Chapter 2133: First to be strong

A few kilometers of the defense zone flashed from under the feet, and the six-winged king again made a crisp tweet and went straight into the deep sea.

The believers on the wall of the zone saw a glimpse of the envy of the color, and were able to enter the deep sea with the King of the Winged Birds, and they were all true strong.

Some people even shouted and waved at Tang Zhen to express their admiration.

The Six-winged Bird King also seems to be very excited, and his mouth whispers from time to time to show his existence.

For the general public, the deep sea is a taboo, but for the six-winged king, it is an excellent place to hunt.

As long as you don't provoke those fierce sea monsters, you can come and go in the deep sea with the advantage of being able to fly at high altitude.

However, the King of the Serpentine can only deal with some ordinary sea monsters, and they encounter giant monsters that are dozens of meters in size, and they dare not easily provoke them.

Otherwise, the Great Temple will certainly cultivate this kind of birds as much as possible, let them kill the sea monsters, in order to reduce the pressure on the zone.

In order to curb the attack of the sea monsters, it is still necessary for the believers to complete the battle, and to fight against the defense line formed by flesh and blood.

In the past years, I do not know how many believers have died.

The Kingdom of God does not distinguish between day and night, and perhaps wants to blur the sense of time. Otherwise, the day-to-day killing is really easy to collapse.

When a believer dies, he can summon it again. The sea monsters are also madly breeding at the same time. This state is maintained between the two sides and has not changed for many years.

Perhaps it is not that believers do not want to change, but because of the rules and pressures of the Kingdom of God, they have no time and energy to change it.

The imminent crisis of survival, and the inconvenience of memory being erased, have made believers numb.

Today's country of God, like a cumbersome and worn-out machine, can barely keep running.

Tang Zhen is different from ordinary ordinary believers. He has stronger strength and has not become a numbness in the suppression of the rules of the kingdom of God.

This is why he is able to change the status quo and introduce new ones.

In fact, there are countless believers in the Kingdom of God, and there may not be no surprises, but unfortunately, for various reasons, they will eventually fall into the endless killing.

Perhaps this is exactly what the Great Temple wants. It does not need to actively seek change. It just wants to maintain a stable state and maintain the stability of the Kingdom of God with the lives of the devotees.

This kind of approach is not right or wrong. Perhaps for the indigenous gods, those who are desperate for him are just insignificant ants.

The so-called martial arts rewards are just to stabilize the people, just like the mirrors.

Many years have passed, and there are still a few believers who are really able to make their mark. Are not ninety-nine percent dead in this cage?

When thinking in the heart, the King of the Wings is farther and farther from the coast, showing a dark sea in front of Tang Zhen.

The original blue sky, with its deepening, changed its color and began to become dark and gloomy like the ocean under its feet.

From time to time, there are objects like Stars in the sky, as well as a strip of colored light. This is the composition of the energy that escapes when the Sea Monster's Nest breaks and absorbs.

What the believer can't do, the sea monster can do it, this may be the ability of the destroyer.

The Six-winged Bird King is very interested in this kind of escape energy. In the process of flying, if he encounters it, he will make a loud exclamation and open his mouth to tear it.

These fugitive energy also seems to be life-like. When the hexagram king approaches, he will flee in the distance.

Blackbird seems to be very familiar with this scene, so whenever the King of the Wings seems to chase, he will shoot the back of the bird to warn him to concentrate on his way.

His expression on Tang Zhen was gloomy, his eyes were turning from time to time, and he didn’t know what he was pondering.

The fierce light that flashed from time to time proves that his mood is not calm.

The long journey, plus the one-winged six-winged bird king, is very inconvenient to communicate with each other.

After leaving the land, there was no communication between the two.

At this moment, both of them are full of thoughts. Tang Zhen has already determined that the other party is not good, and the black scorpion does not know what to plan, but he can be sure that he wants to kill Tang Zhen.

Of course, Tang Zhen is also preparing to kill him, but it is not yet time to start.

And Tang Zhen has also confirmed that this black scorpion seems to be unprepared, and in fact is secretly observing and guarding him.

Obviously, the other party is not sure whether Tang Zhen has been hooked, for fear that Tang Zhen will find flaws and suddenly launch an attack.

In this state of mutual protection, the King of the Wings continued to move forward, and there were more and more sea monsters seen along the way.

These are still wild sea monsters. If they do not gather in groups to attack the land, it will not cause much harm.

However, they are still the diseased body of the Kingdom of God, or the distracting demons of the indigenous gods. Once formed into a sufficient scale, it will cause great harm.

Tang Zhen has long discovered that the ocean of the Kingdom of God is not simple.

If the sea monster is a diseased body with a heart and a distraction, then the vast ocean can be regarded as the blood of the indigenous gods.

Sea monsters live in the blood, consuming and consuming nutrients all the time, making themselves stronger.

A few sea monsters may not be a problem, but when countless sea monsters are swallowed at the same time, they will cause extremely terrible losses every moment.

In this kind of devouring, the kingdom of God became weaker and weaker. It was like a wounded person with a disease, just barely sighing.

When I was thinking about it, there was a shadow in the ocean ahead, and it seemed that the area was not small.


Tang Zhen originally thought that he had encountered the Sea Monsters, but when he looked carefully, he found that it was not.

The shadow is not a sea monster in a group, but an island made up of rock formations, or a huge island reef.

It is like a myriad of coral reefs that make up an island that is very abrupt in the long sea.

“Is there an island in this ocean?”

Tang Zhen brows and wrinkles, feeling something is wrong.

If it is the ocean of a normal world, it is not surprising that there are islands, but why is there an island in the ocean where this indigenous **** is present?

In Tang Zhen's view, such an island has almost no meaning of existence except for wasting energy.

After all, this is the world of sea monsters, even if it is made beautiful again, it will eventually escape the destruction of the end.

The facts are as much as he thinks. The islands are not grassy, ​​and there are traces of damage everywhere. It looks ugly.

"The front is our destination. The companion who arrived earlier should have entered the submarine cave. Let's go straight."

Black Donkey said to Tang Zhen, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"Is it here, too!"

Tang Zhen smiled and his eyes became a little cold.

In the next moment, he has already leaped from the King of the Pteropod, and a cold flashing knife appeared in his hand, slanting through the black body.

The speed of this knife is extremely fast, the black scorpion can't be evaded at all, and the body is divided into two by the knives.

"Damn, you really are stupid!"

Just heard a scream, and then I saw a human-sized thing in the black scorpion, falling directly into the deep sea.