Chapter 1076: Embassy crisis

"According to the news from the Embassy in St. Petersburg, since the outbreak of the Far East conflict, anti-Japanese sentiment among the people in the Russian Empire has continued to rise.

Many people in the tsarist government advocated taking tough measures against us. The arrogance of the main combatants is soaring, and the possibility of launching a war cannot be ruled out.

The international community is very indifferent to the conflict between us and the Russians. Except for the support of the British population, most countries have the mentality of watching the excitement. "

Inoue Xin said helplessly.

Since the rise of fanatical nationalism, the Japanese government has not become an official. The foreign minister in charge of handling international affairs is even more a hot potato.

Civilian radicals don't need their brains at all to see problems. They have always been thinking about things, and their ambitions and strength are seriously out of balance.

In this context, the foreign minister is often a man of the pot, and among the people, it is about the existence of a "traitor".

It doesn't matter who goes up there. You must know that after the signing of the Shimonoseki Treaty, Hirobumi Ito, who was a great hero, was almost killed by a man.

Such a challenging job would be incompetent without a strong heart.

No matter how strong her heart is, Inoue Xin also feels scalp tingling in the face of the current international situation.

Under the international background of the two opposing powers, even if he has too many dragon slaying skills, there is no room for display.

Since I was chasing with the British, I didn't expect to be able to please Shinra. Attaching to the strong is human instinct. As a sea power country, it has nothing to do with Britain, the strongest navy.

The key to the problem lies with the boss. Somehow in recent years, the British boss has suddenly become weak and has gradually been at a disadvantage in international competition.

First, it lost the opportunity in the second industrial revolution, and then lost control of the European continent. Now even the hegemony of the Royal Navy is also tottering.

The maritime hegemony was hit, and it was due to the world cruise of the Shinra Navy. All countries that have conducted joint exercises together know the gap between super battleships and traditional battleships.

It happened that the British were one step behind on this, even though their dreadnought ship was launched, but because of a hurry, they suffered from a bad problem.

Just like Shinra's earliest "Rome", it's okay to put it at home, but once it's opened, it's not good.

In this context, even though the British also have super battleships, they can only watch the Shenra Navy stir up the situation and rise to power.

In the eyes of interested people, this is the performance of the navy's backwardness, at least in terms of warship construction technology, the British have been a step slower.

The idea of ​​"prosperity and decline" is not popular in the European world, but it is widely known in East Asia. Including the previous seizure of the Philippines, they are all based on this judgment.

What worries Inoue is even more that the British boss has not only fallen behind in technology, economy, and military, but even the best diplomacy is now in a bottleneck.

The boss's diplomacy can't change, and the younger brother's diplomacy is even more difficult. In this era when Europe is the center, who knows that Japan is that green onion?

In order to change this passive diplomatic situation, a full-scale Westernization movement broke out in Japan, that is, the "Leave Asia and Europe" movement. As the foreign minister, Kasumi Inoue is the leader of this strategy.

Ito Bowen: "The matter is not that serious. It is just a diplomatic conflict. The Russians are not going to start a war for this.

The current international situation is very divided. Britain and the Shenluo powers are opposed to each other. The second-strong Russian Empire seems to be awe-inspiring, but in fact they are also very embarrassed.

It stands to reason that the Russian-Austrian alliance has lasted for decades. The Russians should support Shenluo, but they are both on the European continent and they happen to be neighbors.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, nor can the European continent accommodate two large countries. Once Shinra defeated Britain, the Russian Empire would not want to go further.

From the strategic point of view of distant relations and close attacks, the alliance between Britain and Russia is the best choice to deal with Shenluo together. After all, Russia and Austria are all land power countries, and the British are sea power countries.

Even if Britain won hegemony, it would not threaten the survival of the Russian Empire, and vice versa.

However, the grievances between Britain and Russia are deep, and they cannot be resolved if they want to. The two sides lack the most basic trust and there is no basis for alliance at all.

