CH 38

The semi-finals were divided into three groups. After the preliminary match in the morning, the number of people in the preparation area had decreased sharply.

After completing the recording preparation, Su Zhe took out a drink to supplement his physical fitness. Although the noon training warmed up his state in advance, even if the amount of exercise of this pre competition training had been carefully calculated by Su Yinsheng, it still caused a certain consumption of physical fitness, so he needed to use an energy supplement before the competition.

Just as Su Zhe was in a daze while drinking, Shiraishi Shota and Takeshita Kanaki also came to the preparation area.

Seeing them, Su Zhe couldn’t help thinking about the current 100 meter strength comparison between the two countries.

In this Asian Championship invitational tournament, the players sent by Japan were quite strong. Among them, Shota Shiraishi had the highest personal strength. He not only ran 10.03 seconds this season, but also reached 10.01 seconds. He was the most promising player in Japan who had the opportunity to break the 10 second mark at any time.

Although Takeshita Kanaki failed to qualify for the world championships, he was also a strong player who ran in 10 seconds. The other three Japanese players had achieved less than 10.20 seconds since the season.

Although Japan’s current national record wasn’t as good as the 100 meter record created by Chen Zhi, it was much stronger than China in the reserve of backbone forces.

As Su Zhe silently compared the 100 meter strength gap between the two countries, Shota Shiraishi’s warm greeting interrupted Su Zhe’s thinking.

The young man whose smile showed his tiger teeth said hello to Su Zhe in Chinese, which seemed to be learned from the staff.

“Hello, Su!”

Su Zhe smiled and said hello to him seriously. At the same time, he nodded to Takeshita Kanaki.

It was just a simple hello, but Shota Shiraishi looked very happy. It was a pity that he just knew a few Chinese words, so it was difficult to piece together his words.

Different from the last preliminaries, Su Zhe finally met Takeshita Kanaki, a strong opponent from Japan, in the semi-finals. At the same time, another Japanese player, Shunsuke Yamashita, also ran into the semi-finals, in the same group as Su Zhe and Takeshita Kanaki.

In addition to the semi-finals, Mossan won the second place in Iran’s semi-finals.

So far, Mossan’s PB was 10.06 seconds. Although he hadn’t reached 10.10 seconds in this season, he also made full preparations and came to this invitational tournament with the same purpose as Su Zhe.

If they only talked about his personal historical achievements, Su Zhe couldn’t even rank in the top three in group 2. If he wanted to run to the finals, he had to beat these strong players with historical achievements above him… This tension and pressure that he hadn’t experienced in domestic competitions gradually made Su Zhe feel excited. In the morning, the mood that was difficult to mobilize before the game had gradually begun to burn at this moment.

In the preparation area, except Shota Shiraishi, no player paid attention to Su Zhe. In the cognition of most people on the scene, Chen Zhi was the only strong player in China at present, but the strong player who had been crushing them in various Asian events was now injured and his recovery period after surgery was uncertain.

Not to mention that Chen Zhi had completely missed the world championships. According to his injury, they didn’t even know whether he had a chance to recover before the Olympic Games and run into the Olympic competition standard during the assessment period.

Without Chen Zhi, China hadn’t even obtained the qualification of the 100m in the world championships, and reluctantly sent such a player who they had never seen before to participate in the Asian Championship Invitational. Could he replace Chen Zhi?

Although these players were still watching Su Zhe, they were sceptical about Su Zhe’s strength.

Not to mention anything else, just from the appearance of Su Zhe… He didn’t look like a sprinter at all. He was obviously more like an idol star than an athlete. Did his body have enough explosive power to compete with them? Was his figure strong enough to support the entry criteria for the world championships?

If Su Zhe didn’t run 10.16 seconds in the morning preliminaries and successfully enter the semi-finals, these players would even doubt how Su Zhe qualified for this competition.

Su Zhe felt the doubts of the players around him, but he didn’t care about it. 

The mutual respect of athletes was based on the recognition of each other’s strength. He had won the recognition of everyone in domestic competitions with his own ability, and he believed that this set of rules also applied in international competitions.

When Su Zhe came on the stage, the semi-finals of the previous group had ended, and Ishida Ipei was enthusiastically announcing the semi-finals results and promotion list of the previous group.

On the stand of the stadium, many people suddenly shouted enthusiastically after seeing Su Zhe enter the field.

“Su! Su!”

“Player Su, please continue to run well in the semi-finals!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.”

The shouting mixed with Japanese and Chinese language attracted the attention of many contestants. Su Zhe naturally heard the cheering sound from the stand. When he looked at the stand, he was surprised to find that it was only afternoon, but the crowd gathered in the morning for him seemed to have multiplied.

Many people were even more excited when they saw Su Zhe look up. They waved their hands, and tried to grab Su Zhe’s attention.

After Su Zhe waved his thanks to them, the crowd in the stands broke out into more excited shouts, which made more people pay attention to the interaction between the two sides.

On the commentary stand, Ishida Ipei was introducing the contestants of the second group in the semi-finals to the audience in the live broadcast. After first introducing the strong players in the second group in the semi-finals, Ishida focused the rest of the commentary on Su Zhe.

The heavy attribute of the Japanese people was reflected incisively and vividly in Ishida Ipei. He openly expressed his love for Su Zhe, and the praise in his words was almost going to overflow the screen.

