Chapter 922: Take it easy!

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The cheapest value is also more than 5 million.

And the value of the Rolls-Royce that I drove just now was 46 million, which is quite satisfactory, not the most expensive.

After parking the car, Chen Feng rested in the villa for a while, and began to study the takeaway platform to register a rider.

I remember that I read in a previous report that riders need to register, and some people order takeout because they don’t know how to operate, and they make a joke.

After tossing for a long time, I registered a rider for myself, but did not order takeout. And Chen Feng now really needs to be a rider.

After the registration was successful, Chen Feng walked towards the location indicated on the software.

I just happened to be going to that delivery company to apply for this rider, and then I will truly become a delivery driver.

Chen Feng made an appointment to the delivery company, and there happened to be several deliverymen filling out the form here.

Under the guidance of a staff member, Chen Feng quickly came to an office and briefly introduced himself, even if he successfully became a delivery driver.

Chen Feng was also able to borrow an electric car, which was specially used for them to deliver food.

Of course, you have to pay some rent first.

Otherwise, what if you run away on an electric bike?

This situation still exists, but Chen Feng does not.

After paying the rent, Chen Feng took another step and officially became a delivery driver. He has mastered this rule and knows how to deliver the order.

The corresponding procedures are all understood.

Chen Feng just thought it was very fresh, but he didn't expect that the work of this takeaway was quite interesting.

It's just that the time card is very tight. No wonder many takeaways are racing against time. The time in between is really too little.

If the restaurant is a little later, the delivery time will be shorter.

It is very likely that you will be late in the end.

It is likely that the delivery person will be fined by then.

Chen Feng is obviously not worried about this problem, because if the fine is not fined, a few dollars can be fined.

Even if you can't be a delivery driver in the future, that's okay.

Anyway, this experience task does not limit itself.

I just let myself experience the work of a delivery person for a week, but I didn't say that I had to take orders every day, nor how many orders I would take, nor did I say that it must be completed on time, and I couldn't be complained.

In short, Chen Feng does not have any performance pressure, let alone fines.

After all, that's not much money.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Feng is so calm.

Soon Chen Feng received an order, and Chen Feng went to the restaurant to pick up food slowly.

It seems that he is not in a hurry at all, and the gap with the two riders next to him is really too big.

The two riders blushed and kept urging people in the restaurant to cook quickly.

After all, it is their time that is wasted now.

If they can come here and get their meal right away, then their time will be a lot richer.

But the restaurant doesn't cook faster because of their urging.

Don't mention how eager these two riders are, if they go on like this, they might be late.

"Don't worry, do it slowly." Chen Feng leaned against the wall calmly, playing calmly with his mobile phone, completely ignoring the complaints.

The two riders were dumbfounded, but they hurriedly took the takeaway and left.

It is estimated that after they are done, they will tell their colleagues about this strange thing, and there are riders who are not in a hurry to deliver meals.

This is definitely something I've never seen before.

By the time Chen Feng got the meal, it was almost time-out, and Chen Feng was not in a hurry.

At the beginning, I have nine gods and martial spirits. The latest chapter address: https://

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