Chapter 2872: Trapped ogre city

The wilderness outside the ecstasy city, a chaotic scene, the once mighty demon legion is now embarrassed.

Dozens of meters above the ground, the purple-bearded demon king looks somber that he is no longer as airy as he was at the beginning.

As time goes by, the demon's loss is getting larger and larger, and the randomly appearing beams of teleportation continue to take away the members of the demon legion.

This weird beam of teleportation doesn't have any laws at all. It appeared below the Demon City in the previous second, and may appear a few kilometers away in the next instant.

Even standing still doesn't guarantee safety, because the beam of light is likely to appear under your feet.

It is this invincible beam of teleportation that has caused the demons to collapse, because they know very well what will happen after being teleported.

Try to escape from this place, but no matter how far you run, you will eventually return to the place.

Only then did the demons realize that the ecstasy city is not a place where you want to come and go.

Unconsciously, the emotion called panic began to spread among the demons.

Demon is a very strange thing, not afraid of death, but can't bear the torture of fantasy.

The anger and murderousness vented nowhere, made their emotions more violent, and continued to scream.

Even the Demon King is incapable of controlling this situation.

In the final analysis, the demon monks are in fact rough and brutal beasts, but only by chance have they become extraordinary.

Due to the lack of tempering, demons are more likely to go into trouble than human monks.

When fighting against the wind, the demons struggled to advance, even if they were in adversity, they would fight hard.

Even if the battle is at the last minute, all the companions are killed, the demon monk will fight to the end.

They are born fighters, but their emotions are too easy to get out of control, and only the demon king can deter them.

If the demon king can't deter him, the situation will become very dangerous, and the demon may be in a state of rage, even the same tribe will kill each other.

For example, at this moment, many monsters are running around, and do not obey the command of the demon king at all.

They are affected by the illusion and are obviously in a state of insanity. If this situation is allowed to continue, they will eventually become downright madmen.

In this state, even the companion is afraid to contact easily, because it will become the first target of attack, and there will be no hesitation when starting.

The demon who stayed in place was equally irritable, exposing his fangs and groaning constantly.

Their state is just as bad, and if they can't solve the problem, sooner or later they will fall into a state of insanity.

"You have to find a way, or else if we continue this way, we all have to die here!"

The three demon kings got together, and one demon king said, his voice was full of anxiety.

Seeing his subordinates disappeared or being shot and killed by armor-piercing arrows flying somewhere, he could no longer keep calm.

Maybe it won't be long before the Demon Legion he leads will be completely damaged in front of the Demon City.

The evil alliance launched an attack and contacted a large number of allies. The demons are just one of them, but their strength is almost the same as the evil alliance.

The demon agreed to send troops because he had long been prosperous in the world and longed for a lot of blood.

The problem is that there are so many demons in the world, and anyone wants to get a share of it, but if they don't have enough strength, they are not qualified to participate at all.

With the Demon Legion, you can prove your strength. If you are only a light pole commander, you have no confidence in speaking.

"Everyone is trying to find a way, but it is useless at all, because no one can leave this ghost place."

Another demon king said that his tone was full of depression. He sent the most subordinates and tried to find a way to leave.

As a result, he tried it, damaged hundreds of his subordinates, and scared him to stop this temptation.

Fearing that the investigation will continue, he will become the commander of the bare pole, so he chose wisely to preserve his strength.

"Since you can't leave, you can only find a way to launch a strong attack. This foolish city is just relying on the formation method, and its own strength is vulnerable."

Another demon king said in a fierce tone that his eyes became red as blood.

There was also an eye on his forehead, apparently injured, and he was now tightly closed.

The demon king's heart was full of annoyance. When he used the talent and mystery to explore the fantasy array, he was suddenly attacked from the ogre city.

The sneak attack came silently. With the cover of the magic array, the demon king was almost killed.

Although at the last crisis, the demon king successfully avoided the sneak attack, but that eye was also shot blind.

Such a terrible loss made the demon king almost go crazy. At that time, he vowed loudly to the city of the demon monster, and must raz it to the ground.

Just saying so many ruthless words and making vows of poison will not help the siege.

He always insisted on siege, even if he paid a heavy price, but he did not get the support of other demon kings.

"If you want to be trapped in the phantom and you can't get out like the idiot, then no one will stop you."

The demon king insisting on evacuation, with a slightly ironic tone, stretched his fingers forward.

It was a figure floating in mid-air, waving its weapons frantically, with a roar of killing in its mouth.

Looking at him, it seemed that he was fighting the enemy fiercely, almost to the point of fighting death.

But from the perspective of the onlooker, he could only see the twinkling streamer, constantly surrounding the figure.

Those severe attacks all fell into the woods and fields, and from time to time there was a muffled sound.

There were also some unlucky demons, who were affected by the attack, and died in their own hands with great sorrow.

Although a state of insanity and chaos, it can still be seen that this figure is the Bailin Demon King.

He despised human races the most. When he heard the rumors of the Demon City, he vowed to turn it into a dead city.

As a result, at this moment, he was deeply trapped in the fantasy world of the Demon City, fighting with non-existing enemies to this day.

The four demon kings can all see that the Bailin demon king is almost exhausted, but still still biting his teeth and struggling to support it.

This scene, looking ridiculous, is also shocking.

Although Bailin Demon King is crude and arrogant, his strength is indeed not weak. Except for the Purple Beard Demon King, the other three demon kings may not be his opponents.

But such a master, but fell into a fantasy array and could not extricate himself, such a result is enough to show that the enemy is powerful.

Although there is some friction between each other, they belong to the same lineup after all, they have no reason to die.

Only in the face of weird fantasy, no one dares to take the shot easily, so as not to fall into it.

The Purple Beard King is silent, constantly thinking about how to get rid of danger, but there is still no suitable way.

The imaginary formations of the Demon City are too powerful and far beyond his imagination. According to the understanding of the King of the Purple Beard, no similar imaginary formations have ever appeared in the past.

The King of the Purple Beard suspects that this set of fantasy arrays is not from the local practice world, but from the treasures of the ancient **** continent!

The more I think about it, the more I feel, the mood of the King of the Purple Beard becomes erratic, but once again it increases the value of the Demon City.

This is his habit, always assessing value before deciding whether to do his best.

A monk who knows space techniques and can arrange powerful fantasy formations and suspects mastering the ancient **** continent is worthy of the full attention of the King of the Whiskers.

"I have a blood vein mystery that can pass information through the fantasy array, but it will hurt itself and affect its strength in a short time.

If you can swear to protect myself before my strength is restored, I will be willing to sacrifice once. "

The Purple Bearded Demon King is secretive and obviously wants to swallow the benefits, but he shows a sense of righteousness.

The three demon kings heard that if there was no reason to agree, they nodded quickly and said yes.

The Purple Beard King immediately made the three demon kings swear, then summoned the confidant demon to be guarded by the side, and then began to perform the bloodline secret technique.