Chapter 484

"Du Guotao, my grass mud horse, say another word!"

Qin Feng clutched Du Guotao's collar. What the other party had just said was indeed a little too much.

"You fight, I'm right here. You have the ability to kill me!"

This time, Du Guotao stopped counseling and angrily said, "am I wrong?"

"It's such an important decision for a product launch that it's up to a driver!"

"If he has any good proposal, it's OK, but he didn't even say a reason!"

"In that case, I also say now that the time of the product launch is carried out according to the original plan. Don't ask me any reason, I won't say!"

"With what a driver has no reason to propose, everyone listens to him. At least I'm also the director of the marketing department!"

"I made up the whole thing about the product launch. Why should I listen to him but not me!"

Du Guotao spilled all the fire in his stomach.

"Am I special..."

Qin Feng's fist never fell, because he couldn't find a reason to refute Du Guotao.

Aside from personal feelings, Du Guotao's words are really nothing wrong.

"Qin Feng, let go, stop talking!"

Li Guoshan frowned and said, "it's my decision. No one is allowed to discuss it again in the future!"

"OK, I won't discuss it in the future!"

Du Guotao took off his suit and threw it on the ground. "I quit, I quit, OK!"

"Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang, you have the kindness to me. Without you, there would be no Du Guotao today!"

"But I can't lie with my eyes open. I really can't stand a company that depends on drivers to make decisions!"

"I'll pack up and leave now. Well, labor and capital won't serve!"

Said Du Guotao angrily ready to leave.

"Manager Du, it seems that you are very angry with me."

At this time, Yang Xuan came over from the side and stopped Du Guotao.

Light way, "first, what I do must be for the company."

"Second, I must have my reason for doing so."

"Third, if you want to go, you don't have to hurry now."

"You can make a decision after the product launch."

"I haven't tried. How do you know I can't?"

Du Guotao gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll wait until the product launch is over!"

"From now on, before the product launch, I and the marketing department are at your command!"

"But I want to make a bet with you. If the product launch is completed, I will resign and leave immediately!"

"But if you can't do it, you have to pack up and go!"

Du Guotao stared red.

"Nonsense, what do you think of the company..."

Li Guoshan quickly spoke to stop it.

Because he has no bottom for the product launch. If he doesn't make it, can he really fire Yang Xuan?

He is the real boss of the company. There is no reason to fire the boss.

"Uncle Li, stop talking."

Yang Xuan raised his hand, looked at Du Guotao and said faintly, "OK, I'll take the bet."

Du Guotao snorted coldly, "words have no basis. I have to make a written note!"

Then they asked people to find a pen and paper and set up a note on the spot. They signed on it and pressed their fingerprints.

After Du Guotao left, Li Guoshan looked at Yang xuandao with a worried face, "brother Yang, you're too impulsive, just in case..."

"Not in case."

Yang Xuan smiled faintly, "I'll be responsible for what I said. Don't worry. I'll know tomorrow night."

Jiang Qing is still very worried and runs to Yang Xuan's dormitory.

Yang Xuangang took a bath, his upper body was bare, and his lower body was only wrapped in a layer of white bath towel.

Jiang Qing broke in without knocking.

Seeing Yang Xuan like this, he suddenly screamed.

"You didn't knock. Don't blame me."

Yang Xuanlian hurried.

Jiang Qing shook her head and pointed to Yang Xuan's body, "no, how can you look like this......"

Yang Xuan's body is crisscrossed with all kinds of scars, which looks very frightening.

After years of war, countless life and death frontlines, Yang Xuan naturally has countless scars.

"You mean this."

Yang Xuan smiled and put his coat through the mountain. "When he was a child, he was naughty and climbed over the wall and trees. It's inevitable to bump."

"Don't lie to me!"

Jiang Qing glared, "do you think these injuries are bumps? How did you get them?"

Yang Xuan scratched his head awkwardly. At the same time, a touch of pain flashed in his eyes and said with a smile, "these are all things in the past. Don't mention it. Who hasn't a secret yet."

Seeing that Jiang Qing didn't intend to let go of this problem, Yang Xuan had to be ambiguous, "OK, I won't hide it from you. I used to be a guard."

"Have you ever been a guard?"

Jiang Qing was surprised and said, "when did it happen? Did you leave all these injuries from the war?"

Yang Xuan nodded and said, "well, who hasn't got any scars on the battlefield."

"But don't ask about it. We signed a confidentiality agreement. Some things are confidential and can't be said outside."

Jiang Qing looked at Yang Xuan again and sighed, "I don't see you have such an experience. OK, I won't ask."

In fact, what she thought in her heart was what kind of person Yang Xuan was. She always felt that there were countless secrets hidden in this person.

"By the way, I forgot my business. Did you just have a brain attack? How can you gamble with Du Guotao like that? What if you lose?"

Jiang Qing worried.

Yang Xuan smiled faintly and said casually, "if you lose, you'll lose. If you're willing to admit defeat, just pack up and leave."

Jiang Qing glared, "don't you have anything to miss here?"

Yang Xuan was stunned and said with a smile, "there's nothing to miss. The big husband keeps his word. If he loses at that time, he can't cheat."

"And I happen to go back to Nanjiang district and accompany my daughter-in-law every day. How happy..."

"Then get out now!"

But unexpectedly, Jiang Qing suddenly blew her hair for no reason, and angrily said, "since you want to go, why do you go in such a big circle!"

"You can resign now and go back and live a good life with your wife!"

"Yang Xuan, you are a son of a bitch!"

After scolding, Jiang Qing turned and left angrily.

Monk Yang Xuan's father-in-law couldn't figure out what was wrong with the woman. What kind of madness did she smoke?

As soon as Jiang Qing returned to the room, she climbed on the armrest of the sofa and sobbed.

Even she didn't know why she was so sad.

"Bastard, if you want to go, who wants to go? You really think of yourself as someone!"

Jiang Qing feels extremely aggrieved. After crying for a while, she suddenly reacts. Is she crying for Yang Xuan?

I don't like that guy!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

That guy is sloppy and fooling around. He's nothing, and he's still a married man. How can he like him?

Jiang Qing constantly denies her terrible thoughts.