Chapter 792: Sell ​​medicine pills!

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Yang Zhaotou and the others were shocked.

They didn't realize that the boy just now was a hidden master.

It seems that the strength is not generally strong.

They hurried back to report the matter, and they were relieved that Fang Yuan's demon troubles were resolved.

As time passed slowly.

Chen Feng swam around for more than a month, not knowing which direction he was in, riding a horse around.

Chen Feng was about to go back, but while walking around, he heard that Dingfu was in front of him.

In front of Dingfu is the capital.

Chen Feng thought that he had never been to the capital of the Tang Dynasty, why don't he go take a look.

It's here anyway.

It can be seen that there are many merchants gathered here in this city. As long as Fangyuan is going to the capital, this is the only way to go, so there are many people.

from all directions.

Among them, you can also see a vast river with many fleets on it, and the large and small rivers are also very prosperous.

When Chen Feng came here, he not only saw the caravan, the motorcade, and countless horses, but also many envoys from other countries, bringing many rare treasures.

After paying some money, Chen Feng entered the city.

There are many people on the street, and there are also many Taoist priests.

Chen Feng looked around and found it strange. At this time, he saw that one of the corners was very lively.

He also leaned over to take a look.

There was a man and a woman in the crowd, standing in front of a carriage with densely packed porcelain jars, which seemed to contain medicine.

The men and women looked like Taoist priests, and the young man said: "The next is Zhou Bo of the Tianxian Temple, who is the true disciple of the previous Guanzhu. Anyone who has heard of our Tianxian Temple should understand that our Tianxian Temple has been refining pills since ancient times. It can be said that no one knows about medicine and civilization..."

"No one knows? Tianxianguan? What, I haven't heard of it!"

After the youth's introduction, doubts came from the crowd, which made Zhou Bai very embarrassed.

Secretly, which cramp is this nonsense?

Everyone comes out to eat, don't slap your face like that, right?

Chen Feng laughed beside him, and everyone around him laughed too.

At first glance, it is a place that is not well-known, and the alchemy from ancient times to the present, I think it is just Zhou Bai's self-bragging.

Next, the man and the woman began to introduce a lot of things, using the methods of many hawkers, first to introduce, and then to explain the story, combining the origin of their own products and the ancient history they have.

It's the same as true.

They also said that there is an ancient legend in their Tianxianguan. There is a Taoist who concocts alchemy here. When he became enlightened, not only did he soar by himself, but he also flew up with the rest of the beasts, chickens, ducks and dogs.

It is said that this person's immortal skills are so amazing, not only can he ascend to the sky, but even the chickens and ducks around him can soar into gods, and they also say that it is the alchemy technique of their celestial temple that allows that person to soar, and they master it. The doorway, the refined medicinal pills also have magical effects.

"Yes, after talking for a long time, you should also know that we have obtained the inheritance of the immortals, and the refined medicine is called Xiaochun Dan. As long as you eat our medicine, the sick will be cured, and the sick will be healthy. , definitely works!"

Zhou Baidao.

"Each of our medicinal pills has been refined for a month, carefully selected medicinal materials, and refined with secret methods for a long time to succeed. There are dozens of pills in one pot, and only one or two can become pills. You can imagine how rare it is. , don't miss it!"

At this time, Zhou Bo poured out the elixir from the bottle and let everyone see it.

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