“I believe you have seen that in the second group of the semi-final, Su Zhe, our beautiful young player from the Chinese Empire, is located in the eighth track! According to the assignment of China’s official website, after Chen’s injury, he was chosen to replace Chen. Don’t underestimate Su’s strength because of his appearance! At present, he has won the track and field championship in China. In this morning’s preliminary competition, it was also easy for him to advance to the semi-finals with first place in the group! “

“It’s really exciting… What results will he run in the second group of the semi-finals? You know, if Player Su want to reach the finals, he needs to run into the top two results in this death group… But before him, there are Player Mossan from Iran and Players Takeshita and Yamashita from Japan.”

“Can this beautiful snow leopard boy tear apart the strong enemy in front of him? Ah! Even as a commentator, I’m excited and looking forward to it!”

In Ishida Ipei’s passionate commentary, the players on the field also completed their pre competition preparations. Everyone crouched on the track, and the atmosphere on the field solidified in an instant, and the smell of g*unsmoke became strong.

The war was imminent!

On Weibo and the forum of track and field Kingdom, many sports lovers and philosophers who cared about Su Zhe also began to squat on the live broadcast of the game.

Although they didn’t understand Japanese, many track and field lovers still recognized Su Zhe’s competitors on the field at a glance.

[Oh my God!!! Takeshita Kanaki, Mossan… And the new Japanese Runner Shunsuke Yamashita… How did he get into such a death group!]

[S-hit, these individuals PBs are 10.09, 10.06 and 10.15… This semi-final is really amazing. Won’t he fail to reach the final in the end?]

[Brother upstairs, shut up… Boss Zhe’s personal PB is 10.12 seconds, isn’t it better than that Shunsuke Yamashita? Takeshita Kanaki’s state this year is also average, has he even entered the world championships? He hasn’t run into 10.10 seconds this year! Don’t be too presumptuous!]

[You’re right, but Boss Zhe wasn’t in good shape this morning! Can I not think about Boss Zhe? Isn’t his situation worrying?]

No matter how tense the domestic forums and posts were, Su Zhe, who was located in the eighth track, was confident that he had adjusted to a good enough state!

They stepped back and forth on the starter, and everyone was waiting for the referee’s final instruction.

“All in position… Ready!”


The crisp g-unfire pierced the sky.

At the moment of the g-unshot, Su Zhe’s leg strength broke out and suddenly pushed forward!

Game, start!

The state of this game wasn’t beyond his expectation. The speed of his g-un reaction remained in the usual normal state, and the reaction speed of 0.145 ranked third among all the players.

Although the strength burst when he started was insufficient due to a little lack of physical fitness, Su Zhe had achieved enough fluency in the subsequent process of starting connection and acceleration!

However, this was worthy of being in the international arena where the top players in Asia gathered. Although it was only a semi-final, Mossan and Takeshita Kanaki were also strong players who squeezed into the finals of almost every Asian level events all year round.

Mossan’s g-un listening reaction speed in this game was 0.129 seconds, followed by Takeshita Kanaki, whose g-un listening reaction speed was 0.137 seconds. Such a rapid response determined their advantages in the starting stage and the acceleration stage within 30 meters.

When Su Zhe finished the connection of his starting rotation acceleration, Mossan was already in the leading position of the first group. His starting explosive power was very strong. Among all the top players in Asia, his starting explosive power could be called first-class. Even when Chen Zhi was competing with him, it was difficult to catch up with Mossan before the middle.

Takeshita Kanaki’s acceleration stage was also very strong. After taking the starting advantage of listening to the g-un, he perfectly seized this opportunity, bit behind Mossan and tried to improve his gait frequency to catch up with Mossan further.

At this time, Su Zhe was at the same speed as Takeshita Kanaki in the acceleration stage, but he was still a little behind him. Behind him, Shunsuke Yamashita, also from Japan, was also chasing forward!

The competition was destined to be a battle between the four of them before the start. Although the remaining players were also gritting their teeth and chasing closely, at the stage of accelerated running, their g-un reaction speed was one step slower to the connection of starting and acceleration. Their hope was slim.

As Shota Shiraishi’s teammate and younger generation, Takeshita Kanaki had always admired him and seen him as an idol in the 100 meter event. He admired his sprint strength and had been trying to catch up with Shota Shiraishi as his goal.

He didn’t have much interest in Shota Shiraishi’s personal feelings, but after he inexplicably announced that he liked the Chinese player, he kept praising the strength of the Chinese player.

This made Kanaki Takeshita’s anger erupt.

He had accumulated strong energy before the game. His goal was to let Shota Shiraishi have a good look at this game and see whose strength should be praised. Shota Shiraishi shouldn’t let his judgement of sprint be affected because of personal emotion!

Takeshita Kanaki achieved the level he expected before the game. At this time, there was only one person, Iranian player Mossan, in front of him – the opponent was a player whose strength in the first half of the race was almost equal to that of a world-class strong player, but his explosive power could only be maintained to less than 60 meters in the stage. The next journey and the final sprint had always been important factors affecting Mossan’s final result.

Takeshita Kanaki was confident in his strength in the second half of the game and believed that he would catch up with Mossan in the second half of the game and win the first place in the second group of the semi-finals!

