Chapter 135.2: ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? (4)

Chapter 135.2: Enemy of Enemy (4)

Johan turned his head. A vampire in expensive clothes was staggering to his feet, accompanied by a flustered servant.

Johan smiled in satisfaction. It was undoubtedly a noble from the Mulc family.

As a prisoner, what are you doing now?

Id rather end my life than be caught miserably!

The vampire, still wounded, heroically declared while pointing a sword at his own throat. Johan and the mercenaries looked on in disbelief.

Why would nobles who know better act like this?

Caught nobles should quietly receive treatment and send an envoy from their family to negotiate a ransom. This was unheard of.

. . .What should we do?

The mercenaries asked Johan. If they were alone, they might have just killed the noble, but they couldnt act recklessly in front of Johan. Especially since the captive was quite valuable.

Is he truly of the Mulc family?


The Mulc family can surely pay a ransom. Is there a need to take your own life?

I swore before the temples idol to make a name for myself. I wont beg my family for a shameful ransom.


Even now, several people from the Nusard family and others were captured in Johans fiefdom.

The republics envoys were insulted, and Johan could have executed them, but he chose mercy, waiting a bit longer.

Of course, that was just a pretext; the real intention was to collect a ransom later. . .

Master, please calm down! Your wounds havent healed. You need to rest!

As the servant pleaded urgently, Johan inwardly cheered him on. Such a loyal servant.

Let go. Let me. . . go.

I cant! Better to strike me down!

The mercenaries watched the two argue with annoyance. If they were going to surrender, then do it; if not, then stop fussing, they thought, annoyed at the audaciousness of these pagan pirates.New novel chapters are published on



The dispute between Ahir and the servant ended in the servants victory. Ahir, bloodied, couldnt hold the sword for long and dropped it.

Grab that vampire!

Please forgive my childs rudeness.


It seemed that the excited knight was Ahirs son. Despite his excitement, the knight appeared to be of the same age or older than Johan. . .

, ?

Johan, who had assumed Ahir was his age, felt awkward.

Are you alright, master?

Count Yeats performed a miracle and healed my wounds.

Is that true?!

Believing in a solitary god and still performing such miracles. . .?

Ahir and his attendants had heard rumors from the pirates camp. Rumors that Johan had healed diseases among the mercenaries with his hands.

They were skeptical when they heard the rumors, but seeing him heal wounds made them believe. Count Johan truly had the power to perform miracles.

Do you still refuse to pay the ransom?

. . .No. I have been saved, and I will not act dishonorably. I will send an envoy to arrange for the ransom.

Being captured meant Ahirs life was now Johans. Ignoring that and dying would be dishonorable.

, . . .


What are they babbling about?

They say we must find masters horse.

The horse?

According to the servant, Ahirs horse had been kidnapped in the forest. Ahirs children and attendants were wandering around to find it.

. . .

Johan, not wanting to waste more time, seemed to be understood by Ahir, who then spoke.

If you find my horse, I will gratefully gift it to you in honor of Count. Even if you cant find it alive, I will pay its value. I ask this of you.

. . .Alright. I accept.

Ahirs attendants were grateful for Johans generous behavior. Despite being a pagan, the count seemed to understand honor. Otherwise, he wouldnt have offered such an opportunity.

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