Chapter 919: You have the flu?

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"Don't worry, I will pay for the appearance fee. The income from the gift is all yours, and I will give you another appearance fee. What price do you think is appropriate?"

Su Mengya looked at Chen Feng nervously, and felt a little drum in her heart.

However, I still feel that the money should be given out. Although it is inappropriate for Chen Feng to suddenly ask for money, he can't let Chen Feng make a toss. No matter what he thinks, he should express it.

"I'm just joking, you're serious! Where do I need the appearance fee? Do you think I need this money?"

Chen Feng reluctantly said that he was broadcasting live. He originally wanted to tell ghost stories to more people and satisfy his own little wish.

Besides, it wasn't Su Mengya who invited him to the live broadcast, so the appearance fee didn't exist, it was just for the effect of the live broadcast.

Did the netizens get more excited after seeing those words?

"Okay. But what you get from brushing the gifts today is all yours. Is this okay?" Su Mengya said shyly, feeling that she owed Chen Feng another favor. Chen Feng had rewarded herself many times before. The money alone is already countless, and it has also made myself popular.

Now he is broadcasting live in his own live broadcast room, and once again he has gained a lot of attention.

Now that he can be regarded as a well-known Internet celebrity, the road in the future will definitely be smoother and smoother, and this is entirely due to Chen Feng.

"No problem, I'll listen to you. By the way, it's still raining now. Can you make do with it? I still have a lot of hot pot **** in the refrigerator. Let's have a simple little hot pot!"

Chen Feng thought about it and couldn't help but suggest it.

I happen to be alone to eat, and I am a little lonely. Besides, being an otaku is really boring. If there is no one to accompany me, it will be boring.

Fortunately, there are these two beautiful women.

It's better to eat together, that's more fun.

Both Li Chenxi and Su Mengya agreed.

The three of them got busy together, and they ate hot pot after a while.

Although the ingredients of this hot pot are not very good, they are all very cheap hot pot meatballs, which are not nutritious, and there are not many kinds of vegetables, but the atmosphere is here!

The three of us still enjoyed the meal.


Li Chenxi held a bowl and said a toast to Chen Feng and Su Mengya. Hearing this, Chen Feng and Su Mengya were dumbfounded.

"What do you think, holding a bowl and saying toast?"

Chapter 28 The Takeaway

Hearing this, the two girls laughed. Chen Feng must be too funny, right?

"What's wrong with the dry bowl? The dry bowl is good too!"

Su Mengya said with a smile, after hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, but she didn't say anything about eating hot pot quietly. The two beauties were also very happy and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I don't know when Su Mengya's shoulder strap actually fell off, but Su Mengya didn't know it, and there was a delicious mutton roll there.

Li Chenxi didn't seem to notice this situation, maybe he was making shrimp slippery, so he didn't care, or he didn't see it.

Chen Feng looked at it clearly, because Chen Feng was sitting directly opposite Su Mengya, and Su Mengya's shoulder strap fell, and a cloud of snow white also appeared.

Chen Feng coughed awkwardly.

"What's the matter with you? Have a cold?"

Su Mengya didn't even realize it, and put a piece of fat beef into Chen Feng's bowl.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly said: "No, look at your shoulder straps."

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