Su Zhe didn’t think much after the start of the game. Since the start of the game, he had devoted himself to the control of his own rhythm, step frequency and stride.

In the acceleration stage of the starting race, although he had found himself slightly behind, this backwardness made Su Zhe feel more excited. He couldn’t help but reveal a sense of excitement in his eyes. A stronger desire to fight was rising in his heart, but he still maintained the string of reason in his brain and tried to control the rythmn of his movement. He couldn’t let himself lose control because he was too excited or in order to catch up with the front.

The lack of explosive power at the start made Su Zhe understand that he may not be able to achieve the maximum acceleration in the first half of the race, but he could still continue to use his energy in the process from starting, accelerating to running on the way, and finally burst out all his strength in the final sprint stage!

At this time, every step made his body more excited, and the energy in his heart didn’t cool down, but became more passionate under the stimulation of all equal players.

In the grandstand area, the philosophers who arrived at the scene, needless to say, they were doing their best to wave their flags and cheer for Su Zhe.

The Japanese girls around them were also shouting for Su Zhe!

The figure galloping on the track, the resolute look on his face and the eager expression, completely ignited all their fantasies about the most perfect competitor in their hearts.

[Ah, Player Su, come on!!]

They put all their energy into cheering for Su Zhe. At this moment, his figure was completely engraved in their hearts.

The changes on the track were unpredictable. A Kazakh player Akasf, who was only after Yamashita Shunsuke, gradually surpassed Yamashita Shunsuke in the acceleration stage, approached Su Zhe all the way, and even passed him faintly!

At this time, everyone, including Mossan, had entered the last stage. Mossan’s initial explosive power had been gradually exhausted, and his subsequent shortcomings of lack of physical fitness and endurance began to appear. Although he was still trying to maintain his speed, the distance between him and the people behind him, such as Takeshita Kanaki and Su Zhe, had been significantly weakened!

On the commentary stand, Ishida Ipei was also watching the game nervously: “Oh! The explosive power of Player Mossan is exhausted, and the next stage will be very difficult for him. The advantage of Player Takeshita is improving, and Player Su hasn’t weakened…!”

The audience, including Japanese and Chinese netizens watching the live broadcast, also saw this sign.

In the track and field Kingdom, all the track and field fans who were watching the game had been enthusiastic for a long time. They clenched their fists nervously in front of their computers, waved their arms and cheered Su Zhe with their own opinions!

“Rush forward!”

Many people couldn’t help shouting cheers in front of the computer alone. They just hoped Su Zhe could rush forward quickly and faster!

Su Zhe’s fighting spirit had also become stronger step by step. He was biting and almost breaking out with all his strength. The gap between him and Mossan was closing rapidly.

Originally, Akasf, who was behind him and inserted into the front row for a short time, began to get stuck with Shunsuke Yamashita. However, after the three person group of Mossan, Takeshita Kanaki and Su Zhe broke out again, the gap between them and the first group gradually widened.

Mossan from Iran was now gritting his teeth, this Asian Championship Invitational was almost the last chance before the performance evaluation period of the World championships. At the beginning of this semi-finals, his state could be said to be very good. Although he didn’t know his g-un listening response speed for the time being, with past experience, he believed his starting reaction should be within 0.13 seconds.

Even in his form, it wasn’t easy to get such an opening in the game.

However, after the first 60 meters of the race, the heaviness of his legs broke out again. In this anaerobic state, the rapid passage of muscle strength made it difficult for him to maintain his high speed. Even if he tried hard to clench his teeth, this physical force majeure still made his heart sink.

It wasn’t good. Maybe it was because he sprinted too hard in today’s starting burst and acceleration stage. Although he gained more speed and advantages in the first half of the race, his physical consumption was far more than in the past!

When approaching the 60 meter stage, the fatigue and heaviness after physical exertion found him in advance, making his speed slow at a point visible to the n-aked eye.

But no…

He couldn’t stop here!

He believed that his state in this game, as long as he could run out of his usual results in the sprint stage, he would be able to break into 10 seconds and 10 seconds!

Mossan clenched his teeth and stared at the end ahead, trying to control his rhythm and not reduce his speed too much. He was insisting on moving forward with his own will.

At this time, Takeshita Kanaki had gradually caught up with Mossan. His physical consumption hadn’t reached the limit. On the contrary, after reaching the middle stage, he felt that his control over his body was further enhanced.

This was his 100 meter technical feature. When some early explosive players ran through the first half of the race, they would face slowing down before the race ended!

The advantageous ability to force themselves in the second half was often the focus of defeating the rhythm of other players.

Just like Mossan at this time, because his explosive power had been exhausted and there were other runners behind him. When he was about to face the sprint, his own rhythm had become a little disordered.

At this time, Su Zhe fell tightly behind Kanaki Takeshita, and was also urging and controlling his progress with strong willpower.

As he expected, the afternoon training did have a certain impact on his physical fitness. Originally, he could use deep sleep skills to recover some physical fitness. However, in order to prevent the already warm competitive state from returning to its cold state after rest, he simply chose to drink sports drinks to supplement his physical fitness, so as to retain his competitive state.

This choice wasn’t good or bad. Su Zhe just made a choice he thought was appropriate – for him, being able to make calm and appropriate decisions bit by bit before the game was the performance of his qualified pre game psychology gradually after he had rich competition experience and a stable psychological state.

