Chapter 1697:

Kayaba Akihiko nodded thoughtfully.

Kayaba Akihiko: "If this is the case... Even if the old marquis promotes magic in his own world, it is not very useful, right? After all, not everyone can practice magic! In other words, there are very few people who can practice magic. ."

Ainz Urgong: "...According to what you said! Could it be that I can implement technology in this other world of mine?"

Zero Louise: "So! I can too."

Louise was a little surprised, after all, it was a pretty good way to get points. But then, she thought of something and was relieved.

Zero Louise: "It doesn't seem to work... After all, I'm very bad at science."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ah, la la, apart from the tech giants in the guild! Who is good at science?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Even if it's Kosaka Keisuke, Edogawa Conan and the others in the present world! They're also not good at it, right?"

Tokisaki Kusan: "If there is a will in this regard, it's just like the tech boss of the trade union asking for help."

Tony is not the richest man: "Well! That's right, I'm very willing to help you... Of course! I suggest that you don't rush in front of me. You can also find the bundle of Xiaozhi, Batman and the others!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Stop talking, let's slip first."

Su Han turned his attention away from the trade union, and in the real world, Jarvis also succeeded in convincing a large number of scientists with his huge amount of knowledge.

After scanning around for four weeks, Su Han turned to look at the two great masters of Malaysia and Xiaoma, "Since the matter here is over! Then I should go back."

"Good wind!" Grandmaster Xiaoma waved at Su Han, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It's not that he doesn't want to smile at Su Han, it's because of his personality... Because of his past experiences, he rarely smiles.

"...You bastard!" Grandmaster Da Ma covered his face, Su Han helped them so much, and they invited Su Han to a meal logically, isn't it normal? Xiaoma directly said that the journey went smoothly, blocking all the words that Ma had to say.

Su Han shrugged, his figure disappeared instantly. Back to his room.

In Su Han's room, Wugeng Liuli was lying on the bed.

"Lord Demon King! You're finally back." Wugeng Liuli stood up, her eyes bright.

"...Tell me what are you going to do first?" Su Han stared at Wugeng Liuli with a strange expression on his face.

"Cough!" Wugeng Liuli coughed, and then said seriously, "I want to participate in the mission you triggered this time."

"If you want to participate, just participate! Tell me what to do?" Su Han curled his lips, not mentioning that now the points have a limited effect on him... Just mentioning that this time, Su Han planned to entrust the entire task to Jia Wei. s.

If Wugeng Liuli is willing to participate, then he is still happy, but the only problem now is...

"...Are you good at science?" Su Han looked up and down Wugeng Liuli.

"Explain in advance that although you can ask for help from a trade union member, the technology side members of the trade union should be very busy during this time. The help given to you is limited!"

Chapter 1682 Conan-kun, use your almighty death-primary intelligence to defeat the death-traversers!

Wugeng Liuli coughed violently, and then her cheeks bulged.

"Although I'm not very good at it...but I don't have to ask those guys in the union for help!"

"I can ask Icarus, and Nimf!" Wugeng Liuli said, "I asked before, and they are very willing to help me."

"Then go!" Su Han saw that Wugeng Liuli had already made a decision, so naturally he would not veto it.

Wugeng Liuli nodded, and after hesitating for a while, she stepped forward, lightly pecked Su Han's cheek, and then turned to leave.

Touching his face, Su Han helplessly shook his head, "This guy!"

Lying on the bed, Su Han took out his phone and played for a while. But didn't play for long.

It was already too late when Su Han came back. It didn't take long before Ram called him to dinner.

After finishing the meal, Su Han simply started the night life with Ramrem.


The next day, Su Han got up early.

Under the care of Ram and Rem, after breakfast, Su Han threw his gaze between the trade union chat rooms.

Krulu: "Many bigwigs in the guild! Good morning."

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye: "...Good morning!"

Penglaishan Hui Ye: "But then are the ancestor of vampires! Shouldn't you hate the sun very much? And shouldn't vampires be nocturnal? You should be sleeping now."

Penglaishan Kaguya fell into contemplation.

Klulu: "...This is the gossip you got from which memory copy! Don't put the situation of vampires in other worlds on me."

Cruel was speechless.

Kuroyukihime: "By the way... Did Miss Kaguya stay up all night again?"

Asuna: "I think there are nine out of ten...after all! Miss Kaguya, I am an existence who claims to never sleep."

Liu Subaru: "Succumbed to sudden death! Then, with the help of an undead body, he was instantly reborn and regained his peak..."

Liu Subaru: "The power of the undead body is really enviable, but... Miss Kaguya applied it to a very subtle aspect."

Penglaishan Hui Ye: "Hey hey hey! Isn't the ability to use it? I don't go out to fight! If I don't use it like this, isn't it meaningless to me to be immortal?"

Little Bird Touring Six Flowers: "..."

Onyxia: "Ms. Kaguya, in terms of applying the power of immortality... I am Princess Hei-long, I would like to call her the strongest."

Qianshi Qianxun: "It's too real."

Su Xiaoxiao: "No matter how you use it! Anyway, the ability is useful."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat: "Master Demon King is awake!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "I'm having breakfast with Ramrem now! By the way, I'm thinking about where you have been."

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat: "Of course he dragged Icarus and Nimf to Yanjing to help them do science! (Strive hard.jpg

Kosaka Kyosuke: "...It's terrible!"

Takasaka Tono: "Lazy old bastard! Take a good look at Miss Black Cat, even as the chairman's wife, she still goes out to work so diligently! Think about yourself, and you want to get points, but you don't want to. Trying...Aren't you ashamed-ashamed of it?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Too rubbish! This kind of person should be swept out of the house... Oh yes! I almost forgot, he doesn't live in the old house in Kosaka now! He has been swept out of the house. (Disgust.jpg

Kosaka Kirino:"……"

Kosaka Kyosuke: "Don't spread rumors... I obviously moved out by myself, so I didn't get kicked out of the house at all!"