Chapter 2084: Caterpillar

Want to hunt special sea monsters, you can use the bait-like means to attract them to the 153 zone.

No matter what creature, it may be driven by desire and fall into simple or complicated traps.

Once trapped, life and death are left to be controlled by others, completely involuntarily.

Tang Zhen has done this more than once, the most recent one is to pretend to be the ancient devil to hunt the devil.

Although this memory has not recovered for a while, but due to the habit, Tang Zhen still gave birth to a similar idea.

It is just a matter of using it as a bait, but it needs to be studied carefully. After all, he does not understand the habits of the sea monsters, and there is no way to start in a hurry.

To deal with this kind of monster, you don't need too complicated layout. Just make something like a beating agent, you can make the sea monsters like a moth.

So he will spend the battle, query the details of these sea monsters, and choose the most reasonable and effective formula.

Although he has the ability to create things, he can directly use the idea to make bait, but the scope of this idea is too large, and he wants to show it out, and the consumption is even larger than the gun weapon.

This kind of exchange is not cost-effective. After thinking about Tang Zhen, I finally chose not to use the idea, but to prepare it by hand.

Once successful, the cost of trapping sea monsters will be greatly reduced, and you can let go of it without any scruples.

After studying for a long time, Tang Zhen has gradually got an idea and is ready to try it as soon as possible.

There are a lot of materials needed, which can be basically ordinary items. The ability to use ideas is almost negligible.

At the same time, there is an advantage in the creation of ideas, that is, the most pure items can be produced, and they can be used directly for deployment.

Instead of getting some kind of raw material first, and then making a second extraction, the items that are ninety-nine are scraps.

To do this, you must be familiar with the basic elements that make up everything, whether simple or complex, you must keep in mind.

For ordinary people, doing this is harder than going to heaven.

However, for Tang Zhen, who has absorbed the archives of countless Trojans, this is not a difficult matter.

After leaving the temple, Tang Zhen entered the space opened up inside the mountain. As the thought rose, a piece of experimental equipment appeared in front of him.

Soon there was another long table with the same colorful objects, pure and without any impurities.

After Tang Zhen glanced at it, he picked up a few items and began to mix them according to his thoughts.

Sun Jun had been there during the period, but after seeing Tang Zhen’s frowning and contemplative look, he immediately withdrew, so as not to disturb him.

When I saw those experimental equipment, Sun Jun realized that Tang Zhen was definitely doing something unsatisfactory.

After seeing Tang Zhen’s magical ability, Sun Jun couldn’t help but have a look forward to seeing what kind of surprises Tang Zhen can bring to the crowd after the experiment.

There is no day and night in the kingdom of God. Those who come to this place will feel very uncomfortable.

It seems that time has stagnated, and the long end has no end, which makes people feel a sense of suffering.

However, for Tang Zhen, who is dedicated to it, there is no discomfort at all, but as time goes by, the expression becomes more and more relaxed.

If you look at him, you know that it may take a long time for the experiment to succeed.

At this time, the soldiers on the wall were still training, and in the distant ocean, they began to change slowly.

After a previous shelling, many fish wrecks floated on the ocean, along with some monster bodies.

Soon, nearby monsters were attracted by the **** smell, gathered in the ocean in front of the defense zone, constantly consuming the floating flesh and blood.

Their skulls are exposed from time to time, making the sea like a boil, and it’s amazing.

The sniper on the wall saw it and immediately placed a huge sniper rifle in the mouth, locking the outcrop of the sea monster to launch an attack.

This heavy-duty sniper rifle is a modified version that is nearly two meters long and uses an armor-piercing projectile of the same caliber as an anti-aircraft machine gun.

Even ordinary armored vehicles can't resist the attack of this bullet, and it will be easily broken down.

Although the scales of the sea monsters are thick, they are not able to withstand the attack of heavy sniper rifles.

If it is under normal circumstances, ordinary people simply cannot control such weapons, and recoil alone is enough to cause people to collapse.

However, after the transformation of Tang Zhen, the recoil of this special sniper rifle is greatly weakened, and the believers themselves have a weak strength, so they can be manipulated freely.

As the sound of a gun rang, the monsters in the ocean were hit in succession, and the gushing blood stained the seawater while smashing the waves.

The monster that was hit by the key quickly stopped struggling, and the body fluttered with the waves.

Those sea monsters who were not injured and died were struggling in the ocean, and even some sea monsters rushed straight to the shore.

Look at them, it is clearly a fierce hair, want to attack the believers on the wall.

Even if they leave the ocean, these sea monsters are still flying at a speed, so that the soldiers who saw the sea monsters for the first time were secretly shocked.

The machine gunner, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately fired. When the sea monsters boarded the beach, they were completely torn into pieces.

Under such violent firepower coverage, even if the sea monster is fast, it is impossible to avoid it.

"Everyone is prepared, afraid that it will not take long, more sea monsters will launch attacks."

Looking at the beach that was gradually stained with blood, the recruits were full of excitement, and the expressions of the old soldiers were gradually dignified.

The monsters in the ocean are the most bloodthirsty. Whenever the battle occurs, there are countless low-level sea monsters attracted by the **** taste.

They are not the kind of cannons that participate in the siege. They also need to be mutated by fish and sea beasts. The number is large and messy, which is equivalent to wild monsters.

Every time you are attracted by the **** taste, the wild sea monsters will attack wildly. The more blood that kills the monsters, the more the number of wild sea monsters attracted.

They will come constantly, unless all the sea monsters in the vicinity are killed in one breath, otherwise the attack will not stop.

Fortunately, compared to organized humanoid sea monsters, these wild monsters do not like to attack the city wall, basically only in the ocean.

However, there are still some fierce wild monsters that will suddenly rush to the beach and attack the city wall.

If the number is small. Believers can easily solve them, even without ringing the drums.

But if there are too many sea monsters, then the entire zone will enter a state of war to avoid accidents.

It is for this reason that the various zones will not easily smother these wild monsters if they are not necessary, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

Tang Zhen wants to earn a lot of military exploits, so he will dare to shell the ocean and attract nearby sea monsters.

Those veteran oils have already guessed Tang Zhen’s thoughts. But they have no ability to stop it. While secretly cursing in the heart, they also prepared for the battle.

However, it was only then that they discovered that their weapons were only suitable for close combat, but those sea monsters had no chance to rush to the wall, and they had been killed on the beach one after another.