Chapter 69

She asked Xue tingji to let go. When she spoke, her lower lip trembled.

"I'm not a doctor. It's not helpful to watch her seriously ill. At least you let me Go and do something for my little mother. "

The flash of lightning tore the sky bright and dark. After two breaths of silence, Xue tingji leaned over her forehead.

"Do you understand my mood now?" Finish saying don't see her facial expression, straight to the mountain forest forward.

Pei Mingzheng in situ, think of his countless times to say that sentence, want to do something for her.

At that time, she only thought that his expression was hypocritical. Now she finally realized it, and it seems that I believe his words a little.

Looking around again, Xue tingji has already climbed the hillside with difficulty, and Pei Ming is no longer standing foolishly. It's not the time for love. My mother is still waiting for her.

Even if Xue Ting tried to stop her, she still insisted on going up the mountain herself and searching carefully among the weeds, regardless of whether there would be snakes or insects.

It didn't take long for the rain to get worse. People could barely see things only by lighting with lamps. People didn't know the grass. Pei Ming asked them to take all the similar things back!

Xue tingji looked back and saw that she was standing on the side of a steep hillside with a twig in one hand, and her steps were still moving forward. She was so scared that she called to stop her.

"Don't move! I told you to wait at the foot of the mountain

Pei Ming is still moving carefully. Her feet are muddy and slippery. She may fall down the hillside at any time. She has to roll on the mud without injury.

But the grass is right in front of you! In jeopardy,

is just as like as two peas Zhang, who can find it smoothly. She is reluctant to give up. Even if the only twig that can be borrowed is already in danger.

I just hate her arm is not long enough, just go a little further

Just when her fingertips were only inches away from the grass, the branch was broken after all, which made her plant down!

Fortunately, in the moment before rolling down the hillside, Xue tingji caught her in time, but because of the slip under his feet, he couldn't help, so he went down with her!

The attendants quickly grabbed his highness, but the two survived. Xue Ting warned Pei Ming not to come here again in a deep voice, and he risked his own life to help her pick the herb.

Pei Ming felt for the first time that his threats were not always so annoying.

All of a sudden, a flash of green lightning fell in front of Xue tingji. He suddenly withdrew his hand and was pulled back by a force at his waist. He fell to the ground.

Although some embarrassed, but embarrassed to avoid the electric shock, still have fear to turn around, roll roll throat, "I should thank you for your help."

Pei Ming also sits in the mud and shakes his head in a funny way. It seems that the memory of having been together with him for many years has been engraved in his bones. As long as there is danger, she will go to save him regardless of everything.

Between them, the last resentment is as deep as the first fetter.

Pei Ming twisted his ankle when he fell just now. Xue tingji personally carried her down the mountain. Every step was heavy and cautious. Even though he was so tired and panting, he never put her down.

For some reason, Pei Ming felt very relieved. He leaned back in a comfortable position on his back and closed his eyes.

She's a little tired. Let's have a rest, just for a while

Feeling her calmness, Xue Ting raised the corner of his mouth and stepped more gently. Finally, he went down the mountain and got the grass safely.

Pei Ming's body is sour and sleepy. Xue tingji sees her weakness and caresses her forehead, but it's cold. I think it's because of the heavy rain.

They came in such a hurry that they didn't even have a carriage. Xue tingji could only wrap her in a cloak, but she was soaked all over. At most, she could resist the wind.

It's nearly one night since I went back to Pei's house. Dr. Zhang went to cook medicine himself. Pei Ming was helped back to jinweiyuan by his maidservant to change his clothes. Before his hair was dried, he went to guard Feng's family again.

Even he didn't have time to thank Xue ting.

Feng has not enough strength to speak. He can only hold Pei Ming's hand and cry in silence, which makes Pei Ming feel sour.

It's not convenient for Xue tingji to enter the inner room. He can only watch outside. He can just see Pei Ming's half dry hair lying on the side of the bed. Her hair is very long and beautiful. It's spread on her plain face, which makes her ferocious temperament soft.

At the same time, she also made her figure more slender. She lost weight, which shows how tired she was during this period of time.

He just looked at her without hesitation until Pei Ming accidentally turned his head and ran into his eyes. Then he realized his abruptness when he saw her wriggling over.

The unmarried girl's family can't let the outsider see his hair. On the contrary, he feels embarrassed. He is thinking about whether to avoid it first, but he sees Pei Ming coming over on his own initiative.

"I will repay you for saving my little mother."

She knows that her words may make many subsequent plans change or even fall short. But she is nothing else. Even if everything goes the same way, as long as she can get through it in her life, she thinks it is worth it.Even if Xue tingji asked her to marry him now, she would not hesitate to nod her head.

Oh, how could a small and overbearing man like him miss such a good opportunity.

But she was wrong. Xue tingji was not only unhappy, but also complained and patted her on the head. "That's what you think, so you never let me help you, right?"

Unexpectedly, Pei Mingzhen was stunned and looked up at him. What he saw was the deep feeling in his eyes, so deep that she couldn't believe it.

Xue tingji's palm brushed her hair, like coaxing a child, like the Momo who moved her that night.

He said: "I never want to take advantage of you, and I don't want you to promise me just to repay you. Next time I say that, I'll be angry."

Pei Ming's nose is sour again. Her whole face is transpiration. Why is it? Why is she so fragile today? She wants to cry in his arms.

Holding her last sense, she held back her tears. Unexpectedly, Xue Ting suddenly lifted her face and said, "you -"

"it's time for me to see the medicine!" Pei Ming was in a hurry. He didn't dare to let him see his blush. His eyelashes fanned and he went to see what happened to Dr. Zhang.

She was obviously wrong. Xue tingji didn't mean to be intimate with her, just wanted to confirm one thing.

I'm afraid she didn't blush because of shame.

In the decocting room, Dr. Zhang has already decocted the tongliancao. Pei Ming comes in to inquire about the situation. He wipes his hands and finally feels relieved.

"Thanks to you, you can find it in time. If you boil this medicine for another half an hour, your little mother will be saved."

Pei Ming was very relieved. Just as he wanted to thank him, he heard his servant shouting, "Miss, the second lady has fainted again!"

Heart immediately pulled up, Pei Ming ran back, Zhang Taiyi did not delay, before leaving also did not forget to ask the next person to take good care of the medicine.

As soon as they left, Wang appeared at the door of the pharmacy