Chapter 1248:

Kayaba Akihiko: "..."

Thor Odinson: "!!"

Xiaozhi's Bundle: "Yeah! Is there another traveler?"

Lu Luxiu: "The traverser who can attack 10 times the power of the big bang! At the beginning of the war, he was attacked by the president's 100% power gem law and flew into the sky."

Lu Luxiu: "Have you seen that completely broken void? That's the consequence of the president's attack before."

Chapter 1235 Aikawa Ayumi: It turns out that I am the most **** in the guild

Aikawa Ayumi: "...Wait! Wait a minute! What did you just say?"

Lu Luxiu: "...the void in the sky, the reason why there is not a single star is because the attack by the president just now shattered all the stars. This there any problem?"

Lu Luxiu was a little confused, what did he say wrong?

Aikawa Ayumi: "...I'm fine! Go ahead."

Aikawa step grunted, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and began to doubt life in a trance.

When he saw that there was a large hole in the sky of Lu Luxiu's live broadcast, he thought it was a phenomenon unique to Lu Luxiu's world. After all, the world is different, and it is possible that the world view is different, which is very reasonable.

As a result... Lu Luxiu now tells him that the reason why the sky can't see anything now, it's blank... is that the whole starry sky was shattered by Su Han's blow? This is so...

Union Mengxin Aikawa shivered.

He said it was he who lowered the tone of the union. A weak chicken like myself is probably not suitable for joining this kind of arrogant guild.

Gu Dazi: "...That! Newcomers, you don't need to be too sad. The reason why the president is so strong... is also his training little by little! Slowly getting stronger."

Gu Dazi: "The first president should be just a mortal, right?"

Aikawa Ayumi: "...Is it like this?"

Kirishima Dongxiang: "...Although I don't want to hit you! However, it's a bit inappropriate for this sentence to be said by Gu Dazi who can tear apart the Demon God Pillar? (Tear Solomon Warning.jpg

Doctor Roman: "..."

Gu Dazi: "Hey hey hey! When have I ever done that kind of thing? I'm just an ordinary Chaldean master."

Ainz Urgong: "I know! You are an ordinary color magician, right?"

king: "A certain Weber is shivering in the corner at the moment."

Tony is not the richest man: The Crown Magician: After saving the world, it is the color position, so what am I. jpg

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan: "The Crown Magician is a piece of trash. If you don't agree! Let the so-called Crown Rank solo with me. (Manual funny.jpg

Weber: "Actually, I want to say it! The hierarchy of the clock tower is not a specific combat power level... But I thought about it, and I feel that you are unlikely to accept my explanation! So I will not say it. "

Xia Shizi: "I believe it, Weber just doesn't say it! Not because he thinks he can't beat us."

Weber: "..."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan: "See through and don't tell! You're so direct, it makes our teacher Weber lose face."

Aikawa Ayumi: "..."

Demon God Pillar is such a terrific name! What happened again? What is the title magician?

After a moment of contemplation, Aikawa Ayumi left the guild chat group in a trance. In the guild, they are all big bosses... He is the only one who is new to the street. Sorry to disturb you, and farewell.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan: "But then again... Lord Demon King has indeed come step by step from an ordinary person. This is the truth, it seems that there is no problem?"

Father Whitebeard: "Gu la la la! Although, I can say that I was looking at the president. Although he was strong from the beginning, he was able to see the back... Step by step, he was so strong that he couldn't even see the shadow. But Thinking back to the past! It will still shock the president's rapid increase in strength."

Tony is not the richest man: "I thought before! Clark, Sun Wukong, Saitama, Qimu Nanxiong are all players who bought plug-ins."

Tony is not the richest man: "But then I learned... President, on the surface it looks like there is no cheating! But in fact, he cheating is more aggressive than the above four combined."

Clark Kent: "True."

Qimu Nanxiong: "You have a lot of words, so what you said is right."


1 I feel that the topic has been pulled a little far, and after thinking about it, I pull the topic back again.

1: "@Lu Luxiu. What do you mean, the president solved an opponent from the beginning?"

Lu Luxiu: "Well... wait, that's not right!"

Lu Luxiu's pupils shrank suddenly. He also reacted at this moment. Is it possible for a strong person who can release 10 times the power of the Big Bang to die so easily?

But if Liuliu Kaishijie hadn't died, where would he be now?

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cats: "@Su Xiaoxiao. Lord Demon! Be careful, the guy who was sent flying by you before might attack."

Wugeng Liuli also understood, and a nervousness appeared on his face immediately.

Su Xiaoxiao: "...I always think! Do you have any misunderstandings about my fighting wisdom? Besides, I have reached this stage! Even if others want to sneak attack on me, they can't do it."

Su Han glanced at the content of the guild chat, and there was a hint of helplessness on his face.

In the next instant, the time and space were distorted, and the terrifying brilliance suddenly erupted from the distorted time and space. That was an attack ten times the strength of the Big Bang.

The terrifying attack pierced through Su Han's chest, and a look of surprise and grimness appeared on Hernance's face. Immediately, the expression on his face stiffened.

The blazing brilliance passed through Su Han's body, even his palm. Su Han's body didn't have the slightest sense of reality.

"...This is! High-dimensional projection? How is that possible?" Realizing what happened, Hernance's forehead seeped dense cold sweat.

The kaleidoscope in Su Han's pupils revolved, and his figure instantly solidified. He grabbed Hernance's back collar with one hand. A dark enchantment instantly enveloped Hernans' body.

Along with the shrill screams, dense white smoke rose from Hernance's body. He was like an ordinary person who had been splashed with high-strength sulfuric acid, and his body kept shrinking.

Chaos appeared in the distance, with blue veins throbbing on his forehead. At this moment, he finally spied the truth of Su Han's ability. That is enough to eliminate the extraordinary power to nothing.

"...Because my body is made of extraordinary power! So, will I be rejected and disappear when I touch that special barrier?"

Chaos watched Hernans die in Su Han's hands. After a brief silence, he murmured, "This is really bad."

"Worse than the worst I could have imagined...worse."

Chapter 1236 The whirlpool Nagato who likes the new and hates the old?

After a brief silence, there was an uproar in the guild.