At this time, Su Zhe’s mood was surging and warm. In this game, he felt the strong tension between his opponents. This state of mutual adhesion and balance made his mood boil.

He felt he could go faster!

As he had this thought, he quickened his pace without hesitation. The gap between him and Takeshita Kanaki was only in one position. In a twinkling of an eye, he caught up with Takeshita Kanaki not far in front of him.

Originally, Kanaki Takeshita was only focused on Mossan, he was shocked when he glanced back and saw Su Zhe’s acceleration.

That Su Zhe, he could accelerate?!

He was also a late acceleration player!

This cognition made Takeshita broadminded and he spread his attention that was originally only on Mossan.

The destination ahead was close at hand.

Mossan, Takeshita Kanaki and Su Zhe almost kept pace at this time, but in the next final sprint stage, Takeshita Kanaki and Su Zhe’s powerful later acceleration ability surpassed Mossan one after another, making Mossan who was originally in the first place fall to the third row.

After noticing Su Zhe’s later acceleration ability, Takeshita Kanaki also accelerated his pace between flashes. At this time, the gap between them was hard to distinguish with the n-aked eye. From the perspective of the grandstand, no one could tell who really had the advantage!

“It’s time to rush through the line! Finally, it’s our Player Takeshita and Player Su from China who rush the line side by side!” On the commentary stage, Ishida Ipei announced the result excitedly: “It’s incredible that the players Takeshita and Su rushed to the line at the same time. The gap between them is too small. Next, the referee will need to use the video at the finish line to judge who the final winner is!”

In the process of waiting for the judgment result of the referee, Ishida Ipei praised the whole game again. At the end of the field, Takeshita Kanaki and Su Zhe finally stopped after a buffer of the track.

Su Zhe stroked his slightly sweaty hair behind his head, then straightened up and showed a cheerful smile. No matter what the result was, the game made his mentality progress to a new stage – keen on the game, pursuing victory, going all out and looking forward to the arrival of victory, but he didn’t worry and criticize himself because of the result.

“I can.”

These were the words that Su Zhe repeated to himself in his heart. This was his first race after the injury, which gave him psychological cognition and affirmation of his ability.

He could clearly feel his control over his current strength, which made him feel secure and relaxed psychologically.

Even if the result of today’s game wasn’t ideal, he wasn’t afraid of tomorrow’s final when he recovered his state!

On the track, Takeshita Kanaki, who wasn’t far from him, was looking at him with a complex expression. Su Zhe, who was staring back at him, was confused about why Takeshita looked at him like that.

A moment later, Takeshita took two steps forward, said something to him, and then turned and left.

After carefully recalling and distinguishing the English with Japanese pronunciation, Su Zhe realized that what he said was “You are an excellent opponent, you’re very strong”.

Smiling and scratching his head, Su Zhe also turned and walked to the exit channel. There were already staff waiting and they would announce everyone’s final results to them at the same time.

On the commentary, Ishida Ippei also got the final results of all the players. He announced with surprise: “The top three in group 2 of the semi-finals are the third place: Iran’s Mossan 10.13 (0.4), the second place: China’s Su Zhe 10.11 (0.4), and the first place: Japan Takeshita Kuanming 10.11 (0.4).”

“After the video judgment, Takeshita won by eight thousandths of a second! The fierce Player Takeshita Kanaki from our country defeated the beautiful snow leopard boy and won the final victory of this group!”

On the stand at the scene, after the final result was announced, the philosophers and the Japanese girls were all a little disappointed about the result of the competition, but they immediately cheered up.

The sister nicknamed ‘Chasing cub in Japan’ firmly said: “Cub’s performance is good enough. We shouldn’t be discouraged. We should work harder to help him and cheer him on!”

“Yes!” One of the other girls also firmly clenched her fist and said, “Player Su has never given up fighting. I can feel the dazzling light shining on him! Please continue to fully support him!”

At the exit passage, Su Zhe suddenly heard the call from the rear stand. At the moment of his turning back, the philosophers on the stand and the Japanese girls with accents gave him full cheers – “Su Zhe! Come on!! we will always support you!”

In the commentary, Ishida Ippei also saw the scene captured by the camera. He couldn’t help praising: “I feel his charm… Of course, there is the strong personal charm of our beautiful snow leopard boy from China.”

“In fact, I can’t help but shout for Su’s brilliant performance in the semi-final. Although he didn’t win, I can’t help it!”

On the domestic network, the track and field fans who were also paying attention to this game were also a little disappointed.

10 seconds 11… Just 0.01 seconds!

However, more track and field fans also knew that even a 0.01 second gap wasn’t so easy to cross. Su Zhe’s performance had been very excellent. As long as he maintained a good state, there was still hope in the finals!

Compared with the track and field fans who knew the technicality of the sprint results, they realized that passersby paying attention to Su Zhe weren’t so calm because of the hot search package of the Sports company and the topic of “S University of Arts and the qualification of the world championships”.

Most netizens didn’t have a clear enough concept of the results of the 100 meter sprint, but when they heard that Su Zhe failed to win the men’s 100 meter qualification of the world championships in the semi-finals, they intuitively thought he wasn’t very good.

Among them, the more rational netizens were simply discussing:

[isn’t it inappropriate to send Su Zhe to compete for such an important qualification?]

