Chapter 165: my knife

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"Ah?" After Ender woke up, his eyes were confused for a while, and it took him a long time to react, and his face was suddenly dripping with sweat.

What happened just now?

What's wrong with me?

what's the situation?

Ender felt that the world had changed just now, and his whole head was dazed.

When he wakes up, where are the figures of Chen Feng and the others?

"What about the human genius? Why are you here?" Ender asked in shock.

"It's a genius. They have already left. Also, he took your knife away. You have already lost! You haven't said what happened to you just now. Why did you suddenly stop moving and fall ill?"

"He's not sick!" A student came over and said solemnly: "Just now, Ender was immobilized by a mental attack by that Chen Feng. If he wants to kill you, he can even eat a meal. Killing you, such a powerful mental attack, you are not his opponent, even if we are together with a dozen of us, you are not his opponent!"

"You have been locked up for so long, and you have no ability to resist. This person has a strong mental attack!"

"What?" Ender's face was horrified to the extreme, no wonder he did this just now.

He also said to compete with others, how does this compare?

After a few casual gestures, he felt bored, his eyes flashed, he was fixed here, and they left.

It's just crushing, right?

"My knife! Damn it, the knife I bought for millions is gone!"

Ender nearly exploded in situ.

"Forget it, Ender! I brought a few more weapons this time. You can use this knife first and return it to me later. Don't think about your knife, he takes your knife, It is to teach you a lesson, with his talent and strength, he is not short of money. Don't challenge him next time, you will suffer a lot!"

His partner persuaded, and at the same time took out a knife and handed it to him.

Ender grabbed the knife and slashed towards the tree next to him, knocking the tree down.

"No wonder people say that he is a genius. With this strength, I am indeed not an opponent! I have learned a lot about the mental attack just now. I have lived such a long life, and I have never been manipulated like this before. It's a shame. Let's go, go to the abyss of bones! "

Ender cursed angrily, took out a chewing gum from his pocket, and continued chewing. Left here with his team.

At this moment, Chen Feng and others have reached the depths of the forest.

After a period of time, an abyss of bones appeared in front of them.

This is where they practiced, and in this direction, there is a vast ocean in the distance.

"Is this the abyss of bones?"

Chen Feng looked down at the densely packed corpses. It was really an abyss of corpses. Their eyesight was able to see deep areas, so they could see at a glance that the densely packed corpses were piled up below.

"I don't know how many monsters have died here. Look, there are still many bones of Rakshasa here!"

Shi Wang and the others exclaimed in surprise.

These students came to the battlefield outside the territory for the first time, and they were full of curiosity and fear.

On the abyss wall below, there are many holes, these holes do not know how many regional passages are connected, and Rakshasa lives in them.

They can kill Rakshasa and accumulate merits.

But if they want to pass, they need to detour.

A few people moved on from the edge, wanting to go around to kill Rakshasa. They came here to accumulate merit. For others, surviving is the main purpose. For these geniuses, accumulation of merit and beheading Killing the enemy and improving yourself is the most important thing.

During this period, they encountered many monsters.

Yes, there are many monsters in the forest.

These monsters are grotesque and ferocious.

They also saw a lot of students jumping onto the trees and engaging in guerrilla warfare with these monsters.

However, wherever Chen Feng went, a golden long sword flew, killing all these monsters.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, as the crowd walked, there was a huge roar in the distance, and the expressions of many students changed.

"No, a large number of monsters are alarmed, they are coming towards us, hurry up, hide!"

Many students all climbed to the tree.

Some students are on the tree themselves.

Chen Feng and the others saw a large area of ​​monsters covered in iron armor appearing in front of them. These monsters were similar in size to calves, but the scales on their bodies were very flashing, and the four hooves were fast, densely packed, and black and pressed from a distance. swept in.

Obviously, there are too many students here, which has alarmed the monsters living here.

Many students jumped up.

Chen Feng and Jiang Shiran were at the edge of the abyss, but that monster could sweep them too.

"Escape to the tree?" Shi Wang asked.

"No, just wait for the beast tide to pass!"

Chen Feng shook his head, and suddenly a golden sword qi surrounded the surroundings, enclosing them into a tall golden fortress composed of sword qi.




Quite a few iron armored beasts have a huge bone area on their heads, which is extremely hard, like a pot lid. This is the main attack method of iron armored beasts.

The strong iron armored beasts slammed into Chen Feng's sword wall, their heads were bleeding, and the sword qi fortress remained motionless. However, these iron armored beasts were dizzy when they hit, and many iron armored beasts found that it was a tough stubble, so they all took a detour. .

There were also many iron-clad beasts without long eyes who wanted to collide, without exception, all of them were bounced back by the sword qi wall, and some were shot dead on the spot.

At least a few thousand black iron armored beasts swept past here, and many iron armored beasts fell from the edge into the abyss, and there were screams and wailing sounds in their ears.

After a while, it was quiet here.

Many students felt that this place was too dangerous, and they broke out in a cold sweat. Although they were powerful, they would face a horde of monsters and be trampled on. If one is bad, they would die very ugly.

Fortunately, these people can meet the tree, but they can avoid catastrophe.

In fact, dozens of these monsters are like a smashing machine, and thousands of them are still quite frightening.

If it weren't for these students' agility, they could climb a tree with a single jump. Ordinary people would be knocked into meat patties and died mournfully before they could climb the tree here.

Brush brush!

At this moment, Chen Feng, Jiang Shiran, and the others suddenly saw the depths of the sky, and there was a roar. Chen Feng and the others needed to bypass this forest and go to another abyss of bones to practice.

And the students of the Civilization Academy put on the mecha one by one.

These mechas are very ordinary iron lumps in the package. Once opened, they will automatically stretch out, changing constantly, wrapping the body and forming a mecha appearance.

Putting the person on the body, the whole body is protected that is, the eye area has special glass to protect the head and eyes of the person.

There was a sound of metal, and there was a flame jet behind the mecha, and then the students of the Civilization Academy, thousands, tens of thousands, flew over like crazy.

Came to the bottom of the abyss of bones and drilled into the hole.

"I'm going, these students of the Civilization Academy are so awesome? Not to mention flying one by one, they still have a strong attack power!"

Many students saw the student who was flying in the mecha. After going down, there was a huge monster inside. Facing this monster, the student stretched out his right hand, rumbled, and a laser shot pierced through the monster. .

The monster kept jumping, was directly pierced through its body, crushed to the ground, and exploded a big hole.

The attack is very ferocious!

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