Chapter 886: It seems to be good too!

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And those guys with impure motives with purpose, they are too lazy to pay attention to themselves, at most a few perfunctory words to make the other party feel their perfunctory, stop talking, even if it is over.

At this time, Chen Feng's mobile phone beeped a message alert again. Chen Feng turned on the mobile phone and swiped away the prestige. He didn't expect that this message was actually sent by Su Mengya. Why did Su Mengya find him again?

"Chen Feng, are you interested in being an anchor too! I think you are so handsome and talented that you will definitely become popular, and you will make a lot of money by then!"

Su Mengya suggested that Chen Feng also be the anchor.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng smiled and replied: "No, thank you for your kindness, but I'm not interested in money."

This Su Mengya is really interesting, have you forgotten how you saw Su Mengya generating electricity for love before? Su Mengya actually wants to make herself an anchor too. It seems that Su Mengya still has a passion for the anchor industry.

Even if it is generating electricity for love, Su Mengya enjoys it.

But what Su Mengya said was right. Just rely on yourself to really be popular, and you can also make a lot of money.

The problem is that I am not interested in the money. It's not that Chen Feng is completely disinterested in money.

It's really that the big money in Su Mengya's mouth is different from the big money in his mouth.

In Su Mengya's eyes, big money is likely to be a day's pocket money in his own eyes, so Chen Feng is not not interested in money, but is not interested in small money.

"Well, it's a pity, you are so handsome, if you are an anchor, you will definitely be popular!" Su Mengya sent another message.

Before waiting for Chen Feng's reply, Su Mengya sent another message: "I'm going to the live broadcast first, today while the heat is good, I'm going to start another live broadcast, bye!"

"Bye bye." Chen Feng replied casually, and opened a prestige king sheep.

This is not a chat group, but one of his rent collection groups. He has several houses that are rented out, and of course all the residents in this group are his own.

There are nearly 100 households in this group, and they are all high-end households. After all, their houses are all high-end residences.

It is really tiring to collect rent from house to house. I have already experienced it for a long time. Why would those landlords find a second landlord or a trustee to collect rent.

It is true that people go from house to house to collect rent, holding a bunch of keys does not seem so majestic, but a little tired.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Chen Feng simply set up a group, and when it was time to collect the rent, he would let them know in the group and let them post it in his prestige.

If these households do not pay the rent, then they will find someone to collect the rent themselves.

If you really don't pay, then of course you can only drive people away. Anyway, these people can't do anything with the deposit, and there is still a lease contract.

"The tenants should pay the rent today. They all privately message me and transfer it to my prestige."

Chen Feng voiced a message and went out. After a while, the prestige became lively, and the sound of ding ding ding ding was heard from time to time.

Needless to say, it was those prestige transfers. Looking at the words of prestige transfer on the phone screen, Chen Feng clicked on these transfers one by one to receive them.

In such a blink of an eye, Chen Feng collected 800,000 yuan just by collecting rent, but Chen Feng didn't even blink his eyelids.

"It seems good to use this money to open a restaurant."

Chen Feng thought for a while, and felt that he should open a shop near the community, so that he could manage it himself.

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. The latest chapter address: https://

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