Chapter 131: Black and Gold – 2

Chapter 131: Black and Gold – 2

Two weeks ago.

The members who noticed an issue with Ellas memory waited until she fell asleep again before gathering for a meeting.

Maya explained the state Ella was in.

The mysteries of the human mind are divided into five stages.

Surface Appearance, Active Thinking, Reflective Emotions, Structured Thoughts, Essence of the Spirit.

The first stage, Surface Appearance, was a mystery used by illusionists. It was primarily used to manifest images in the mind as visual information.

The part affected by the Reapers Scythe is stage 3, Reflective Emotions.'

Having lived in the circus, Maya was accustomed to speaking plainly.

But members who hadnt received proper education still found it difficult to understand her words.

While everyone sat in confusion, curious Womon, perhaps thanks to his own thinking, asked a question.

Wait a minute! Maya, earlier didnt you say memory is stage 4?

Right. Actually, what the Reapers Scythe affects isnt memory. Its emotion. Do you remember how you felt when indirectly affected by the Reapers Scythe?

As if reluctant to recall, the members shivered at her question.

It was depressingly unusual.

Old unpleasant memories kept coming up

Haha, even trying to think of a funny joke ended in frustration.

Maya nodded.

In fact, the Reapers Scythe doesnt directly extract your memories. It stimulates emotions, inducing you to recall such memories.

Wonderstein nodded as he mentally organized the mysteries of the mind she explained.

Stage 1, Surface, is imagination.

Stage 2, Thinking, is thought.

Stage 3, Emotion, is emotion.

Stage 4, Thoughts, is memory.

Stage 5, Spirit, is the soul.

The mysteries of the mind operate in sequence by stages.

That is, imagination stems from thinking, thinking from emotion, emotion from memory, and memory from the soul.

While unsure about other things, they were certain that stage 4 was based on stage 5.

Because it was what he was experiencing firsthand.

The workings of the mind usually proceed forward. But sometimes they work backward. When someone is directly hit by the Reapers Scythe, a filter forms in stage 3, Emotion. A barrier of emotion prevents happy memories from affecting the lower stages. Although memories themselves are preserved in the brain.


A few quick-witted members nodded.

It means memories can be distorted by emotion. Even if memories are accurately recorded in stage 4, if distortion occurs in stage 3, we cannot think correctly in stage 2. Currently, the Assistant Director seems to have the added ability of the Reapers Scythe to stimulate unhappy emotions, filtering memories. It seems to have changed her thinking.

Everyone had seen what that change in thinking led to.

Maya sighed as she recalled that scene.

The Assistant Director rushing into the commanders embrace.

And the Director accepting it with a smile.

Somehow somehow it felt odd.

If memories are deleted, theyre difficult to recover. They need to be drawn from stage 5, the soul. But if memories dont come to mind due to emotion in stage 3, the problem becomes simpler.

What should we do?

The most basic method is to give strong emotional stimulation. If emotions fluctuate, the filter shakes as well. Psychologists use this method to draw out dormant memories. However, in her s case, this method is risky to use. Because she was hit by the Reapers Scythe. There were various methods, but the most reliable treatment method is magic. As I mentioned to the director earlier.

Wonderstein nodded.

Of course, he didnt understand the theory she spoke of at all.

However, he could grasp the essential content.

A magician proficient in mental magic was needed.

He looked around at the members and concluded.

When we get to the next city, Ill ask Vergsong Family to issue a request for a mental magician. Lets not mention anything about the past that Ella doesnt remember until she revives her memories. As Maya mentioned, it could be dangerous to provoke emotions.

All members agreed with the directors opinion.

Wonderstein sighed inwardly.

What he just said to them was a lie.

He hadnt made up his mind yet.

There was a very fatal problem with the treatment method Maya mentioned.

It was that Ellas suppressed memories would be revealed to the treating mage.

That meant Wondersteins misdeeds would also be exposed.

Because it would make it easier to ignite their enthusiasm.

Because it would make them easier to control.

He tried to convince himself, but the biggest motivation came not from his mind but from his heart.

He didnt want to crush their hope.

He stopped the members who were about to shout.

But it cant happen right away. Its still difficult to find a treatment without side effects. So itll be in the next two years. Please help me make it to the main stage of the Circus Grand Prix. Ill continue researching ways to restore your bodies during that time.

At his words, the members looked at each other and smiled.

Of course!

I had a feeling it would be like this! Ive been suspicious since before! Why did he gather us anyway?

You said last time that the director was going to use us as sacrifices for black magic!

Ugh, when did I say that?

Haha, the director is having a hard time! Cant we just do what weve been doing?

Dont worry about it even if two years might not be enough!

Thats right! Well serve the director for about 10 years!

Thats too long!

The meeting ended in a lively atmosphere.

In the end, Wonderstein didnt reveal anything about the The Smiling Man.

He didnt even think about it or prepare to bring it up.

When he had considered it, it was because he didnt want to build more walls between himself and the members.

But he had already deceived them twice.

He deceived them about Ellas recovery.

And he deceived them about the treatment for the members.

He couldnt bring himself to say something like, To be honest, I have something to say.

Two weeks passed like this.

During that time, there was never a shortage of laughter in the Monster Circus.

Ella laughed, and the members laughed.

And even Wonderstein, looking at them, laughed.


Oh, Yurakne.

A woman with purple hair tied up with a comb approached.

Yurakne had become the most comfortable person to face recently.

Talking with her was comfortable, and the tea she brewed was comforting.

Being with her made him feel at ease.

There were various reasons, but the biggest reason was her gaze.

Unlike the other members who looked at him as if worshipping him when he passed by, she looked at him with the same eyes as before.

She was the only one who remained calm when the others were excited about the promise he made.

Was it because her appearance and functions were the least obstructive?

She was the only one who wasnt excited about the promise he made.

Why are you like this?

That the alchemist has something to say about Ellas condition


He was another concern for Wonderstein, who was rapidly rising lately.

When he arrived at Yeterinpuurk, he inquired about memory treatment to Anais.

Other than recruiting a mental mage, there was another way.

Anais suggested the method of the alchemist guild.

The alchemist guild has visions that work on the mental mysteries by burning herbs and inhaling their scents.

Since he couldnt find a mental mage for Ella, he invited an alchemist guild member.

Although he thought it would take some time since it was one of the few master ranks of the alchemist guild, he arrived in Yeterinpuurk in a few days.

As if someone beside Anais was urging him to meet him.


Wonderstein entered a room in the annex of the villa.

There was Gascon Halidon, the master of herbalism in the alchemist guild and the former manager of the tomato greenhouse.

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