Chapter 790: Big tree!

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If ordinary people see this scene, they should not be scared to death.

Chen Feng finds it interesting, he has even seen blood-sucking horse thieves, and these monsters and monsters are nothing to him.

He just watched these little children playing, they were walking back and forth, holding ball toys in their hands, tossing them to each other.

Suddenly something was thrown towards Chen Feng's side, and Chen Feng took out his knife and slashed at it.

Good guy, you can't know the blood is flying until you cut it. What kind of toy ball is this? It's clearly a human head.

The eyes of the human head were still staring at Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was not afraid at all, and walked over step by step, smashing the evil head.

At this time, the dark shadow appeared next to him.

Chen Feng said: "Sneaky, what's the point, if you have the ability to come out and fight me head-on, I will hack you!"

Just after speaking, a cold light suddenly tore from behind.

Chen Feng's backhand was a knife, and he slashed the light. It was a knife, which was slashed by Chen Feng. Chen Feng instantly stared at a shadow behind him, and slashed again, beheading him quickly.


With one slash, Chen Feng smashed the monster directly into his soul.

This monster couldn't resist Chen Feng's knife at all. After he died, the surrounding scene returned to normal, and the shadows of a few children just now appeared in front of him, the bodies of several children.

Apparently it was a sly trick just now, and when Chen Feng killed the eccentric, the sly trick disappeared.

In fact, Chen Feng could see it, but he didn't take it to heart. He played with this monster. The monster saw Chen Feng's knife coming, and was very frightened just now. He wanted to dodge but was directly hacked to death by Chen Feng. He underestimated Chen Feng's strength.

Chen Feng didn't leave, because although he killed a monster, the gloomy atmosphere here didn't change at all, that's because there was more than one monster here.

It was weaker just now.

At this time, Chen Feng felt a cold breath approaching again, and Chen Feng slashed out again. His True Qi poured into the knife and touched the opponent, but this monster was stronger. After he touched it, it disappeared immediately.

At this time, the cold air appeared on Chen Feng's right side again. Chen Feng could clearly see this thing. It was a human face with disheveled hair and a rotten face. His body was already rotten, and his body was full of black aura. Chen Feng saw this person. In an instant, the hairs swelled up.

The figure grabbed towards Chen Feng's chest, and Chen Feng went down with a knife and chopped him directly.

The arm fell to the ground with no blood.

The shadow made a strange cry and attacked Chen Feng from different directions, but Chen Feng kept fighting back, no matter how he attacked Chen Feng, he could slash back, and the monster screamed again and again.

When the monster was split in half by Chen Feng, a black figure escaped from his body.

Chen Feng knew that the body just now was just a human body, and the real monster was the evil thing attached to it.

He should be attached to something, and only by finding the thing he attached to and destroying it can he really kill it.

Chen Feng looked around and saw nothing.

Chen Feng left the room and searched again.

At this time, the sky was dark, the wind was blowing, and there was a mist in the courtyard.

But Chen Feng didn't panic, he could still see everything around him clearly.

He was waiting for the monster to show up.

However, after watching it for a long time, Chen Feng felt that there was something suspicious, that is, a big tree in the courtyard.

Chen Feng suddenly galloped towards the big tree.

Suddenly, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed out of the tree, trying to kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng discovered the strangeness of the tree.

Because the leaves are lush, it is normal that the leaves should be green, but Chen Feng saw that the leaves were yellow.

So he felt that there was something strange about the tree, so he galloped towards this side. Sure enough, the monster shot, and Chen Feng slashed directly on his hands.


Then came a shrill scream.

The monster took a lot of damage.

And Chen Feng quickly chopped down towards the big tree.

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. The latest chapter address: https://

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. Read the full text address: https://

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At the beginning, I have nine Divine Tree Martial Soul mobile phones to read: https://

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