Chapter 1659:

Well, they are not burdened now. But what should I do if my scalp feels numb?

Let the world feel the pain: "His Majesty the First Emperor!  Heartbreaking.jpg

Fourth Hokage: "How do I feel...Although Qin Shihuang joined the guild much later than me...but his per capita strength has surpassed our Naruto world? (shivering.jpg

From a purely economic point of view, Hokage, which is integrated with the world of pirates, has greatly increased its materials. In addition, due to the promotion of Namifeng Minato, it is now popular to send ninjas out for infrastructure construction. It can be said that the GDP of major countries has ushered in crazy growth.

However, the per capita strength of Naruto World is not growing as fast as expected. Except for Uzumaki Nagato and Namikaze Minato, there are no more than ten Ultra Shadow-level masters.

It sounds very strong... But you have to take into account that the pirate world that merges with the Naruto world next door is enough to rival the old-time Four Emperors of the Super Shadow class... There are only 6 in the navy... Counting the entire pirate world, that's enough. Needless to say.

Aside from the union members, the top powerhouses, the pirate world crushes Naruto.

Of course... it's not that Hokage was completely hammered by the pirates. At least in terms of economy... Hokage doesn't know how much better than Pirates.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng: "The situation is different... No need to tangle!"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, noncommittal.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng: "After all! Our Majesty is cultivating the method of the Immortal Dynasty. Qin Shihuang can use the Dragon Luck to assist in his cultivation and quickly increase his strength! And his strength can be fed back to the entire Great Qin Dynasty..."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng: "As long as you join the Great Qin Dynasty! Whether you are an official or a general, you will be able to share the Dragon Vein bonus, and your cultivation speed will become faster."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng: "In this way...a virtuous circle is formed! Only then can everyone be like a dragon!"

Chapter 1646 Official members of the Axe Gang have joined the Super Dimension Guild

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archaeology: "...As expected of His Majesty the First Emperor!"

Jackie Chan swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Qin Shihuang has always been very low-key in the guild. If it weren't for the conversation at this moment, Zhang Sanfeng would have revealed all of Qin Shihuang's old roots by the way...

It is estimated that few people dare to believe that Qin Shihuang's forces are actually so strong.

Su Xiaoxiao: "...So, I'm the only one who pays attention to what Shi Zhixuan and Song Que said. Has the world on their side been unified?"

Su Han was lost in thought.

Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows: "...Although I'm also shocked by the unification of the world on their side! However, compared with the development of Qin Shihuang's side...isn't it worth mentioning?"

Lu Xiaofeng also had a wonderful expression on his face. Living in the Ming Dynasty... he couldn't imagine how brilliant the Qin Dynasty was when everyone was like a dragon and its masters were like rain!

MMP, he's just a grandmaster now... and you told him! Now throw him to Qin Shi Huang's side... can only be a soldier? Who can resist this!

"...I don't know if the world I live in can reach this level in my lifetime." At the same time as his heart was shocked, Lu XiaoFeng couldn't help but look forward to it, but after a brief silence, he still shook his head with a wry smile.

So hard...nearly impossible!

Only a man with great talent like Qin Shihuang who joined the guild and had the direct help of the guild can do this kind of thing, right?

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "Although our side has been unified... but I still struggle with a lot of things."

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "For example... what should our governing strategy be?"

Shi Zhixuan sighed, if he didn't join the trade union, then it would be unnecessary to say. Whoever conquers the world becomes emperor.

But the key is... Joining the guild, chatting with other people, he knows the trajectory of the future development. What capitalism, redism, or even constitutional monarchy...

He and Song Que met each other, and after the discussion... both of them were stunned. The more the discussion, the more ignorant... There are too many routes to choose! How should this future be rectified?

In the final analysis, after joining the trade union, the two paid more attention to the development of the world and less attention to power... After all, they realized that they were destined to become immortals. This is also greedy for the right of the mortal world!

Monkey d Dorag: "At this time! Of course, it is to promote redism and focus on the people! Lay a solid foundation... Then, when conditions permit, everyone who walks on Qin Shi Huang's side is like a dragon. route!"

As a revolutionary army, Dorag has put his thoughts in the right place.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan: "It sounds like... there is nothing wrong with it!"

Wugeng Liuli fell into contemplation, but she did not make any suggestions. After all, he hasn't studied this aspect... he's really unfamiliar.

First Emperor: "Ridiculous!"

First Emperor: "Each world has different national conditions! Copying the so-called strategy will create nothing but disaster. Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish! Every step needs to be cautious."

Ying Zheng disagreed with what Drago said, thinking that he was taking it for granted.

Tony is not the richest man: "... this point! I'm on Qin Shi Huang's side... Honestly! I always feel that Dorag is a bit idealistic."

Kosaka Kyosuke: "It's normal... After all, most people in the pirate world give me a simple sense of vision... Like Dorag! It can already be said to be a wise man."

Yukinoshita Yukino: "...This is too real!"

Gu Dazi: "I have nothing to say."

Munch d Dorag: "..."

What about the IQ of the whole world in which you are subtly despised?

Evil King Shi Zhixuan: "@First Emperor. I understand what to do."

Shi Zhixuan pursed his lips. Although he was a little confused before... But he has been a Pei Ju for a while, and he still knows a thing or two about governing the country. Qin Shihuang's words are no less than directly pointing the way to him.

The First Emperor: "No problem...the same descendants of Yan and Huang! This is what I should do."

Ying Zheng was expressionless.

First Emperor: "If you still need help in the can also ask me for help. I can help! I will never hesitate to lend a helping hand."

Deadpool: "Wow! Brother Zheng is really warm! Why hasn't fgo Ying Zheng been installed yet? Am I **** blowing Brother Zheng? After reading chapter 2.3 of fgo, I have successfully become the licking dog of His Majesty the First Emperor. !"

Hiimura Kenshin: "..."

Horeibei Rinyin: "..."

Sakata Gintoki: "I imagined the scene of Deadpool saying this... I shuddered subconsciously."

Kosaka Kyosuke: "MMP, Sakata Gintoki! Why are you opening this mouth? Let me imagine that scene? Mom, my scalp is bursting right now!"

Father Whitebeard: "...Isn't His Majesty Qin Shihuang who has the heaviest psychological shadow at this moment?"

Tony's not the richest man: "True."

Aikawa Ayumi: "Actually... I am also the first emperor's licking dog. (Whispering forcefully.jpg

Shi Huangdi: "Qin Shi Huang in different worlds! Characters and settings are different... So please don't associate fgo or Shi Huang in other worlds with me."

Qin Shihuang's expression did not fluctuate. If he had just joined the guild and found that others had confused him with others, he might have been furious.

But now... He said that he had already adapted to the nonsense of these guys in the guild.