[Ah, my impression of him is still that he quit the entertainment industry and was forced to get out of the sports industry… As a result, he suddenly participated in the Asian level Championship Invitational, which is very ignorant…]

[I also… I think he seems to have won a championship in China, but shouldn’t Zhao Zhixuan be the champion of the 100m Sprint in the challenge of the world championships? Why didn’t they send him instead of Su Zhe?]

Just when sports lovers found that there were some problems in public opinion on the Internet and began to mention top Chinese sprint players’ results, a group of anti-fans suddenly appeared on the Internet.

These anti-fans jumped up and down, almost sparing no effort to discredit Su Zhe.

[Tut Tut, Su Zhe, isn’t his father a famous sprint coach in China? Isn’t Zhao Zhixuan his elder brother? The reason he chose Zu Zhe is obvious.]

[A guy who has just changed from entertainment to sports for less than three months is on this level in the blink of an eye… And has to undertake the mission of winning glory for the country and striving for the qualification of the World Championships… Tut Tut, what a cow!]

[Oh, a guy who I never heard his name in the entertainment industry, goes back to sprint and becomes a national champion in two months? Isn’t this a stimulant maniac? Don’t tell me that there is inspection, maybe he has a higher technology?]

A series of anti-fans surged in, and in the twinkling of an eye, they angrily posted unnecessary scandals about Su Zhe which quickly reached the hot search list, which stunned the masses and sports lovers who were originally just reading comments quietly.

When Shao Xingchen saw the news, it was already evening. He looked at the situation on the Internet and handed his mobile phone to Li Cheng.

“This… What do you think?”

Li Cheng quickly glanced at the content on the page with doubt and raised his eyebrows: “Gee, Ah Zhe has become an athlete. Who got this offended?”

Obviously, these skilled ‘anti-fans’, at a glance, came from the usual techniques in the entertainment industry.

This kind of organized, planned, unified and skilled operation style could make people in the entertainment industry smell the familiar flavor behind it at a glance. 

However, this operation method was very effective, so some people have always loved this method.

Especially for individuals like Su Zhe, who seemed to have retired from the industry and had no company behind him, they had no psychological burden to use such methods.

Li Cheng looked at the operation still in progress on Weibo and sighed quite speechlessly: “I don’t know which guy did it. Before doing this, they didn’t even think about it. Ah Zhe is now an outsider completely, and a national champion athlete who is playing Asian level events on behalf of his country…”

“At this time, throwing dirty water on an athlete… Which studio took the job? The person who ordered it really dared to do it, and the person who took it really dares to take it.”

Shao Xingchen wasn’t surprised about this, He just calmly analyzed the situation: “Su Zhe has only been out of the industry for less than three months. So far, although he has become famous in the sports industry, most people don’t know the significance of the level of champion of the whole championship. Moreover, during this period, the publicity of [Broken light] is going on, and he participated in it. In the eyes of insiders, the label of him being out of the entertainment industry is not clean enough.”

Li Cheng nodded when he heard the speech: “That’s true. Most athletes in the sports circle aren’t known until they win in the Olympics. In the eyes of people who don’t care about sports, it’s the same as having no achievements.”

“Yes.” Shao Xingchen affirmed Li Cheng’s statement and finally concluded: “It’s not surprising that someone is doing such a stupid thing.”

“All right.” Li Cheng held out his hand in silence: “You want to cool the heat, don’t you? I’ll find someone right now. By the way, I’ll see where the fool came from … That person needs to be cut off.”

While Shao Xingchen and Li Cheng started to cool the heat, the water army even brought accusations such as achievement fraud and coaches’ cheating for personal gain. They went up all the way on the hot search, attracting a large number of passers-by to watch the scandals.

At the same time, the official staff of the S provincial sports team, the official staff of the field management Center and even the official staff of the General Administration of sports quickly noticed the news.

After receiving the news, Li Mingdeng, the director of the sports team of S Province, directly called Chen Guang, who was in charge of media information in the field management Center without saying a word. After he picked, there was a burst of abuse.

After seeing the news, Li Mingdeng was so angry that he didn’t even dare to show the news to Su Yinsheng.

On the phone, Li Mingdeng said angrily, “These people are really capable. Su Zhe got good results with his ability and integrity. Can he run like this with doping? Don’t mention the testing team, which uses high technology… I didn’t know that our S provincial sports team can surpass that! We can also create a Wada (World Anti Doping Agency) with such high-tech? “

“There’s also the rumour that Old Su is abusing his power for personal gain and using public affairs for personal gain… They can go to hell! With Old Su’s temperament, I don’t dare to tell him about this, otherwise he will blow up! Not to mention that the people for the competition is directly assigned by your field management center. Even if Old Su has the power to order someone to compete, he will only use their results to assign them! Zhao Zhixuan is good, but his goal is to win. Anyone who really hopes to get a place in the World Championship can see that it’s Su Zhe! “

“Those Keyboardists and those who are making such posts… They’re all brainless! Director Chen, I’ll stop here. Does your field management center care about it or not?”

As the director in charge of the sports team of S Province, he had a hot tempered coach like Su Yinsheng. In order to better cooperate in his work, Li Mingdeng was the one with the best temper both internally and externally.

This time when he received the phone call, he heard Li Mingdeng burst into a frenzy. Chen Guang felt strange at first. After hearing what he said, his anger also began to rush to his heart.

