Chapter 806: I see!

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The good sentence is very vivid. As long as the mind is quiet and the body is formed into a cycle, after blocking the distracting thoughts, it will generate internal energy by itself.

I see.

He seemed to understand something.

Wang Jie said with a smile: "The birth of inner strength, the sense of qi is only the first step. In fact, this sense of qi is cultivated into a really strong inner strength, or even more and more inner strength. This process will take a long time. !"

"Stepping into the inner strength is just the beginning. It is also inner strength, and the distinction between superior and inferior is obvious! Look at it!"

Wang Jie pressed his pinky finger on the office chair with his right hand, and it clicked.

It can be seen with the naked eye that a thumbprint has collapsed in the place of the little finger, and the fingerprint is clearly visible, up to an inch deep.

"Sorry for breaking your chair!"

After Wang Jie finished work, Yang Xiaotian, Yang Wei and the others, including Chen Feng, were horrified.

With a slight press of the little finger, the solid wood table collapsed by an inch.

a deep hole.

Those who didn't know it thought it was made of metal.

Moreover, I didn't see how hard he tried, but the effect was terrifying.

"A master who has just stepped into the inner strength can't do it. I have several years of skill. When ordinary people get hit with my inner strength, their five internal organs will be shattered, and even a little bit can shatter a person's heart and die on the spot."

After Wang Jie was revealed, he seemed to enjoy seeing everyone's shocked expressions.

Then the office erupted with exclamations.

Yang Xiaotian dreamed of getting such strength, but now seeing Wang Jie's display, his heartbeat is terrifying.

As expected of a master of inner strength!

After Chen Feng saw Wang Jie's powerful means, he became more and more moved.

"Others have worked hard to cultivate inner strength, but I only need to kill some monsters and exchange for an inner strength pill. Looking at this power, it is necessary to improve!"

Chen Feng was secretly happy.

Wang Jie's strength just now showed, making Yang Xiaotian in an extreme shock at this moment.

"Inner strength, inner strength!...If I step into inner strength, my strength will definitely change upside down! Although I had some experience in understanding inner strength before, I couldn't be born at all. Is it because I am not talented enough? No, it's because I still haven't taken this seriously!"

Yang Xiaotian thought to himself: "Quiet is very vivid, I have seen it in books before, but far from there is a real master of inner strength, the shock from his mouth, and Wang Jie's hand, I, Yang Xiaotian, are working hard. Work hard, you can also step into the inner strength..."

Yang Xiaotian's eyes were flushed because of excitement, and his face was also a little penetrating.

No one could understand his desire to break through his inner strength.

He waited for two years without stepping in.

Now that Wang Jie is a master to enlighten him, he feels that he has found a way.

"Okay! The top priority now, let's talk about this enchanting girl incident!"

At this time, Wang Jie, who returned to his seat, looked a little shy and said: "This time, the enchantress's subordinates were killed by you, and his treasure was robbed by you. Don't dare to come! But I can't stay here forever! It's a trouble!"

"Wang Zhen envoy, if the enchanting girl can't come, and come over after you leave, it is indeed a little troublesome, and now I can only wait and see!"

Yang Xiaotian said: "In this period of time, you can get specific news!"

At this time, Yang Wei suddenly said: "The power of the demon princess is so strong, if it doesn't come, it will always be a disaster. Is it possible for us to take the initiative to attack and destroy them?"

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. The latest chapter address: https://

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