Chapter 69

When the carriage arrived in front of Gu's house, Yu Xiaoxiao got off the carriage as if nothing had happened. When Gu Xinglang was carried off the carriage by Xiaozhuang Xiaowei, it was not very interesting to see these two brothers. The two brothers were born in the dark guard of the Imperial Palace and were much more intelligent than ordinary people. Gu Xinglang was sure that they had heard the conversation between him and the princess just now in the car.

Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei have a straight face. When they hear it, they have to listen to nothing. The professional quality of the dark guard is that the owner is naked. They also have to be the owner in royal clothes!

The little couple entered the house. Gu Chen and Gu Xingnuo also walked around from behind the big screen wall in the front door courtyard. Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xinglang, the old man asked, "princess, saner, have you really changed to your highness six?"

Jade novel: "yes, Grandpa."

Gu Xinglang was annoyed and forgot to send someone to inform his family of the news at the first time. "Grandpa," Gu sanshao said, "how did you get the news at home?"

Gu Xingnuo came to Gu Xinglang and said with a smile, "Lord Ying sent someone to ask, we know."

The old man looked at the little couple and said, "what are you doing?"

The people who went out with her royal highness today did not know how to reply, but they could tell a piece of books when the princess was at the door of the big bowl.

"It's time for dinner," said Yu Xiaoxiao, without everyone's entanglement, and returned to the old man. Did she do anything besides eat? fight? Is this a thing?

"Have you gone to dinner again?" The old man was in a good mood, so he asked, "where did Xiao saner take the princess to eat?"

Yu Xiaoxiao said happily, "big bowl restaurant."

The old man was silent in an instant. Is there such a restaurant on the boundary of the capital?

"Grandpa, I'll take you to eat another day," Yu Xiaoxiao ran to the old man, turned the old man's arm and said, "the food of that house is much better than that of proud winery."

After being abducted by his granddaughter-in-law, the old man hasn't recovered for a long time. Except for the old lady when he was young, the old man hasn't been touched by the little girl in his life.

Yu Xiaoxiao took the master behind the screen wall and said, "Grandpa, I'll help you go. What did you eat today?"

The old man looked at himself, and then looked at his royal highness, whose arm was turning around. One old man, one small one. Let's forget the difference between his mother and his son. The old man followed Yu Xiaoxiao with steps and said, "tell me first. What did you eat with Xiao saner just now?"

"Oh, meatballs, fish, shrimp, ducks,..."

"So much?"

"Ha, yes. What else? And squirrel mandarin fish. Grandpa, why is this dish called squirrel mandarin fish? I don't see squirrel meat. There's only one fish on the plate. "


Looking at the old man and the young man, Gu Xingnuo intimately disappeared in front of the big screen wall. Gu Xingnuo touched his newly shaved chin and said, "that's grandpa?" When was their grandfather so kind?

Gu Xinglang was also stunned for a long time, and then said, "grandpa likes the princess very much."

"Can you speak?" Gu Da Shao slapped his little brother on the head, "Grandpa, that's called love."

Gu Xinglang smiled.

Gu Dashao thought that hey, this iceberg can laugh like a flower now. People with a daughter-in-law are just different.

Yu Xiaoxiao sent the old man back to the study, sat in the study, scolded the Zhao Qiuming family with the old man, greeted the Zhao family's ancestors, and finally made an appointment with the old man to dig the Zhao family's ancestral grave another day. The old man thought the scolding was great! Yu Xiaoxiao feels that she has finally found a person who has a common language with herself!

The old lady, accompanied by Mrs. Xu, stood outside the study for a while. Listening to the old and the young inside, she scolded that master Zhao Xiang must have no * * son. It was unbearable! For many years, she had an appointment with the old army ruffian. She could say anything rough in the barracks. When she got home, she was not allowed to say a word. The old man and the old lady have lived for decades, and this rule has not been broken once, so the three grandchildren, except Gu Xingyan, have developed a careless temperament. Gu Xingnuo and Gu Xinglang are elegant CHILDES with both literature and martial arts.

What happened today? I'm trembling with rage. What does the old man say!

Mrs. Xu also frowned. In fact, the young ladies who came out of the scholarly family could not listen to vulgar words. Mrs. Xu was unhappy, but she didn't dare to speak. She helped the old lady out of the corridor and whispered, "mother, father, this is happy."

The old lady forbeared until she came out of the old man's study yard, and then said, "your father-in-law is a soldier. It's just that you can't speak to your ears. The Royal Princess, how, alas, it's just that this is Xinglang's destiny!"

Mrs. Xu didn't answer the old lady's words. Princess Linglong is not like a lady in the boudoir. In fact, Mrs. Xu is also vaguely disappointed, but Mrs. Xu remembers the kindness of Princess Linglong, whether she practices martial arts or speaks rudely. As long as Princess Linglong can live with Gu Xinglang, Mrs. Xu feels that she has nothing to bear.

"Why don't grandma and mother come in?" Yu Xiaoxiao opened the study door, looked out and watched Mrs. Xu help the old lady out of the courtyard door. The old man smiled. Just now he scolded happily and forgot his appointment with the old woman. Yu Xiaoxiao looked back at the old man and asked, "Grandpa, do you want me to call grandma and mother back?"“ Forget it, "said the old man," let them go. There are women's affairs in their women's house. Don't worry about the princess. " Yu Xiaoxiao nodded. One didn't be a woman, and the other took the girl in front of him as his little partner. Therefore, the people who said and listened to the old man didn't feel anything wrong. Gu Xinglang was sitting in a wooden wheelchair and was pushed by his big brother to the old man's study. He just collided head-on with the old lady and Mrs. Xu“ Grandma, mother, "Gu Xinglang said to the two elders," Xinglang is back. " The old lady looked at her little grandson and said, "don't you know that you ordered someone to go back to the house to inform you of such a big thing? The princess is still young. Are you small, too? " Gu Xinglang was a little surprised. The old man always scolded him and the old lady spoiled him. What's the matter today? Gu Xingnuo hurriedly said, "grandma, Xinglang just forgot for a moment."“ Forget, "the old lady shook her head and said to Gu Xinglang," I'm afraid at home with your mother. Don't you think of us? I heard you went to dinner with the princess. Xinglang, when did you become so careless? "