Athletes fought abroad to win glory for the country, but there were people at home who maliciously splashed dirty water on them?

Chen Guang  took a deep breath. This matter must be managed and couldn’t be ignored! If they didn’t handle this matter, how would the athletes who worked hard every day to win glory for the country react?

“Come on, Old Li, I know! Athletes compete for this country openly and squarely. We can’t ignore our artists!”

After saying this, Chen Guang hung up and turned to the staff to immediately understand the relevant situation, report it urgently, request special approval, and put the truth of the matter in front of the people.

For the sports industry, it was really hard to see such a big event all year round except for the reports of various events.

Before the field management center organized media forces to assist, the big Verified accounts in the sports industry and some reporters noticed the news first.

As people in the sports industry, most of these people knew Su Zhe’s achievements and strength and the significance of his achievements. At the same time, these people knew what kind of person Su Yinsheng was.

In addition, the news that the field management center sent athletes to go abroad was still clearly hanging on the official page. It said “agreed during the field management center meeting”… Su Zhe was sent abroad after that, could this accusation be thrown on Su Yinsheng’s head?

It was just that most people wouldn’t go to see the announcement of the field management center at all.

For this kind of brainless attack, the people in the sports industry were also very speechless. They forwarded the page of the field management center to speak for Su Zhe.

But no matter what the people in the sports circle said, what they needed to do was to spread scandals wantonly, so that more passers-by who just glance at the news at random would notice Su Zhe’s scandals, and engrave that impression of him into their hearts.

These operations were too coquettish for the people in the sports circle. Although these we’ll known people in the sports circle had considerable topic influence in their own industry, It wasn’t enough compared with the bombing information package in the entertainment industry.

Su Zhe’s fans “philosophers” were still cheering for their cub in the afternoon. Just after the game, a wave of scandals suddenly fell down on their faces, which caught them unprepared and forced them to fight back passively. However, in the case of large-scale and organized splashing of dirty water by the other party, the combat effectiveness of philosophers was really not that much.

The farce lasted from the end of Su Zhe’s game in the afternoon to the evening. Until the report and application of the field management center came into force, then those posts suddenly came to an end, and the anti-fans who kept splashing dirty water on Su Zhe suddenly froze.

The state official media had the same idea, and they were strongly condemning this behavior of discrediting athletes.

[Athletes go out to fight and win glory for the country – discrediting decent athletes into villains who use despicable means to discredit their achievements is tantamount to discrediting China’s sports world!]

This powerful voice reached different news outlets in a short time. Everything about Su Zhe’s achievements and the significance of his achievements had been listed, including his achievements in the afternoon’s semi-finals, and some professionals had made detailed interpretations.

From the moment the official media came out, the water army who had been jumping around happily suddenly seemed to be strangled by their necks and lost their voices.

Obviously, they didn’t expect that just hacking a retired entertainment star · would end up getting the attention of a state-owned media.

This development completely exceeded their expectations, they had to stop all relevant operations immediately.

The real voices of the big sports Verified personnels and ordinary passers-by, who were originally suppressed, finally came into being.

When Tao Sheng saw the posts in the afternoon, he angrily sent a series of posts condemning the bloggers and their posts, but he couldn’t move under the repression of the water army.

After telling Li Cheng to suppress the popularity of those posts, Shao Xingchen also made a post supporting Su Zhe and asking everyone to distinguish the truth rationally. The cast of [Broken Light] also forwarded the content of this post at the same time.

However, after the water army was rampant and made some comments with other purposes, the comments under the two pages could be said to be ugly. Only by controlling the comments by fans could they barely maintain harmony.

When the incident became relatively quiet, it was already midnight. Li Cheng sent the source of the news behind him to Shao Xingchen, and sent a large number of ellipses to show his speechlessness.

[… This brainless guy was the most popular one in Su Zhe’s previous group. In his early years, he was unhappy with Su Zhe because he looked good. When Su Zhe left the industry, he acted with you, so his dissatisfaction probably accumulated a lot.]

【 Haven’t you and Su Zhe been approached recently? Especially after the World Championship Challenge before, Sports brands contacted Chen Cheng more frequently, which happened to be known by that guy. He felt that since it was the resources in Chen Cheng’s hands, why should she give Su Zhe, the guy who had already cancelled his contract and quit the industry? If he discredited him, maybe he would get the resources. 】

[This guy has been paying attention to Ah Zhe for some days, but he didn’t think about it. He discussed such a stupid method with the Water Army. Chen Cheng already knows, he probably won’t be in the industry in a while.]

This matter, after a big circle, was ultimately caused by interests and shortsightedness.

From beginning to end, in order to prevent Su Zhe’s mood fluctuation and affect the performance of the competition, no one told Su Zhe about it. Through the news that represented the official attitude of the sports industry, one by one, the passersby also clearly understood the difficulties of athletes’ training and competition, and sent heartfelt blessings to the athletes who fought for their country.

In addition to Su Zhe being hacked and whitewashed, this short war benefited athletes. The incident unexpectedly increased the people’s attention to sports.

The search volume related to the Asian Championship invitational tournament had increased rapidly, and the reading volume, comments and forwarding data of relevant news had also increased significantly.

