Chapter 1061

Jiang Zhuojun shrugged his shoulders. He was not a family member. He had no feelings for Mrs. Xu. General Xiaojiang told Yu's little novel: "I didn't do it. She was the only one crying. Xinglang and they didn't talk."

Yu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said in disappointment, "so?"

Jiang Zhuojun said, "they didn't do it. They made a decision."

Big masters... Don't make trouble about this. How do you judge it? Son in law, do they really kill their own mother?

Yu Xiaoxiao listened to the movement in the yard and asked in a low voice, "my little Gu didn't do much?"

The big boss crowded over, pointed to his eyes and said to Yu's little novel, "the son-in-law is red eyed. I don't know what's going on now. Princess, do you think we should retreat first just in case? " What if Gu Xinglang goes crazy? His daughter-in-law is still pregnant!

Yu Xiaoxiao waved to get rid of the boss and said, "I'm standing here. What can Xiaogu do when he's crazy? OK, take your brothers first. Listen to my little Gu's family affairs. Can you satisfy your gossip heart or what? "

Big boss: "don't we prevent a fight inside for a while?"

Jade novel: "don't pull it. Did you hit Xiao Gu?"

The head of the family is full of heart, and good intentions are not rewarded!

"Step back," Jiang Zhuojun said to the master at this time, "don't let the people in the house come here again."

A big boss looks at a small jade.

Yu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and pricked her ears to listen to the movement in the yard.

The master said, "princess?"

Jade novel: "listen to Xiaojiang."

The master took his brothers to the veranda.

Yu Xiaoxiao thought about it, then turned back and said to the master, "let the kitchen make something to eat. We've been busy for so long. I'll invite you to dinner."

The big boss sucks his mouth. Is this to invite them to dinner, or do you want to eat your own goods?

The former pirates walked into the corridor around the water in twos and threes. The lanterns hanging under the corridor were not fully lit. The long corridor looked very dark and did not reflect the moonlight on the water,

The second leader looked at his own brothers around and whispered to the big leader, "what's the matter with general Xiaojiang?"

The leader said, "what's going on?"

A former pirate said, "don't you find out, boss, he's giving orders for our princess."

The head of the family sank his face and rarely said seriously to his brothers, "what do you want to say? Is this kind of thing nonsense? Don't quarrel about nothing. General Xiaojiang and his son-in-law are brothers and sisters. Just remember this. "

The former pirates are quiet.

The master said, "second?"

The second head nodded and said, "yes, that's it. I didn't think about anything else."

The head of the family stared at the second head of the family. It's bad enough to have a Jingmo. With another Jiang Zhuojun, will the son-in-law live?

Yu Xiaoxiao told herself ten times in front of the courtyard at this time. She was Xiao Gu's mother, and then said to Jiang Zhuojun, "I'll go in and have a look. Xiao Jiang, you're here to help watch. Don't let anyone in."

Jiang Zhuojun anxiously reminded Yu's little novel: "don't talk too much about it, princess. Just let elder brother Gu decide."

Yu Xiaoxiao's novel: "well, I remember. She's Xiao Gu's mother." as she spoke, Yu Xiaoxiao ran into the courtyard door.

Jiang Zhuojun stood alone in front of the courtyard. It was a little cold by the wind. Jiang Zhuojun raised his hand and tightened his collar. When Yu Xiaoxiao entered the courtyard, Mrs. Xu's cry remained the same, which made general Xiaojiang frown. It was a disaster for the family brother to put such a mother on the stall.

After the big leader walked out of the corridor, he asked the second leader to take his brothers to patrol the corners of the house, and he went to the kitchen alone. After Gu Dashao came to the house, Mammy Wang consciously went to the kitchen and shook her head as she walked. Gu Dashao looked good to each other. In fact, everyone was afraid.

Seeing the kitchen approaching, a figure fell from the sky and appeared in front of the master.

The leader didn't see who the visitor was. He quickly pulled out his knife and shouted, "who?!"

"I," the visitor put his hands behind his back, indicating that he was harmless.

The master squinted, looked at the people by the moonlight on his head, held a knife and said, "aren't you the dark guard around the Holy Lord? What, are you here to catch up with Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei? The two brothers are staring at the movement in the front yard. "

Dark guard... Doesn't this guy have a good brain? He came to Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei in the middle of the night to talk about the past?

"Go ahead, turn left, you..." the master showed the way to the little brother of dark Wei.

"The emperor and his majesty Jingmo are going to enter the house," said brother dark Wei, with a expressionless face, interrupting the master's words, "how can I enter the house?"

"Ah?" The master said, "the holy master is coming?"

Brother dark Wei nodded.

"Our son-in-law's son-in-law is making trouble at home," said the head of the family with an unhappy face. "The holy master is coming. Isn't it worse? Ask, is the holy master going to put Mrs. Xu to death? "

Brother dark Wei looks at the master. Can you ask about it? Do you follow the royal highness of the princess without taking the sacred place seriously? The big boss gathered up with brother dark Wei and said, "can't you say?" Brother dark Wei said, "how does the holy master enter the house?" Great masters... Do you have the virtue of being a dark guard in the emperor's house? Can you die by saying one more word“ If you don't know, I'll go to Xiao Wei, "said brother dark Wei. The master groaned with his arm and said, "looking for Xiaowei? Don't you look down on Xiaozhuang? " Brother dark Wei... This guy must have a bad brain“ Let's go, "said the leader, taking brother dark Wei to the other end of the tunnel." there's no need to bother them about this kind of thing. " Brother dark Wei said, "it's troublesome to welcome Shengjia?" The leader looks back at this guy. He looks like a human model. He's no worse than Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei. Maybe the holy master has to look at his face to choose dark Wei? Brother dark Wei touched his face and said coldly, "what are you looking at?" The big family said, "Ma is not trouble. This princess has the final say, brother, do you think so?" The little brother of dark Wei had nothing to say when he got involved with the princess, so the saint had to stand back. The head of the family is very proud to see that he has kept the younger brother of dark Wei silent. The people who serve the emperor can't compare with them who serve the princess now( What's the point of comparing yourself with others? O (╯□ ╯ system) o) the leader took the younger brother of dark Wei to leave the Fuma Duwei house in a dark way. He saw Xianzong and Jingmo not far from the main gate of the house“ "Let's go," said Xianzong. When he saw the master in front of the carriage, he gave an order, and the man sat back in the carriage. Jingmo leaned against the window and whispered, "what's the situation in the house?" The master shook his head with a bitter face and said, "no, the son-in-law is going crazy." Xianzong shivered in the car, and the dark guard hurried to catch the car said, "come on, hurry up, I want to enter the house!"