CH 64

Today, Yan Shiying finally remembered this little supporting actor who was almost unknown in the original plot, and also remembered how she felt soft to him at the time.

In the original plot, even Shaobo was originally Qin Shuyao’s suitor. At first he was just the lover of the original owner, and the original owner did not intend to have a serious relationship with him.

If Yan Shiying did not break up with him at that time, the following plot is that Lian Shaobai slowly noticed Qin Shuyao during the process of meeting Yan Shiying. After being attracted by her, Qin Shuyao repeatedly rejected him and did not ask for love

The crazy thing has caused the kid of a certain academic bull in the college, that is, her classmates’ attention to the heroine. He is just a small supporting role to trigger this approach.

Yan Shiying didn’t want Ouyang Jinkong to be her tool man at first. Originally, Lian Shaobai was the most suitable candidate to be used as a stepping stone and to make a few people jealous of her.

But just because she was reluctant for a while, and considering the follow-up plot later, she directly chose a rough break up to cut off this path, but she did not expect that this person would actually backfire in the future and create this kind of trouble for herself.

But this is also an opportunity. She still doesn’t know what kind of influence the supporting role will have on the main line and the heroine, so let’s use him as an experiment.

Thinking of his various behaviors today, all he asked for was her love, then she gave him what he wanted.

Thinking about it, Yan Shiying casually deepened the kiss on her lips.

At the same time, a subtle question flashed in her mind.

Ouyang Jinkong, who has been entangled with her, seems to have not appeared in front of her for a long time since she finished her most annoying plot last time, and even the news has never been passed on. In his character, it seems something unreasonable?

When she woke up the next day, Yan Shiying woke up in a scent of ecstasy.

She rubbed her eyes sleepily, and when she got up, she saw Lian Shaobai who was standing in the kitchen making breakfast for her.

He was wearing a pale pink apron, and he felt in a good mood just by looking at the back.

Noting that Yan Shiying woke up from the bed, and even Shaobai smiled at her, “Breakfast will be just a little while later, you can sleep a little longer.”

Both the expression and the eyes shined with a moisturized glow. , Yesterday’s gloom like a trapped beast has completely disappeared, leaving only a kind of handsome and elegant that is unique to a beautiful boy.

Yan Shiying didn’t answer, got up and got out of bed.

Yesterday’s drug effect has long since faded away. Even today, she didn’t feel any sequelae, but only felt refreshed.

The photos of her scattered under the bed yesterday have been cleaned up, the curtains were pulled open, a few potted plants were moved out of the window to bask in the sun, and the leaves were still dripping with moist luster. The whole room looked completely new and not. She know what time Lian Shaobai woke up today.

Yan Shiying walked to the kitchen with the scent, and before Lian Shaobai could react, she hugged him from behind and leaned on his shoulder like being boneless.

As if not aware of Lian Shaobai’s stiff and unstable hand holding the knife, Yan Shiying lazily tilted her head and squinted, “Morning.”

Lian Shaobai no longer knows what words can describe him at this moment. His Feeling.

He looked at Yan Shiying, who was leaning on his shoulder, her eyes were shining in the light, shining with a light that made him startled, Lian Shaobai didn’t know how to describe this beauty, only knew that at this moment. Willing to hold all the best things in front of her.

Lian Shaobai’s eyes softened into a piece of water, staring at her moistly: “Morning, Yingying.”

If all this is a dream, can you let this dream never stop.

Yan Shiying glanced at the dinner plate beside him. There were already a few slices of cooked egg-filled toast on top, and a crystal hot spring egg sprinkled with black pepper was placed on it. All of a sudden, Yan Shiying looked hungry. .

Yan Shiying manually moved in the circle around his waist, and her voice called him outrightly, “Feed me.”

Lian Shaobai smiled helplessly, and rolled up something like mashed potatoes with the sliced ​​ham on his hand, be careful. Hand it to her mouth.

Yan Shiying chewed a few times, revealing an unexpected look. Lian Shaobai was actually very good at craftsmanship. It seems that during this period of experimentation, he can be called to cook for himself.

When Lian Shaobai asked her if she wanted to, she refused, turned around and took apart the disposable toiletries he bought and started washing.

After washing and tidying up the clothes, she turned her head and looked at Lian Shaobai’s eyes quietly. Even if he didn’t say anything, his gaze was worth a thousand words.

He had cried many times last night, and his eyes were slightly red and swollen today. The water chestnuts and thorns on his body seemed to be pulled out overnight, leaving only water-like tenderness.

But Yan Shiying knew that it was just an illusion.

Because after she said that she was leaving, Lian Shaobai’s eyes suddenly appeared gloomy.

He grabbed her and asked her softly: “Do you have to go?” He earnestly added: “Can’t you stay for a while?”

Seeing Yan Shiying only shook her head and resolutely refused him, even Shaobai did not let go , It’s just that the thought that disappeared yesterday once again grows crazily in the mind.

