Chapter 884: It's simple!

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But fortunately, Chen Feng was able to spend a whole day in a state of power failure.

He has several electronic devices, even if the mobile phone is out of power, there is still a power bank, and it doesn't matter if the power bank is out of power.

He also has two laptops, both of which are fully charged, just charged today.

It's so easy to spend a day without electricity in a fun way!

To be precise, it is still equivalent to having electricity here. It's just that the refrigerator can't be used, but fortunately the weather is cooler now, these things can still be stored.

Chen Feng was extremely fortunate that he had eaten the ice cream before, otherwise the ice cream would have been wasted, and the refrigerator could not be used, so naturally the ice cream could not be stored.

Chen Feng came to the kitchen slowly and leisurely, just about to clean up the tableware, but found that Su Mengya did not know when to clean up all the tableware and chopsticks, and the speed was quite fast.

You must know that there were more than a dozen plates and dishes on the table at that time, and the kitchen was in a mess.

Su Mengya cleaned up so quickly, she didn't even notice it, but she was a housekeeper.

Of course, the dozen or so dishes on the table were not finished.

After all, two people are not rice buckets, so naturally there is not much to eat.

But some dishes are different.

For example, there are a lot of things like shrimp and crabs, but in fact, there are not many shells removed, so the two people still solved several dishes, which also means that Su Mengya has to brush a lot of pots and dishes.

Chen Feng took out a can of strawberries from the refrigerator, poured it into a bowl, and returned to the bedroom unhurriedly, intending to spend the night peacefully.

It is quite early to arrive at two in the afternoon.

Chen Feng was lying on the bed, looking at the e-books in his mobile phone with interest. When the mobile phone was out of power, it was relatively comfortable to use the power bank to recharge it.

After reading the e-book for a while, Chen Feng only felt a pain in his head and thought about doing something else. After resting for a while, he went out for a walk in the living room for a few laps.

Looking at the scenery outside from the balcony, Chen Feng came back and planned to play a few games.

Although I am relatively good at playing games by myself, the problem is that I have super powers, and I have super powers. If there is something that cannot be solved, it can only be said that the money is not enough.

Chen Feng added a few pieces of strawberries and put them in his mouth to eat with a taste, and started a game by the way.

As soon as he entered the game, Chen Feng was very happy. He didn't expect that a teammate happened to be the opposite player he met when he used his super powers.

"Wow, brother, your ID is a bit familiar. You're not the player from before, right? You paid a thousand dollars?"

The player really noticed Chen Feng, and he greeted Chen Feng immediately, and Chen Feng admitted it generously.

"Yeah, it's really me. I didn't expect you to remember it!"

Although Chen Feng said so, he still knew why the other party still remembered him.

Isn't that simple?

1,000 yuan is just for one head, which is absolutely shocking. It is estimated that it has been shocking for a long time, and it may even never be forgotten. His behavior as a local tyrant is definitely rare, even Wang Moucong It may not be possible to do such a thing.

It's not that Wang Moucong doesn't have money, it's really unnecessary for this kind of thing, and he won't spend tens of thousands of yuan for a game.

There are tens of thousands of dollars as well as a meal.

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. The latest chapter address: https://

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. Read the full text address: https://

At the beginning, I have nine divine tree martial arts txt download address: https://

At the beginning, I have nine Divine Tree Martial Soul mobile phones to read: https://

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