After seeing the current popularity of sports topics, the video website that originally didn’t intend to broadcast relevant competitions directly communicated with Fuji live broadcast and agreed on the live broadcasting of a series of competitions in the next three days, and took this opportunity to publicize the competition.

When Su Zhe woke up the next day, he didn’t know he had been on the hot search list for no reason. Instead, the system quickly threw a new target task to him after he woke up.

New target task: Obtain the qualification of men’s 100m events in the World Championships

Task time limit: 24 hours

Task reward: Perfect Idol Training Space usage hours * 60

The reward for this task… was exactly what Su Zhe needed.

Since the opening of the training space, the skill points accumulated in his daily 10K run in the early stage had already been consumed. Later, due to his foot injury, recovery, training, competition and other reasons, the daily 10K task was intermittent, so it was difficult to accumulate more skill points for training.

Su Zhe knew that compared with other players, his training time was much less. If he wanted to make more progress and cross the 10.05 mark faster, he could only increase his training hours.

At this time, Su Zhe couldn’t help admiring the particularly considerate system.

Whether to win the qualification of the men’s 100m in the world championships or for this 60 hour extra training time, he had to run into 10 seconds and 10 seconds today!

Today’s men’s 100 meter final was scheduled for prime time at 7 p.m. and would be broadcast live by Fuji.

The news was passed to him through the team leader last night.

For Su Zhe, it didn’t matter. After recovering his competitive state yesterday, he was still eager to try for today’s final.

In order to avoid premature psychological excitement affecting the evening game, Su Zhe took out his headphones and began to relieve his excitement in advance through music.

In the afternoon, Su Zhe, who had finished the rest, stopped restraining his pre- competition psychology and began to devote his mind to the upcoming competition after trying to train and confirming that his state was still good.

The time of the race quickly approached. When Su Zhe stepped into the stadium again, there seemed to be more cheering people in the stands. In addition to the philosophers and the Japanese girls, it seems that some people studying and travelling in Japan also came to the scene to watch the game. Some people held bright red flags in their hands. When every Chinese player competed, they waved the red flag and started shouting.

When Su Zhe arrived at the preparation area, Shota Shiraishi, Takeshita Kanaki and Mossan all noticed his arrival.

As the third place in group 2 of the semi-finals, Mossan also qualified to enter the Finals because he ranked the top 2 in the total scores of the remaining players.

In addition to the four of them, there were Norman, a black naturalized player from Bahrain, Andrew, a black naturalized player from Qatar, Faisal from Saudi Arabia and Michael, a black naturalized player from Oman.

When the naturalized players with dark skin occupied nearly half of the places in the finals, Su Zhe intuitively felt the impact and influence of the naturalized players on the local players in Asia.

Several of the same local players in Asia had a vague rejection of the naturalized players. For the naturalized players who occupied the living space of Asian players, it was difficult for them to really and completely accept these naturalized players in mentality.

After saying hello to Shota Shiraishi, Su Zhe was surprised to find that Shota, who always had a smile in the preliminary and semi-finals, had put away his usual harmless appearance, and his momentum belonging to a strong player in the field began to spread around.

Su Zhe was awed by this momentum and began to concentrate on it, emitting his own momentum to fight it.

The other contestants also found the momentum confrontation between Su Zhe and Shota Shiraishi. Under the influence of the two, everyone was alert and focused, and constantly began to gather their own competitive state.

When the men’s 100m finalists came on stage one after another, Ishida Ippei’s commentary sounded again in the field and in the live room.

Ishida Ippei: “Next, this is the most brilliant gem in running – the final period of the 100 meter sprint! We can see that the finalists have played one after another. Oh! I can see the impact and fluctuation of the explosive air. Everyone’s face is very solemn. Even player Shota Shiraishi who usually likes to laugh now has a cold expression!”

Speaking of this, Ishida flatly said: “Speaking of player Shiraishi, you must also know the legend about him – he is called the fierce beast and terrible predator of the 100m track! It is said that the players who have competed with him can’t believe that the usually amiable player will look so fierce on the track.”

As the camera turned to Su Zhe, Ishida Ippei’s voice became excited again: “One day later, the snow leopard boy from the Chinese Empire seems to be more beautiful! It’s really unbearable to restrain my admiration for his peerless beauty. The momentum of Player Su is also very strong at the moment. What kind of miracle can this beautiful boy run on the track today?”

In Ishida Ippei’s Japanese boastful introduction, the preparation period for the finals also passed.

On the track, the eight finalists had squatted on their starters and were ready to start at any time.

Everyone had gathered the strongest spirit and momentum and was ready for the next 10 seconds that may just pass in the blink of an eye!

“All in position… Ready!”

The referee’s voice cut through the sky of the field, followed by a g-unshot – “bang”!

Asian Championship Invitational men’s 100m Sprint final, start!

The eight players on the field were already the top experts in Asia. No one made any excessive mistakes in the response to the gu-n. The worst player also had a response time of 0.165, just a little later.

However, a little later, he had fallen behind everyone at the moment of starting!

At the moment when Su Zhe kicked off the starter, he began to let go of his desire for competition and put all his strength into full play. He just started from the outbreak to the convergence acceleration. In this short moment, the ten meter track had been jumped over.

At the moment when the top players in Asia gathered, the due pressure was transformed by Su Zhe into a driving force to stimulate his progress. The sense of oppression and competition of this competition made him passionate.

