Chapter 758

Soon all the contestants took their places. With a starting gun, Yang Xuan put his hands on the back of the stuffed pig, then jumped on the pig and burst into a drink, "drive!"

More than 20 stuffed pigs began to rush forward. Yang Xuan lay on the sow's back, grabbed the sow's ears with both hands, controlled the direction, and clamped his legs to exert pressure on the sow.

When the sow was in pain, she made a cry in her mouth and dashed towards the end.

There were all kinds of cheers and cheers in the stands. Yang Xuan rode to the end with absolute advantage and the stuffed pig.

The commentator was so excited that he shouted, "it's incredible. Break the record, break the record. This day will go down in history. Contestant Yang Xuan created a new record of stuffed pigs with his exquisite pig riding skills and excellent ability to communicate with pigs. Please remember Yang Xuan and his pigs forever!"

During the ceremony, one, two or three people stood on the podium with their beloved pigs. As the family brother of the green horse family played, a flag painted with the green horse totem slowly rose.

The people of the green horse family and the audience supporting them were so excited that they broke into tears.

The project of stuffed pig has always been the short board of the green horse family, and the best result in history is the ninth.

But today, the flag of their Qingma family finally rises slowly in the pig farm. At this moment, Yang Xuan and the heroic sow have made history, and will write a heavy pen in the history of their Qingma family!

Yang Xuan standing on the stand was also tearful, but he was not excited, but embarrassed and cried by himself.

Nie Tianqing on the stage saw that Yang Xuan's eyes were filled with tears. He couldn't help but say to several elders of the green horse family, "unexpectedly, Xiao Yang still has a sense of collective honor."

The commentator was even more excited and shouted, "our champion Yang Xuan is also crying. Why does he have tears in his eyes? Because he loves the sow who won the supreme glory for him deeply!"

Because of his brilliant performance on the pig race field, the name Yang Xuan instantly became the focus of the whole arena.

Therefore, in the next men's 100 meter turtle climbing competition, everyone in the audience focused on Yang Xuan.

The rules of this event are roughly the same as those of the 100 meter race. The only difference is that the contestants must land on all fours and have a turtle shell painted green and carved from stone on their back.

"Bandit friends, bandit friends, next, it will be the highlight of this competition, the most exciting and competitive turtle climbing competition!"

"This project has very strict requirements for the comprehensive quality of athletes. It requires strong limbs, superb coordination ability, endurance, negative gravity, willpower and the most important fighting spirit."

"Now we see that the contestants have been lying on the climbing line. Please hold your breath. An exciting moment is coming!"


"When the starting gun rang, the competition officially began. The player Yang Xuan on the ninth track started very fast. Next to him were the last turtle climbing champion Cao wangba, followed by Wu Jiayu, who maintained the turtle climbing record. They are trying to catch up."

"The competition has reached 50 meters. Yang Xuan is in the leading position. Yang Xuan accelerates. Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan, or Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan wins!"

"Wow, 37.25 seconds, the new fighting record, Yang Xuan made history and became the first turtle climber to climb into 38 seconds!"

"Yang Xuan is not fighting alone. At this moment, the Qi of the turtle king in his body has awakened. At this moment, he is not a man. He is a real big bastard!"

"Yang Xuan, the Great Yang Xuan, the well deserved king of turtle climbing, long live Yang Xuan!"

This time, Yang Xuan no longer had tears in his eyes, not because of anything else, but because he was numb.

Next, Yang Xuan won all the gold medals in many sports, such as breaking big stones in his chest and men's 110 meter drill fire circle.

At the end of the competition, Yang Xuan won a total of 12 incredible gold medals and became the contestant who won the most gold medals in a single time in the history of the competition!

Finally, he finally deserved to be selected as the first fighting warrior of this competition!

The whole venue shouted Yang Xuan's name. He became the hero of the fighting Conference!

Members of the green horse family threw him high and shouted long live.

Yang Xuan also received the leader token from Nie Tianqing.

"Xiao Yang... No, it's time to call you leader now!"

Nie Tianqing smiled at Yang Xuan and said, "your performance today is recognized by everyone. In the evening, I set a banquet, and the leaders of all major families will be present. You happen to know them and make a handover by the way..."

"Let's postpone it for two days."

Yang Xuan's face was expressionless.

Nie Tianqing wondered, "why? Aren't you always in a hurry?"

Yang Xuan turned his head and looked at Nie Tianqing calmly, "because I'm autistic."

Because of this, Yang Xuan is really autistic.

He didn't show up for two days and nights. No one knows why he went.

But there is a rumor these days that before night, many people will hear the sound of howling and crying in the woods.

Yang Xuan has never been so aggrieved. He is a champion and a baron. He runs to ride pigs, climb turtles, and drill fire rings like monkeys

And you're a champion!

What a dog!

It is said that because of this, Yang Xuan specially invited a top psychologist from abroad to do psychological counseling for a long time.

No one really knows whether this matter is true, but from that day on, Yang Xuan became particularly irritable every time he saw something inside a pig or tortoise.

Autistic to autistic, we still have to do business.

Although he has become the leader of the 72 route horse bandits, this is only the beginning.

First of all, the biggest problem before us is how to really grasp the control of the horse bandits.

Yang Xuan is not an idiot. The token representing the leader's identity is just an ordinary piece of wood in the final analysis.

This is the same as the nature of the ancient jade seal. Everyone worships the jade seal. In fact, it is not the jade seal itself, but the imperial power behind the jade seal!

If there is not enough strength to support, the jade seal is just a broken stone.

The green horse family has held this leader token for four consecutive generations, but it has never really controlled the control of the 72 route horse bandits.

Each Malaysian bandit family, with blood relatives as the core, has its own system. Money, people and horses are all saved by themselves. Why should they be manipulated by others?

If Yang Xuan comes directly, the horse bandits are bound to revolt.

The second problem in front of Yang Xuan is the number of horse bandits.

Seventy two road horse bandits add up to fifty or sixty thousand people.

This figure looks frightening, but Yang Xuan knows that sometimes it's not a good thing to have many people. If you don't control it well, it will become a curse.

It is absolutely an irrefutable truth that it lies in refinement rather than in abundance.