At this point, no matter it is supporting anyone, it is not in the interests of the Russian Empire, but they have to stand in line, otherwise London and Vienna will not be at ease.

This is a big trouble. Until this problem is solved, the Tsarist government will not make extravagant problems.

Moreover, the Russian power in the Far East is not enough to start a war. Once a war breaks out, logistics alone can drag them to death. "

After listening to Hirobumi Ito's explanation, Emperor Meiji's face was obviously relieved a lot. Because of the butterfly effect, Japan today is not as lucky as the original time and space.

Although the war against the Far Eastern Empire gained a lot, there was one more money-losing Philippine War, and the navy was much larger than in the same period in history.

These are all costs. The looted war reparations are used to fill these two huge pits. Naturally, the funds for domestic development will be less, and the national power will be much weaker than the same period in history.

The most direct response is financially. I can't even think about the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditures. If the finances are not bankrupt, it will be blessed by the eight million gods.

Confronting the Russians is not only more pressured militaryly, but also financially.

From this point of view, Japan and Russia are similar. They are poor countries with cleaner pockets than faces.

Prime Minister Okuma Shigenobu: "Ito-kun, this is just an inference under normal circumstances, but don't forget that the Russian Empire is often abnormal.

I have studied Russian history, and the tsarist government often makes decisions without going through the brain.

The most famous is Peter III. Because of his personal preference to back the alliance and aid the generals, he directly cut off the road to the west of the Russian Empire.

There are even more unfamiliar ones, including the several wars of the Russian Empire in modern times. It is hard to be rational.

Including Nicholas the Great, who was highly respected by the Russians, blindly launched the Near East War, although he finally captured the Constantinople area and seemed to have won the war.

But from the price paid by the Russian empire, we know that this is a war that hurts both sides, and the Russians won only face.

The next Alexander II was similar. Without carefully weighing the pros and cons, he blindly went to war with Prussia.

In the end, the war was indeed won, but the price paid was that the Russian Empire fell from the top powers to the second echelon.


In short, we cannot judge the decisions made by the tsarist government based on common sense, otherwise we will suffer a big loss. "

I don't know if I don't analyze it, I am surprised when I analyze it. When you run into a competitor who is not used to playing cards according to common sense, you will have a scalp tingling on anyone.

In fact, the benefit inference method itself does not hold. It is true that interests come first among countries, but the rulers are still people. Since it is a human being, it is impossible to be absolutely rational.

In many cases, the personal preferences and perceptions of politicians can also influence government decisions, especially in feudal monarchies.

There is no doubt that the Russian Empire is a typical feudal monarchy. Even with the reforms of Alexander II, it still failed to change this essence.

It cannot be said that the sovereign's personal will governs national decision-making, but the influence of the monarch's personal perception on national decision-making is beyond doubt.

The most typical is the anti-Japanese sect in the Russian Empire, and there are very few pro-Japanese sects in the tsarist government.

There is no other reason, just because of the two scars on Nicholas II's body. This alone is enough to make everyone hate the Japanese Empire.

This is also politically correct. If someone assassinates your allegiance monarch, if you remain indifferent, do you want to confuse?

What are the causes and results. Whether it is willing or not, the Japanese government must pay for the previous mistakes.

Of course, everyone thought of more. It seems that the decision-making mistakes made by the tsarist government in recent decades have finally allowed Austria to take advantage.

I can't help but they don't think too much about it, one can be a coincidence, and two or three coincidences are too coincidental.

Thinking about it, there is not much you can do now. They can all see the problem, and others can also see the problem.

Including the high level of the tsarist government, also found these problems. Otherwise, the first thing every tsar did after he succeeded was to get rid of his dependence on Vienna.

No one wants to be led by the nose, let alone an unruly bear.

It's just that there is a long way between reality and ideals. If they were to cut the ties between Russia and Austria, they could not make up their minds.

Since they are inseparable, they can only be cautious when making decisions to avoid being biased.

