Chapter 816: This is a fact!

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Every member of their Demon Suppression Division is very valuable, and who would want to kill their teammates unless it was a last resort.

Yang Xiaotian asked himself where this thing came from. Chen Feng made a random excuse to put it off, saying that he saw this thing at a stall when he was shopping and bought it when he thought it was good.

It's impossible to find this thing in other stores, so it's no use asking.

Everyone doesn't have time to think about this now. Chen Feng is so powerful, so it's just right.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Bai Yi's face changed again and again at this moment. In addition to shocking Chen Feng's strength, he also had something in his hand.

It turns out that the reason why he suppressed the monsters so well is because of the whip in his hand?

Bai Yi just saw Chen Feng's Soul Locking Chain. Although this thing is a chain, it is more like a black whip. Bai Yi finally understands that a large part of Chen Feng's strength comes from this thing.

If he also has something like this, beheading monsters and completing the task will undoubtedly be even more powerful.

He rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "Chen Feng, the weapon in your hand is very powerful. If you use it for the master, I am afraid it will be even more lethal. This will have a huge effect on us strangling these ghosts, and you should contribute to it. Come out, give it to the master, and return it to you later!"

After Bai Yi said these words, not to mention the expressions of everyone at the scene, even Chen Feng frowned.

Yang Xiaotian also looked at Bai Yi.

Ling Shi's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at Bai Yi: "Bai Yi, what are you talking about?"

Other people's things, tributes don't contribute, it's other people's business, it's a bit too much for you to put forward such an opinion here?

"What I'm saying is the truth. For the sake of the overall situation, this will help us strangle this group of monsters. If this weapon is in the hands of the master, the power will probably be stronger, isn't that bad? Is it possible that some of our team members are possessed, or It's good to be killed? We should keep this kind of thing in the hands of the master, and we can lose a few people! I'm also thinking about the entire demon town!"

Bai Yi's expression of justice.

"Bai Yi, don't go too far. You don't obey the captain. We all know that it's just a matter of time, but it's not right for you to say that! Are you jealous that Chen Feng is better than you?"

Zhou Yu in Yang Wei's team couldn't stand it anymore and stared at Bai Yi: "There are monsters everywhere now, are you still here with your little thought? Don't you think it's a bit despicable?"

"That's it, what do you think you are? Chen Feng is the captain who was promoted by the director. What are you doing here all the time?"

"I saw that your eyes were wrong before on the helicopter. If you are not convinced, you can kill more monsters by yourself!"

Wang Chi also stood up and scorned.

"Hehe, am I right?"

Bai Yi was going to say something.


At this time, the director Yang Xiaotian frowned and stared at Bai Yi with soulful eyes: "Bai Yi, don't provoke at this time, you are not convinced by Chen Feng? You have seen his strength just now, what's wrong with you? Convinced?"

"Chen Feng's strength is stronger than mine, do you think he is showing his strength with that whip?"

When Yang Xiaotian's voice came, Bai Yi immediately shut up.

But he still looked unconvinced.

Chen Feng smiled and said at this time: "It's okay, Master, it's just a whip. If it can exert its power in your hands, it will be better!"

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. The latest chapter address: https://

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