Chapter 82

Because of the water before, Xiao Jiashu had to make up again. Ji Mian, who had changed a new pair of trousers, did not dare to go in. He could only stand outside with a cigarette in his mouth.

Donald, who plays number one, came up and said with a smile, "give me one."

Ji Mian took out his cigarette box and handed it to him. They were face to face and chatted with each other.

"That little one," Donald asked, pointing to the door panel, "is it straight or curved?"

There are many Hollywood stars who are bisexual and like both men and women. Donald is one of them. His gaze at the door panel was so deep that he seemed to want to make a hole in it. Just now, the picture was clearly engraved in his mind, which made him unforgettable for a long time. The beautiful young man floated in the blue liquid, tiny bubbles adhered to his white skin, and his muscles were tight, like a fierce beast, beautiful and deadly.

Donald, who was just appreciating each other's beauty, was instantly aroused to conquer. He licked his dry lips, full of desire.

Ji Mian said coldly, "don't provoke him. He's straight."

Donald raised his eyebrow. "No wonder you don't dare to go in. Are you afraid of temptation? Straight men can also bend, as long as you have the means

"No, believe me, straight men are not as good as you think. Donald, please stay away from him. He only has filming in his mind, nothing else. Don't destroy his simplicity. " Ji Mian's tone is very serious.

Donald raised his hands. "Okay, okay, I'm not going to move him, man. Please don't look at me that way."

Two people are talking, Xiao Jiashu came out, the upper body is still naked, but the lower body is wearing a pair of meat colored boxer pants. The film only needs a naked lens. The shooting in the back will find various angles to block his lower body, so he doesn't have to be naked any more. Besides, he'll have to take some fighting actions later. The thing without clothes will sway around. The scene is really indecent.

This is the original words of director Stevens. When he said it, the two makeup artists turned red, but Xiao Jiashu didn't even frown. After entering the set, he is a machine, completely following the direction of the director. He can do whatever the director says. All personal feelings can be put aside first.

"Jigo, Mr. Donald." He nodded to them with a faint expression, and then walked to the set.

Donald looked at his upturned butt and exclaimed, "cool personality, delicious. Ji, if he wasn't the one you brought, I would definitely soak him. "

Cool? Ji Mian shook his head and laughed bitterly.


after the first shot, Stevens had confidence in Xiao Jiashu's acting skills. He thought Ji had found a vase for the crew, but now it doesn't seem so. He beckoned, "Shaw, let me tell you about the next scene. As the Zerg press, the wise man decides to start you after reading the data in the lab, but Donald's team leader disagrees, so they disagree and start fighting. And you stay in the jar until they're done fighting. You try your best to hold your breath and cooperate with them. If you can't hold your breath, you'll come out. We can shoot separately and Edit later. But I still have to say, I hope the story can be shot in one shot, so as to achieve the best effect. Because while they are fighting, I have to take a close-up of your face to render your danger and the urgency of the situation. Do you understand? "

"I understand." Xiao Jiashu nodded without hesitation.

"OK, good boy, I like your working attitude." Stevens patted him on the shoulder and then yelled, "next, please take your place."

The actors immediately walked into the shooting area. Xiao Jiashu took a deep breath, then sank to the bottom of the water, and the recording quickly hit the board.

Ji Mian goes to the glass can and stares at 001 quietly. Finally, he opens the control box outside the can and prepares to start the wake-up program. Donald, the leader of the expedition, grabbed him by the wrist and said in a deep voice, "what do you want to do?"

"Wake up ct001, of course. Don't you see that?"

"But he was the destroyer of the earth! Do you want to kill us? "

"On the contrary, I am saving you. I have just read the information left by the researchers. They have erased 001's self-consciousness. Now he is just a machine. He only obeys the orders of human beings and will not endanger our safety. Zerg are coming in. Do you have any other choice? "

"We can choose to fight out the siege, rather than wake up a destroyer full of human blood..."

Because of the urgency of the situation, they both read their lines very fast. One insisted on his own opinions, and the other disagreed. Soon the dispute developed into a fight. While taking pictures of the confrontation between the two people, several cameras give a close-up of Xiao Jiashu immersed in a glass can, especially his closed eyes and calm face. He seems to sleep forever and open his eyes in the next second. The fierce fighting outside made a strong contrast with his tranquility and peace, and also made the atmosphere of urgency, strangeness and danger vividly.