In that state, he occupied a good with his excellent g-un listening reaction time and starting explosive power.

In front of him was Shota Shiraishi.

The young man who always showed his tiger teeth and giggled at Su Zhe at ordinary times was like a tiger on the track. His starting explosive force was extremely strong. Before and after the explosion, his strength rose rapidly, and the transition entered the acceleration stage.

Mossan, who should have been able to compete with or even surpass Shota Shiraishi in the starting acceleration stage, may be due to excessive tension, in the starting stage of the g-un listening reaction, he only got a reaction speed of 0.165 seconds.

Even if his explosive power and acceleration were extremely excellent, he just managed to overtake from the last to the fourth, and began to get stuck with the Bahrain naturalized player in the third place.

Although the strength of several naturalized players wasn’t the top, they had always been able to achieve good results in Asia, but what they didn’t expect was that in today’s game, even Norman, who played the best, could only be in the third place.

This recognition made them feel completely incredulous.

In order to prove that their strength was worth the money spent by the naturalized country, the three naturalized players also began to use their strongest strength in the acceleration stage and kept catching up with each other in order to reflect and show their strength.

The sense of urgency on the track and the atmosphere of track chasing made the whole stadium crazy. No matter which country the audience or tourists were from, they were shouting “come on, come on” in their language!

Most people didn’t know who they were cheering for, but after seeing this fierce atmosphere, they were also emotionally infected, so they shouted out and cheered for the people fighting on the field!

Norman from Bahrain accelerated his stride frequency and intended to catch up with and surpass Su Zhe, who seemed very weak in front of him. However, no matter how he caught up, he could only be pulled back by Su Zhe, who also increased his stride frequency.

No, it was impossible!

Incredible thoughts sprang up in Norman’s mind, disturbing his concentration for a moment. Just in the moment of his confusion, Faisal from Saudi Arabia stepped over his side and succeeded in occupying the third position.

Su Zhe, relying on the advantages at the beginning of the stage and today’s strong physical fitness and competitive state, had been behind Shota Shiraishi from the beginning.

The other tried to suppress the pursuit of the latecomers with the momentum of a tiger, but Su Zhe was not afraid of this kind of pressure. He fell tightly behind Shota Shiraishi by twp steps. In his mind, he quickly calculated and mobilized his limbs, increased his stride and the step frequency, and began to pursue Shota Shiraishi, who was still ahead.

At this time, a stalemate situation led by Shota Shiraishi was formed on the field. Su Zhe followed him closely. Three naturalized players constantly tried to catch up with him. Norman, Andrew, Michael and even Faisal from Saudi Arabia once stepped over Norman and ran into the top three.

After a short outbreak, Mossan was still unable to catch up with the front group because of his mistakes at the start, and Takeshita Kanaki wasn’t in good condition. Although he was still trying to control his state, he was still unable to insert into the front group and could only be submerged among the naturalized players.

The first half of the 50 meter stage passed quickly, and the aggressive Shota Shiraishi still occupied the first position and refused to give up. Su Zhe’s stride had almost reached the limit, and his stride frequency couldn’t be steadily improved for a while.

The unwilling mood surged up slightly, and the will to fight was still burning.

Under the full control of Su Zhe, he quickened his rhythm a little more – this was almost the limit of his current ability to maintain a stable rhythm!

Couldn’t fail!

Could he be any faster?

Su Zhe kept asking himself. When the track entered the final sprint stage, Su Zhe finally released the power accumulated in the previous stage.

His body leaned forward and pushed out the strongest explosive force step by step in the most suitable posture for sprint, and crossed the finish line of the finals with his almost extreme posture!

Unfortunately, there was still a figure in front of him that he couldn’t cross at the moment – Shota Shiraishi.

When Su Zhe stumbled and straightened up, Shota Shiraishi, who also gradually stopped in front, finally converged the tiger like momentum and turned into a harmless boy with a bright smile.

After he looked back and saw Su Zhe, his eyes obviously revealed his surprise, and he quickly walked towards Su Zhe.

After seeing the smiling teenager, Su Zhe carefully engraved this opponent in his mind again.

Shota Shiraishi… This was the opponent he would defeat!

Ishida Ippei’s praise continued: “The final winner is our Player Shota! He is worthy of the title of fierce beast on the track. When running on the track, his indomitable momentum is like a tiger down the mountain, which makes people admire him from the bottom of their heart! And Player Su from the Chinese Empire… Our beautiful snow leopard boy, his vigorous posture and seemingly weak posture must be a nightmare for the players in the rear. He tore the confidence of the naturalized players, stepped on their bodies and bit tightly behind the fierce beast…! “

“This beautiful and vigorous figure has an incredible experience! Once a member of the idol group, he finally chose the road of Sprinting. In just three months, he has grown to such a terrible and strong point. When he grows up after enough time… Can he tear the confidence of more strong people in the future, this beautiful snow leopard boy?”

With Ishida Ippei’s commentary, Su Zhe also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the final result wasn’t known for the time being, the task completion prompt of the system had appeared… This meant that he had successfully run into 10 seconds and 10 seconds and won a seat for the Chinese team in the men’s 100m Sprint of the World Championships!


Yessssss. I almost cried when I finished this chapter, sorry for the late update.