Chapter 5

"That's the problem!" The sweat on the display forehead was like oil slurry, and his speech was not clear. "I tried all our antidotes to her. It's useless! Her condition has not abated at all, on the contrary, it is getting better and worse! "

"More and more serious?" Huo Shaoheng didn't think so, "where can it be serious? It's not poison. If you can't, just let her carry it. You can't die. "

"Carry it? You think she's a member of the special operations division of your military department? " The exhibition glared at the neck and accused Huo Shaoheng of inhumanity.

The members of the special operations division of the Imperial Army are all special forces of the special forces. They are trained to the death, and they are not taboo against the covert means that other troops can not use.

Compared with the following drugs, drugs and seduction, everyone has experienced, so they have strong resistance.

"Can't you?" Huo Shaoheng gave him a fierce look.

The exhibition took out her handkerchief, wiped the sweat on her forehead, and murmured, "but she struggled so hard that the rope just broke..."

He pointed to a broken white nylon rope in the corner.

Huo Shaoheng took a look, said: "then play a sedative, let her sleep for two days will be OK."

Isn't it just a potion when they haven't tried it?

In the special operations department's sex pheromone resistance training, there is an experiment on drug resistance to kitsch.

The team members should be injected with the medicine in batches and in small quantities, so that they can understand the nature of the medicine and make a response at the first time.

Although the taste is very unpleasant, it is definitely not irresistible.

The display closed her eyes. "OK, I'll give her a sedative, but just in case, I'll have to put her on a ventilator and monitor her heart and pulse."

Huo Shaoheng nodded, "hands on."

They walked over together.

Huo Shaoheng sat down beside the bed, one hand clamped on the shoulder of care, the other hand held her wrist, the strength of both hands was like a pair of pliers, so that the moment when she was still struggling fiercely, she couldn't move.

The display was busy with sedatives and intravenous injections.

In the process of injection, Huo Shaoheng found that the strength of the struggle to care more and more big.

He didn't use all his strength to worry about the injury, but at this time, he didn't have to do all he could.

Press her shoulder until the injection is finished.

Thinking of the whole body twitch for a while, slowly quiet down.

Chen Lieh breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "I knew I had given her a sedative at the beginning..."

As he said this, he thought about the ventilator, and at the same time gave her the equipment to monitor her heart and pulse.

Huo Shaoheng nodded and stood up from the hospital bed.

His back was also covered with sweat. He looked back at his quiet thoughts and said, "I'll go back to..."

Before the voice dropped, the monitor of the display suddenly screamed.

Like a siren, the harsh sound reverberated in the ward, and the display trembled with fear, almost falling to the ground.

"What's the matter? What's going on? "

He rushed to check the monitoring data, and his face turned pale and said, "Oh, how did her blood pressure rise so high?"?! The heart beat faster and faster, and there seems to be suffocation... "

"This It's a sedative problem! "

I think I'm allergic to sedatives.

The exhibition had no time to think about why it was like this, and immediately said, "we have to quickly inject the drug to relieve the sedative, otherwise her life will be in danger."

Huo Shaoheng nodded, "then hurry up!"

Display and take out a needle tube, will be anti sedative injection, again intravenous injection to care.

Soon, the blood pressure slowly dropped, heart rate and pulse also returned to normal level, but her body function, also from the recovery.

That itch pierced the heart and eroded the bones, like 10000 ants crawling in the blood vessels, also like being swept by countless soft feathers all over the body.

At last she cried out Don't Don't Help me Help me Huo Shao, help me... "

She was so strong that she quickly kicked the ventilator, pushed off the heart rate monitor, rolled, and almost fell into bed.

It's like Drug addicts for years have been forced to detoxify

"How could that happen?" Huo Shaoheng's calm face finally revealed some doubts.

"I knew there was something wrong with this medicine So I did the blood sample analysis, and then did the drug composition analysis, but the reverse analysis is very time-consuming, I haven't finished it yet! "

"How much longer?" Huo Shaoheng frowned.

"I don't know. It may take at least six hours." The exhibition looked at the watch, "what about these six hours? I'm afraid that before my drug composition analysis is finished, she will... "

Huo Shaoheng slightly a Zheng, eyes subconsciously to the sofa of care to see.When she was 12 years old, Huo Shaoheng became her guardian. She almost grew up with him.

In Huo Shaoheng's eyes, she is still a little girl.

But now I was tortured by the medicine, and my body curled up there, which was extremely soft.

Huo Shaoheng looked away from the exhibition What will happen? "

The exhibition scratched her head. "I don't know for the time being, but looking at her current body data, it's afraid that the intense drug effect can't be released. I'm afraid it will destroy her central nervous system and become a vegetable is the best result."

Huo Shaoheng frowned again and walked forward a few steps. His riding boots made a steady sound on the floor. He was trembling and groaning. He seemed to feel something. He opened his eyes without focus and turned his head to Huo Shaoheng.

The delicate small face with big palms shows a look of extreme desire.

The exhibition said with a bitter smile She's completely unconscious. If you don't believe you call her by name now, she doesn't know how to respond. "

Huo Shaoheng stopped in front of the sofa, a bundle of care will be tightly held up, one hand pressed her constantly moving head, "to me there."

Huo Shaoheng has a separate courtyard in the special operations division. It is a small three story building with strict security. High level security certification is required for access.

The exhibition nodded, "I've long wanted to say that it's safe to go to your place. I have people coming and going. If I let those people see me... "

He gave a wry smile.

Although they are all comrades in arms who have been through life and death together, they still have to think about this little girl when they encounter such a thing.

The exhibition took a bed blanket and put it on his mind.

Huo Shaoheng wrapped the whole person in a blanket and went down the stairs directly from the separate elevator in the display clinic. He went to the basement of his small yard and came to the third floor.

Displayed behind him is a temporary medicine box and his own computer bag. There are a lot of his handwritten notes that have not been sorted into the computer.

Come to the third floor of Huo Shaoheng's small building and put it on the small bed in her bedroom. Huo Shaoheng will untie the rubber rope that binds her one by one.

Just as soon as he untied her hands and feet, he was as red as a small animal and rushed up

Huo Shaoheng did not care, a hand will care about the hands can not move, back to the display way: "help me."

The display probe went to have a look at it and pointed out: "tie her to the bed. Her legs and arms should be tied up so that she can't move around again."

Huo Shaoheng looked at the exposed arm, which had been bound by rubber rope bruised and swollen.

After thinking about it, he went to the cloakroom, searched in it for a while, took out some blue and purple silk scarves and tied them to the bed in large font. , the fastest update of the webnovel!