Donald pressed the crown on the glass can. The water in the can was shaken up and down, which made Xiao Jiashu's body move slightly. A string of bubbles adhered to his eyelashes began to fall off and float up. The camera photographed this subtle dynamic, and then set off the blue light in four places. There was a kind of horrible atmosphere quietly.Mary, the heroine who saw this change, opened her eyes wide in horror and quickly moved away from the glass can. However, the insects and beasts that constantly surrounded them did not give them too much time to think about it. The metal door was about to be broken

From trying to start the robot to arguing to fighting, Ji Mian, Donald and other actors contributed their superb acting skills. Their every expression and action was in place, and they almost finished the scene in one go. Stevens yelled "cut" and nervously asked, "Shaw, Shaw, are you ok?"

Xiao Jiashu did not respond.

Ji Mian's face suddenly changed, and immediately climbed up the ladder behind the glass can. Just halfway up, Xiao Jiashu woke up, spitting bubbles and floating up, "I'm fine." He made an OK gesture.

Stevens was relieved. "God, you almost scared me out of heart trouble! This shot has been taken for more than three minutes, and you haven't been moving! "

When he said that, many people responded that Xiao was not like them acting in the air. He was always immersed in the water, but when others performed, he did not even come out of the water for breath, so he finished the performance silently and quietly, which was amazing!

Xiao Jiashu was pulled to the surface by Ji Mian and took a hard breath to explain, "don't worry, I practiced at home."

Stevens laughed. "No wonder! I thought this shot would take several times to finish. After all, normal people can only hold their breath for dozens of seconds. You're amazing, Shaw

Xiao Jiashu waved his hand, then looked at Ji Mian, "Ji Ge, thank you."

Ji Mian stared at his dark head and said in a deep voice, "so you practice five minutes of breath holding every day to shoot this scene?"

"Yes." Xiao Jiashu wiped her hair with a towel. Her indifferent expression was like talking about other people's affairs. In his opinion, it's no big deal. At the moment when he got the script, how to perform each scene and how to prepare for the early stage had already been pondered and practiced in his mind for countless times.

Ji Mian didn't speak for a long time, but her eyes changed constantly. Xiao Jiashu, you don't think about anything except filming? He wanted to ask, but he held back, and finally sighed, "wipe the water off your body, so as not to catch a cold."

The two stepped out of the jar and came to Stevens. The monitor is playing back the shot just now. Because it's finished in one shot, the coherent pictures are arranged together, and the effect is very brilliant. Especially when the tiny bubbles float up slowly along Xiao Jiashu's eyelashes, he seems to wake up at any time. Even Mary outside the can has a sense of crisis, and makes a very realistic response.

"Great! Everyone's performance is very good. Well, it's time to make up, and it's time to have a rest. We'll take another one in five minutes Stevens was in a good mood.

However, we all know that without Xiao Jiashu's excellent performance, their performance will be interrupted twice, three times, four times or even more. Once their good condition is damaged, it will be difficult to find it back. At this moment, they sincerely accept the new partner and embrace him.

Xiao Jiashu responded to the kindness of the people without expression, and then went back to the dressing room to make up. For him, it's a matter of course to play every scene well, it's no big deal.

Looking at his back, Ji Mian suddenly remembered a sentence he once said - good acting is equal, good partner is equal, and he is practicing this sentence. In the face of international movie stars, he will not be timid, and will not be competitive. He just plays every scene well and does not delay anyone.

"Xiao Jiashu is really powerful," Fang Kun interrupted Ji Mian's meditation. "When shooting" the apostles ", I thought he just found the feeling and might not be competent for other roles, but now I find out that he has worked hard in acting. If it's the domestic fresh meat, you ask him to hold his breath for three minutes, and you ask him to take off his clothes in public. Even if he doesn't break the contract immediately, he will find you 17 or 8 substitutes, such as naked, martial, back In the end, except for the front face, he didn't shoot any other scenes at all, just lying down and taking money. Xiao Jiashu is very good, not affectable. "

Ji Mian said with a smile, "I remember you didn't think he was in trouble?"

Fang Kun embarrassed way, "look at people can't just look at the surface, who let Xiao Jiashu grow a face of affectation?". I want to know that he is this character, crying and shouting also have to sign him down. You see, he will be more popular than you in the future. "

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it." The crowns of the season clasped their lips with delight.