Chapter 513

Chapter 513

The air solidifies instantly.

After a while.

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhou Guanghui suddenly burst into laughter. Even the three domestic slaves behind him laughed.

"What if I don't kneel today?"

Zhou Guanghui squinted at Yang Xuan's play and said, "I especially want to know what you can do to me and whether you will hit me. I'm so scared, ha ha!"

At this time, Yang Xuan suddenly raised his hand and slapped him in the face.


A crisp slap in the face.

On Zhou Guanghui's cheek, five clear fingerprints appeared in an instant.

"Well, you're right. I'll hit you."

Yang Xuan said faintly.

"My grass mud horse!"

Zhou Guanghui was mad and angrily said, "give me this boy and break him into pieces!"

Just as the three domestic slaves were about to start, Mrs. Zhang suddenly shouted, "stop!"

"He's not from Zhangjia. He has nothing to do with it!"

Zhou Guanghui angrily said, "you're fucking mentally retarded. He hit labor and capital. Is it important for Zhangjia people? Kill him!"


Zhang linger suddenly shouted, looked at Zhou Guanghui and said decisively, "let him go, I'll go with you!"


Old lady Zhang made a noise quickly.


Zhang linger looked at the old lady and said with a bitter smile, "if it's my own business or our Zhangjia business, we will never compromise even if we die."

"But..... You have taught us since childhood to repay our kindness. Brother Yang Xuan came out to help us today. We Zhangjia must do something."

The old lady closed her eyes and looked miserable.

This is really their family style.

Zhou Guanghui hesitated for a while, turned his eyes and nodded, "OK, as long as you listen to me in the future, I'll let this little bastard go today!"

In fact, Zhou Guanghui's words buried a hole.

He just said that Yang Xuan would be released today, but he didn't say that he wouldn't care about it in the future.

He is a noble young master of the Zhou family. He was slapped in the face. Can he be so easy?

Zhang linger went to Yang Xuan and said gratefully, "brother Yang Xuan, thank you for helping us today, but......"

"What do you mean to help you talk?"

Yang Xuan interrupted with a smile, "since you just called me brother, you are my sister. How can I see my sister being bullied?"

After that, he turned to look at Zhou Guanghui and said faintly, "since I'm from Zhangjia now, does that still count?"

Zhou Guanghui was stunned. "What bet?"

Yang Xuan said, "you said that if anyone could knock down the three wastes you brought today, you would never set foot at the gate of Zhangjia in the future, right?"

"Who is waste!"

The three domestic slaves shouted angrily.

Zhou Guanghui raised his hand, looked at Yang Xuan thoughtfully, and said faintly, "why, do you want to try?"

"That's OK, but I have to add."

Zhou Guanghui said, "just now they lost, just a useless arm, but you lost, you have to go back and be a dog for me!"

"Brother Yang Xuan......"

Zhang linger pulled Yang Xuan's arm nervously.

"Don't worry, just stand aside and see how I deal with these bastards."

Yang Xuan smiled at Zhang linger.

Zhang linger was slightly stunned, and then felt a little trance.

The words to be said later were also swallowed back.

For such a moment, she suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of security.

It seems that the brother who met for the first time in front of her can protect her from the wind and rain.

She also has two brothers who dote on her, but she has never felt this sureness and peace of mind.

"Little bastard, put your horse here!"

A San couldn't wait. He gently hooked his finger at Yang Xuan. "Don't say that labor and capital bully you. I can allow you to take tools, knives, hammers and axes!"

"I stand still and let you fight. If you hurt me, you will win today!"

A San practiced Kung Fu all over and had already reached the point of perfection.

As long as he gets angry, let alone his fist, even if the steel knife stabs him, he won't even leave a mark.


Yang Xuan gently shook his head, "it's not fair."

Zhou Guanghui sneered, "what's the matter? It's too late to think about returning now!"

"In front of Zhou Guanghui, what I say is water poured out!"

Yang Xuan still shook his head gently and said faintly, "I mean, he's not qualified to do it with me alone. Let's go together."


Everyone's face changed in an instant.

But before they could react, Yang Xuan added a shocking sentence again.

"I only use one finger. If I can't poke them, I'll lose."


Everyone exploded in an instant.

If the first sentence is just arrogant, the next sentence is an insult to red fruit!

"Son of a bitch, I don't have time to play with you now!"

Zhou Guanghui said fiercely, "if you dare to be so crazy after a while, I'll kneel down and call your father!"

Ah San can't wait. Because he is extremely angry, he is as fierce as a god arhat.

The air in the whole room seemed to be crushed by their anger.

"Boy, put your horse here!"

Ah San roared.

The skin on the body, from the beginning of wheat color, faintly reveals a kind of white marble like luster, just like hard marble.

People who know a little about martial arts know very well that this is the effect of condensing Qi after just fierce foreign Kung Fu has reached a certain level.

At this time, ah San's body was wrapped with a layer of real strength.

The strength density of this layer is so high that even a steel knife can't pierce it for half a minute.

And the greater the force used, the harder the rebound force received.

Under that layer of vigorous Qi, the skin will reflect a different luster.

Maybe ah San was really angry, or maybe he wanted to give Yang Xuan a deterrent.


Ah San suddenly let out a wild animal like roar.

The roar was like a thunderbolt.

Everyone instinctively covers their ears, but even so, their eardrums still hurt.

The nearest big round table suddenly creaked.

With a bang, it split into several halves in an instant!

Everyone is stupid!

Just a roar produced such strong lethality!

At this time, they didn't think that ah San was a human. He was a beast and a Shura evil ghost climbing out of hell!

"Xiao Yang, get out of here!"

Mrs. Zhang's voice trembled.

However, Yang Xuan suddenly made an unimaginable move.

First, he glanced at ah San with an idiot look, and then raised his palm.

The thumb, index finger, ring finger and little finger are bent in turn

There is a standard middle finger left, gently standing in front of ah San.