Sure enough… He should have locked her up when she was asleep yesterday.

After experiencing this kind of heavenly dreamy taste, how can he watch her leave again? He can’t wait to stay with her every minute and every second.

When she lowered her head and let her hair cover her eyes, she heard Yan Shiying Yaoyao exhorted again: “Don’t follow.”

Lian Shaobai did not respond, but silently listened to her footsteps towards the door.

How could she leave him so unrelentingly, she was so gentle to him yesterday, and she knew that he liked her that way, but would not even stay for him for a while…

His unhappy and unwilling in his heart like weeds? It spread rapidly, and Lian Shaobo silently squeezed his fist.

Looking at Lian Shaobai, who was standing behind her silently, Yan Shiying suddenly stopped before turning back.

She lifted Lian Shaobai’s chin and kissed him in his horrified eyes.

After a while, Yan Shiying let go of him, chuckled, “Wait for me to come back, huh?” It was a tough tone that couldn’t allow him to refuse.

Under her strength, Lian Shaobai’s face immediately flushed, and instantly turned into a pool of spring water in her hands.

He glanced at her softly, his eyes were wet, and he whispered a small “um”.

Yan Shiying stroked the top of his hair, then turned around and left directly.

Yan Shiying went back to the training dormitory with a pinch.

Yesterday Lian Shaobai used her mobile phone to greet a few people, except for a few missed calls. She want to come to deal with the training camp.

Just thinking about it, the phone suddenly turned on a call.

Yan Shiying glanced at the screen, it was Geng Wen’an.

She answered the phone and opened the door of the dormitory. Looking inside, there was no one in the dormitory.

Yan Shiying gave a “hello” but didn’t hear any sound from the other end of the phone, and couldn’t help but glance at the screen.

It is indeed being connected.

While in doubt, she suddenly heard the sound of breathing almost close at hand.

There are people in the room.

Yan Shiying became vigilant for an instant, turned around but was almost startled. It turned out that Geng Wen’an, didn’t know when he was standing behind the door and was holding his mobile phone and staring at her quietly.

Seeing her appear in front of him intact, Geng Wenan sighed as if there was nothing.

“Shi Ying.” He smiled at her and put the phone back in his pocket, “Did you have a good time last night?”

Yan Shiying was relieved to see that the person was Geng Wen’an, “Brother.”

She turned and took off her coat. Hanging on the hanger, She said casually: “It’s just to solve a problem.”

She didn’t ask Geng Wenan how he got into the girls’ dormitory or how he got the key to her room. Since that time he found out about her secret, it is not surprising what he did.

“I’ve already greeted you over the club and the training camp. You can just go straight there later.”

Geng Wen’an didn’t ask the bottom line or ask what the trouble she was solving, but calmly told her. Said.

Yan Shiying smiled unsparingly at him, “Thank you.” She walked a few steps towards him, “Can you do me another favor?”

Although he made it clear that he was standing on her side last time. Yes, but Yan Shiying knows well that revealing the self in front of people like Geng Wen’an is undoubtedly the practice of digging one’s own grave. While he was still interested in her, she could just ask him to solve Qin Shuyao’s affairs.

At the end of the original plot, Qin Shuyao won the opportunity to go abroad and become a master. How did the opportunity come about? It is relying on the relationship between the classmate whose mother is an academic leader and a few male protagonists.

But for the time being, she still depends on the relationship with Qin Shuyao’s friends, so it is more appropriate to ask Geng Wen’an to do this.

Geng Wenan agreed calmly. In other words, he never refused her request.

Yan Shiying got her wish, and she was relieved to see Geng Wen’an approaching seriously.

“You’re lipstick.”

“Huh? No…” Yan Shiying just wanted to say that she just put on some lipstick, when she suddenly noticed Geng Wen’an’s deep gaze.

In the next second, she was picked up by her waist, held by him against the wall to the same height as him, and pressed over without a word.

There was no one else in the room except two people. In the quiet air, only ambiguous sucking-sucking and slightly heavy gasping can be heard… It took a long time for Geng Wen’an to let go of her, rubbing her extremely delicate and rosy lips back and forth with his fingers, and slightly curled his lips.

“I will color you.”

Oh, then she would like to thank him and put her blush on the way.

When Yan Shiying was put down, she only felt that her legs were a little soft, and she didn’t know how Geng Wen’an held her in that position just now for so long.

Yan Shiying gasped for a while, but also lifted her lips. She couldn’t help but leaned over and bit Geng Wen’an’s lip, deliberately grinding it hard.

Before he could react, she immediately withdrew, blinking her eyes as a mischief.


After saying that, she immediately put on a new coat, opened the door and walked out, “I’m going to the rehearsal room.”

Geng Wenan was left standing on the spot and stroked the slightly moist depression left on his lips. The Mark, for a long while, showing an unexplained smile.