Chapter 869

Big masters hate people like Xiao Zhuang who can't walk quietly. Is this a high lightness skill or something“ Then I wish you learn to calculate and look at the accounts as soon as possible. Mr. cashier is also a good business, "the big boss wishes Xiaozhuang road.

Xiaozhuang said, "don't worry. I won't give you a copper plate if you starve to death in the future."

The big boss held his arm and said, "Oh, drink, you are a miser before you become the son-in-law of the Qian family."

Gu Er Shao said, "are you going to fight?"

Xiao Wei coughs under the steps. These people are really enough. The Xuanwu Prince is waiting here. Are these people talking nonsense and bickering in the door interesting? When leaving the palace, Gu Xingnuo specially told Xiaowei that guining will be of great use to them in the future, so this person is very important and must not be neglected. In front of guining, he must be solemn and polite. Now the guard looks at the three in the door. Is it possible for him to complete Gu Dashao's entrustment?

Gu Xingyan put on a smiling face and walked out of the door. After a few steps, he went down the high steps in front of the prince in law's residence. He bowed in front of GUI Ning and said, "Your Highness five is up. Please accept Gu Xingyan's worship."

Guining didn't ask much, but the fifth prince also knew that Fengtian chaotang was the only one in the family. Hearing that the handsome young man in front of him claimed to be Gu Xingyan, guining waved his hand and said, "don't be polite, childe Gu."

At this time, the big leader also wanted to welcome outside the door. He was badly hurt by Xiaozhuang and kicked the wall by the door.

Guining heard the sound of "Dong" and looked curiously into the door.

Gu Er Shao said, "it's all right. They're playing. Your highness, please. Let's talk in the house."

Guining steps up the steps.

Xiaowei took the opportunity to hold Gu Xingyan and relayed Gu Dashao's words to Gu Ershao.

Gu Ershao had a headache immediately after listening to Xiao Wei. He has never been good at dealing with scholars.

Guining went up the steps, entered the gate of the prince-in-law's residence, and stood there again.

"What's the matter?" Gu Ershao muttered and walked into the gate like a gust of wind.

"What are they doing?" Guining pointed to the big screen wall and asked Gu Xingyan.

Xiao Wei followed in and covered his face directly.

The big leader may have been angered by Xiaozhuang's foot. At the moment, he was holding a knife on Xiong er's head and said to Xiaozhuang, "don't force me, or I'll kill him with a knife!"

Xiao Zhuang looked coldly at the big leader.

The former pirates had fun to watch and, of course, watched together.

The bodyguards and eunuchs sent by Xianzong from the palace have been mixing with these people for some time. It is said that people who are close to the dark are always taught to follow the rules. At present, these people are also happy to watch the excitement.

Although Xiong Er is nominally Xiaozhuang's pet, in fact, he is a group pet among these people. He is put on the head of the knife holder by the big leader. Xiong Er still only thinks that the big leader is playing with him, stretching out his tongue and licking the big leader's hand. He is very happy.

A former pirate coaxed, "boss, if you don't really cut, you just put the knife on the bear's head. What's the matter?"

Xiao Zhuang sneered, "just come to me." These days, he is forced by boss Qian to read the account books and make calculations. Xiaozhuang is very anxious. He is looking for someone to beat him to vent. The boss hit him.

Everyone coaxed and asked the big leader to fight with Xiaozhuang.

Er Gouzi was the only one in the crowd who really worried about the big leader. He said, "boss, don't hurt Xiong er. He will bite you if he gets hurt."

The master roared, "what can I do for you? Get out! "

The second leader said, "boss, what are you angry with the dog? What's your plan? Fight with our villa master, or just forget it? "

Xiaozhuang still sneers.

The big boss was angered by Xiaozhuang's small appearance again and threw the knife into Xiong er's claws. The big boss waved his fist and rushed to Xiaozhuang.

After the big leader fought with Xiaozhuang, the house of Duwei, the son-in-law, suddenly became lively and noisy.

Gu Xingyan also likes this kind of excitement. There are many hot-blooded men in the military camp, but the military discipline is strict. Who dares to gather a group of people together and make trouble recklessly like here?

"Left fist!" Gu Er shaochong shouted when he was in a battle with Xiaozhuang.

"Ow!" Bear 2 stood up and watched the excitement like a man.

Guining was helpless again. Did he continue to go in or leave? Who are these people?!

Xiaowei knows it's over when he sees this scene. Gu Xiangye tells him to do something. He can't do it.

"You," Gui Ning looked around the people, finally chose Xiao Wei as the target of conversation and said, "what are you doing?"

Xiao Weimo, a reliable young man, can't think of a usable excuse at this time to say that these people are fighting for who will meet the fifth prince? Guining seems to have no temper, but you can't treat people as fools because of this?

Guining said at this time, "why is there a bear? The bear doesn't hurt people? " Xiao Wei said, "don't worry, your highness. This is Xiong er. He was raised since childhood and won't hurt people." Bear two? GUI Ning looks at Xiao Wei. What's the ghost name? Xiao Wei pulls, and Gu Ershao is just watching the excitement. Gu Xingyan was pulled around by Xiao Wei and saw guining. Gu Er Shao thought of business and said to guining, "this is a group of rude people. Don't care, your highness five. Please let's talk in the house." GUI Ning said, "let them fight like this?" Gu Er Shao smiled and said, "Your Highness, don't worry. You can't die." Guining... Is it better for him to go back to the emperor's palace in Fengtian? Such a busy place is not suitable for him. Gu Xingnuo carried his hand to the house and said, "Your Highness, please." GUI Ning hesitated and stood still. At this time, Yu Xiao and Gu Xinglang came back. Her royal highness had a bunch of kebabs in her hand. People could smell a roast meat before they arrived. Gu Xinglang entered the house. Seeing the noisy crowd, his face sank and asked Xiaowei, "what's going on?" Before Xiao Wei could speak, Yu Xiaoxiao handed a skewer of barbecue to Gu Xingyan and said, "second brother, try it." Gu Xingyan took a bite of the kebab and nodded with Yu Xiaoxiao, "it tastes good." Xiaowei had no hope for Gu Xingyan. He took Gu Xinglang to see GUI Ning and said, "son-in-law, this is the fifth highness of Xuanwu." Gu Xinglang saluted guining. Without waiting for Gu Xinglang to speak, GUI Ning said, "are you Gu's son-in-law? Is it all right for the people in your house to fight like this? " Xiaozhuang beat the big leader on the ground at this time. In the competition of force value, the emperor's dark guard completely defeated the pirate leader.