Chapter 4

"I heard that you also want to audition for the first girl of Qiu Shang?"

When Xia Xunsheng gets a call from sun Xiaoping and rushes to Huaying entertainment, he sees Charlotte who is arrogant.

"Put away your means of seduction. One day when I'm here, you can't get the first girl's play." Charlotte taunted.

Xia Xunsheng picks an eyebrow: "you know what foxtail has done. I'm afraid it's more skillful than me."

"It's no use talking to me. Even if you pass sun Xiaoping's registration, you have to have that life." Charlotte sneered and left with her assistant.

Sun Xiaoping came back after the meeting and threw a script to Xia Xunsheng.

"Don't go to the audition of" Qiu Shang "tomorrow. I've got a new play for you. There's a cocktail party in the evening. I'll drop in later."

"I've signed up." Xia Xunsheng turns over the content of the script at will, and gives her the role of the brothel woman who is hanged by the main room as soon as she appears. She can't help but roll her eyes.

Sun Xiaoping was furious: "who allowed you to sign up privately? Do you have this schedule? I've signed you a contract. You have to take the play. "

Xia Xunsheng doesn't speak any more. In the past year, she has been used to the attitude of her agent. After going out, she threw away the script.

Later, Xia Xunsheng goes shopping and chooses the clothes he will wear for the audition tomorrow.

"Hello, are you allowed to return the clothes here?" Xia Xunsheng chooses a little red skirt.

She has fair skin and long waves around her waist. Because she keeps exercising for a long time, she doesn't have any extra body fat. In addition to her 168 height, she is a walking clothes shelf.

"Miss, the quality of our clothes is very good, there will be no problem. And you're perfect for this dress. It's more beautiful than those stars. " The shop assistant praised Xia Xunsheng.

Xia Xunsheng looks at the tag of his clothes, and finally reluctantly takes it off. As soon as he goes out, he bumps into passers-by.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She bowed her head and apologized.

"Nothing." A cold male voice sounded above her head.

Xia Xunsheng looks up at the man in front of him. He is nearly 1.9 meters tall. The light softens his hard carved facial features. His light chestnut hair is combed up meticulously. The button of his shirt is buttoned up to the top. He is full of abstinence.

She has seen a lot of handsome boys abroad, and there are also many male stars in the circle who are called Shenyan, but they are not qualified in front of this person.

"Enough of that?" The man frowned slightly and looked down at Xia Xunsheng.

"That's enough, that's enough, you've done it." Xia Xunsheng just stepped back and gave way.

This man's momentum is too strong. If you let the ancient emperor go, you can feel his prestige ten miles away.

After Xia Xunsheng's love affair, he forgot this episode and didn't buy any clothes. He went directly to the imperial bar that sun Xiaoping said.

I don't know which pornographic director set the meeting in the bar.

Xia Xunsheng was scolded by sun Xiaoping as soon as he arrived at the bar. When she is drinking with the director, she wants to smash the bottle on the head of the lecheron. But Sun Xiaoping stares at her and she can't do anything.

"Director, Xia Xunsheng is a little drunk. I'll go to the toilet with her." After three rounds of drinking, sun Xiaoping took her away.

She thought that sun Xiaoping's conscience, who knows the next second was mercilessly hit in the face.

As soon as she went out, she was put up by two men and pushed into a storage room.