Chapter 1430

Daining was relieved to hear this.

Big Liu and Xiao Mei got the certificate and bought a house, and the names of the two people were still written in the house. It seems that Xiaomei didn't come to cheat big Liu this time, but really came to live with him.

Thinking of this, daining's worries for many days have gone, and the whole person has relaxed.

After all, Xiaomei was attracted by herself. Dai Ning would feel guilty if she was hurt again.

Now when she saw the happiness of her face, she was relieved.

Afterwards, Dai Ning said sincerely, "big Liu, Xiao Wu and Xiao Yan will definitely attend your wedding banquet three days later."

"Thank you, thank you. You know that we don't have many friends here, so we just point to you! Xiaomei is still waiting for me. I'll go first. " With that, Liu left the cafe with a smile.

After big Liu left, Xiao Wu ran over. "Wow, it's too fast. After a year, I not only got the certificate, but also bought the house."

Smell speech, Dai Ning then smile way: "since met the right person, also wasted what?"

The voice just fell, Dai Ning unintentional words but fell on their own heart.

In fact, she is envious of Da Liu and Xiao Mei. They fell in love with each other in such a short period of time. Although they have experienced some twists and turns, they are already husband and wife, and Lu Yiming and she have been wandering around here for many years.

At the thought of Lu Yiming, daining's heart is not calm.

It's the eighth day of junior high school. He hasn't shown up yet.

Thinking of this, daining suddenly felt bored, turned and slowly sat on a seat.

I don't understand. What's wrong with her? Why do you always miss him? Now she really did not know whether she thought of his soul or his body. Daining laughed at herself in her heart.

Soon arrived three days later, at noon that day, daining specially closed the cafe ahead of time, and took Xiao Wu and Xiao Yan together to attend the wedding of Da Liu and Xiao Mei.

The wedding ceremony was held in a modest hotel. Big Liu was dressed in a suit, while Xiao Mei was wearing a red cheongsam to greet the guests at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Daning gave a big red envelope, which is the meaning of the whole cafe.

The banquet hall is not big. There are only seven or eight tables, but the arrangement is very warm. It can be seen that there are some relatives and friends of big Liu and Xiao Mei.

Although the wedding was so simple that Xiaomei didn't even wear the wedding dress, daining could feel that Xiaomei's smile was sincere. Her eyes at Da Liu were full of light, just like the light she used to see Lu Yiming.

Three days later, Lu Yiming still didn't come back.

Daining knows that she should not think about him, but she just can't control herself. Moreover, when she is free, she will appear the scene of crazy entanglement that night in her mind. Sometimes she blushes inexplicably. Why does she always think about the scene of that day?

When the banquet was about to begin, Xiao Wu pulled Dai Ning's sleeve and said in surprise, "boss, how do you see assistant Wang coming?"

On hearing this, Dai Ning raised his eyes and looked at the direction of the door. As expected, it was Xiao Wang, dressed in a black suit, congratulated Da Liu and Xiao Mei, and then sent a red envelope.

Daining frowned at the sight.

She knew that Lu Yiming asked Xiao Wang to arrange Xiao Mei beside Da Liu. How could Xiao Wang appear so blatantly this time?

Thinking of this, daining can't help but panic. She is afraid that Lu Yiming will obstruct her, because he doesn't like da Liu very much, and he is afraid that Xiao Mei has ulterior motives. Therefore, after that, daining could not sit still and quickly got up to chase Xiao Wang who had already left the door.

"Assistant Wang!" When daining came to the lobby of the hotel, he caught up with Xiao Wang who was walking in front of him.

After hearing someone call himself, assistant Wang turned around, but saw daining face-to-face.

"Miss Dai, oh, you're here for Da Liu's wedding?" Xiao Wang was a little surprised to see Daning.

Daining nodded his head and then asked, "I'm strange. You'll come to celebrate Liu's wedding."

Dai Ning's words with a touch of irony, Xiao Wang Leng for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Lu is inconvenient to come, so let me send a red envelope as a distant relative of Xiaomei."

Hearing this, Dai Ning can't help but think that their words are really meticulous. Xiao Wang has become a distant relative of Xiaomei.

Then, daining frowned and said, "I don't care what identity you are coming here, I just hope you don't hurt big Liu. This time, big Liu has a real feeling for Xiaomei. If Xiaomei deceives him again, Da Liu will certainly not be able to stand it, then..."

Before daining finished speaking, assistant Wang interrupted daining. "Miss Dai, I think you have misunderstood Mr. Lu."

"What misunderstanding can I have about him? I don't think he can see big Liu well. " Mention Lu Yiming, Dai Ning then negative gas road.

Seeing Xiao Wang, Dai Ning knows that Lu Yiming must have come back. He has not shown up for so many days. He is quite well informed about the marriage of Da Liu.

Seeing that Dai Ning had a big misunderstanding about Lu Yiming, assistant Wang said, "Miss Dai, Xiaomei was indeed asked by Mr. Lu at first. In fact, at the beginning, Mr. Lu meant to make Xiaomei attract the attention of Liu. We didn't expect that Xiaomei would run away with Da Liu's money.""Why is Xiaomei back? What else does she want to cheat Da Liu? They've got a license to get married and they've bought a house. Are they just cheating on their feelings this time? " At this time, daining is not calm, his eyes are fixed on Xiao Wang.

Seeing daining's eagerness, Xiao Wang couldn't help laughing. Then he explained, "Miss Dai, I know you care about Da Liu very much. Don't be impatient. Don't worry. Xiaomei really wants to live with Da Liu wholeheartedly this time."

"What is the matter?" Hearing the speech, daining was relieved.

She still believed Xiao Wang's words. For so many years, Xiao Wang never cheated her.

Later, Xiao Wang said, "last time Xiaomei left suddenly, I found Xiaomei. Xiaomei's father was a gambler. A while ago, he owed to evade the debt. Xiaomei had no choice but to pay off the debt with Da Liu's money. In fact, Xiaomei has been living outside for so many years, and Da Liu is very kind to her. She also wants to live a plain life with Da Liu. She just can't care about her father's gambling debts, so it's about her taking away Da Liu's money. "

After hearing this, daining could not help but worry: "Xiaomei has a gambler's father? After marriage, Xiaomei and Dagui will not change their marriage

Seeing daining's worry, Xiao Wang said with a smile: "you don't have to worry. Mr. Lu of Xiaomei's father's gambling debts has been settled by someone, and Xiaomei's father has also been taught a lesson this time, so he should not continue to gamble." , the fastest update of the webnovel!