After all, this kind of influence is carried out in secret, and the Vienna government has done nothing on the surface.

Even if it stepped on the pit, the tsarist government could only knock down its teeth and swallow it in its stomach. Externally, it is absolutely impossible to admit, if the lid is really lifted, it will only prove their incompetence.


Both governments are trying to avoid war. The Japanese government has done a little bit more and strengthened its defense against the Russians.

But the folks are different. Anti-Japanese sentiment in the Russian Empire is high, and anti-Russian sentiment in Japan is equally strong.

Looking at the crowded black protesters outside, the staff of the Russian Embassy in Japan dare not even go out to buy food.

The endless curses, from morning to night, seemed to never stop, making Minister Vtoriak angry.

"Call the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

The staff member whispered: "Your Excellency, the telephone line has been cut off. Should we send a telegram?"

It can be seen that Minister Vertoriak is still very prestigious in the embassy, ​​and the staff dare not **** at all.

Minister Vertoriak roared: "Why are you still standing here, don't hurry up!"

Just after roaring, Ftoriak realized that he had made a mistake. Since you want to send a telegram, you naturally need to have content, and you didn't say anything, so the next ones will naturally have to wait.

"Sorry, Frank. I didn't mean it, I was just confused by the Japanese.

The movement outside is so loud, I don't believe the Japanese government doesn't know. Knowing that someone is making trouble and not stopping it, this is a provocation against the great Russian Empire.

Let the guards be prepared, as long as someone dares to cross the boundary, you don't have to be polite to me. "

There is no doubt that the last sentence is just an angry word. If you dared to shoot, the people below would have fired.

After a pause, Vertoriak continued: "Report the situation we are facing, and by the way, invite embassies in Japan to put pressure on the Japanese government.

Notify the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and order them to expel the troublemaker within two hours, or else..."

Otherwise, Vtoriak didn't know how.

Diplomatic blackmail also needs to be divided into targets, not to say that Japan cannot blackmail. The crux of the problem is that the Russian Empire’s power in the Far East cannot scare the Japanese at all.

This kind of severe warning diplomatic note, if it were sent by Shinra or Britain, it is estimated that there would still be a bit of deterrence. As for the Russian Empire, it is still a little short.

But Minister Vtoriak was not worried. This is the embassy area, and there is not only one Russian embassy, ​​but also the embassies of Britain and Shinra a few hundred meters away.

The noise outside is so loud, not only the family is affected, but the neighbors around them are also unhappy.

If it's just to watch the excitement, it would be enough to have been around for so long. Even if it is for a good night's sleep, everyone will put pressure on the Japanese government.

You know, in Japan, the most important thing is extremists. Ordinary Japanese can't tell the difference in appearance between Europeans. Anyway, it's all white people together.

If things really go wrong, everyone's life should not be better. It is too common to accidentally hurt God's horse.

There was a "touch" sound.

"what sound?"

Fortoriak can be sure that this is not the sound of gunshots, and that the sound of bullets is not like this, and he still has this experience.

Moreover, those who can serve as guards of the embassy are not fools. Even if you look down on the Japanese, you know where it is.

If there are hundreds or thousands of Russian troops stationed here, then naturally there is nothing to say, just do it directly.

Unfortunately, there are only a dozen guards in the embassy. Compared with the crowded protest crowd outside, it is really insignificant, even with a gun in hand.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads. In the case of great disparity in strength, no matter how angry the heart is, it must be held back first.

"The glass broke and someone threw stones at the embassy."

This is just the beginning. People follow blindly. As long as someone takes the lead in anything, there is no shortage of followers.

The crackling sound kept ringing for a while, and the flying rocks could not only break the glass, but also hurt people.

The situation is going into chaos, the fanatical mood is ignited, and everyone's courage is getting bigger and bigger.

No one noticed that just a few hundred meters away, a black barrel was aimed at the protesting crowd.

"Aim at the shot that raises the flag, and the resolution is higher."
