miss this classic end? They all pointed the camera at scar face, and then at Zhou a Bao. They were filled with indignation and said, "look, this is the person who bullies migrant workers. Now these people, relying on their own money, bully the weak at will. Please netizens..."

"The net paralyzes you!"

A younger brother next to Zhou a Bao kicked him with a kick, and the rest rushed with him, like a whirlwind and clouds, and knocked dozens of workers in the shed to the ground in an instant.

"Hit, hit, someone bullied migrant workers!"

At first, these people were still shouting at the end of their hiss.

But it soon became a scream of ouch.

Then, it becomes begging for mercy, "don't... don't fight, ah, please don't fight!"

At this time, they found that these people seemed not afraid to make things big, and they were particularly vicious. Several bones were broken, and if they fought again, they would have to die.

"Listen, if you want to expose it or sue me, you can do it anytime!"

Zhou a Bao shouted angrily. After that, he added, "by the way, if you want to pay for soup and medicine, come to Longquan Mountain to find me at any time. My name is Zhou a Bao!"


Longquan mountain? Zhou a Bao?

Hearing these words, a group of people suddenly trembled.

"Leopard..... Brother leopard......"

Scar face doesn't even speak quickly. Although they haven't mixed in the Jianghu, as long as it's a third of an mu of Nanjiang, who hasn't heard of Zhou a Bao's name!

Regret, they regret death now!

I knew this man was Zhou a Bao. Even if I borrowed their 100 courage, I didn't dare to do that!

"Hehe, can you go and work now?"

Yang Xuan looked at the scene in front of him with great interest and said something faintly. He thought that he had brought Zhou a Bao right this time, which saved a lot of trouble.

"We... We really can't work now..."

Scar's face is sad. He has to go to the hospital for at least ten or eight days.

"I don't care. It's your business."

Yang Xuan sneered, "now that you get your salary, you have to work. It's a matter of course. I don't care whether you climb to the construction site or find someone to come over. Anyway, I want to see the construction site continue within an hour."

"Of course, you can also choose to report us or expose us online. It's up to you. Do it yourself!"

Then he turned and walked out of the shed without looking back.

When Zhou Bao left, he smiled and turned his head to wipe his neck at a group of people, which scared Scarface and others.

"Boss, what now?" A worker said with a sad face.

The face of scar face is not much better. "What else can I do? Call someone right away."

"But call someone over. Who pays them?"

"We can only take out our wages. Call quickly. Is money important or life important?"

"Alas, I knew we shouldn't have taken those black money at the beginning. Now many have been taken in."

"Shh, keep your fucking voice down. We have to finish it when it's publicized!"

To solve the problem of the completion person, Yang Xuan went to the project manager's office again.

The project manager is about in his early fifties with dark skin. He has been exposed to the wind and rain for many years. He is sitting in a chair and sighing.

Yang Xuan glanced at the sign with the name written on the table and said hello with a smile, "manager Cao, what's the matter with you and how you sigh."

Manager Cao looked up and said, "who are you, please?"

Yang Xuan said with a smile, "my surname is Yang. I'm the supervisor sent by manager Su Nan. I heard that you had some unhappiness with the technical director?"

"It's Yang Gong. Hello, you can't blame me for this. At the beginning of the project, I got along well with Lao Du, but I don't know what's going on recently. He seems to have changed."

"Not only does he become grumpy and blow up a little bit, but he also becomes lazy. He sleeps until noon every day, and the technical scheme is delayed again and again. If he goes on like this, he can't hand over the work on schedule!"

Su Nan mentioned the project manager surnamed Cao to Yang Xuan before, saying that this person not only has deep qualifications, but also is very honest and conscientious. It seems that this is really the case.

"Suddenly changed?"

Yang Xuan touched his chin for a moment and asked manager Cao to tell the whole thing in detail. In an instant, he confirmed his previous conjecture.

It is impossible for a person's temperament to suddenly change too much. From manager Cao's narration just now, old Du has been two people from the beginning to the present.

Anyone with a clear eye can see that there must be something fishy here.

"You are the project manager, can't you manage him?" Yang Xuan asked.

Manager Cao shook his head and smiled bitterly, "although I am a project manager, in terms of rank, the technical director is on an equal footing with me. I am responsible for overall planning and coordination, and he is responsible for the technical level."

"Although nominally I have the right to restrict him, if he insists on not listening to me, I can't help it. After all, technology is not everyone's skill. He always talks about it at the technical level. I can't help talking about this trouble and that trouble later."

Yang Xuan touched his chin and asked, "where is he now?"